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Jungkook spent the rest of his time in his office, he wanted to finish up his work early and spend some time with his parents before they left. Jackson stopped by his office a few times to get some documents that he had to edit.

A couple of hours later Jungkook finally got up from his desk, letting out a long yawn while stretching, it was finally time to go home.

"When is Moon coming back?" Jackson asked while he walked Jungkook out, "he isn't sure yet, his schedule might change" Jungkook replied. "Aha, okay"

"You really don't want me drive you home?" Jackson asked. "You have work sir, plus you need to sleep early tonight or you will miss you flight tomorrow". Jackson let out a huff, "you must have been a bus in your past life, seeing how you like them so much"

Jungkook laughed, "well, maybe". Jackson bid him goodbye and watched him walk toward the bus stop, a bus would be arriving in about two minutes. Jungkook waved back at him before crossing the road. Jackson waited until he got on the bus before going back inside.

About thirty minutes later, Jungkook was at the front gate.

"Baby giiiiiirl" Jungkook said out loud as he opened the door. And as always, a little girl in a fluffy blue dress came running to the door. "Kookie" she said as he picked her up.

He nuzzled their noses together and kissed he forehead, "I missed you" he said, "I missed you too" she replied holding Jungkook's face between her small hands.

They made their way to his parent's room, Namjoon was laying down and Jin was going through the closet. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" Jin asked, "o definitely" Jungkook replied sitting down.

"We actually got a new director today" Jungkook continued to explain, "he is quite young though, seems like a couple of years older than me" Jungkook continued to explain a few things to his parents while his daughter played with his hair.

Some time later, Jin was done packing for the trip and the whole family got ready for dinner, Jungkook was going to stay home that night, given the fact that his parents would be leaving in the morning.

"So your assistant will take over during the last thirty minutes" Namjoon asked again. "Yes sir" Jungkook replied nodding. All the artist were allowed to have assistants for their exhibitions. Jungkook definitely needed the help, his daughter needed extra care and even though they planned to leave by eight, he was hopping she could manage to stay awake till seven thirty at least, although he had little faith in that happening.

"I have to make sure she sleeps during the day tomorrow" Jungkook said eyeing her with squinted eyes, she just laughed, finding her dad to be silly.

They chatted a bit more about the exhibition and the trip, "you guys have to promise that you wont be calling me all the time" Jungkook said, Jin was about to say something, "no, no buts, if you do, I will block both of you"

"Okay fine" Jin said giving up. They have to trust him, he cane handle it, he is responsible and it's not like he will be all alone.
The next day, Jin and Namjoon found Jungkook in his art room, it was around seven in the morning, which wasn't much of a surprise, chances are he didn't sleep last night.

"We will call you when we land okay" Namjoon said hugging his son, "okay" Jungkook replied with a smile, he later bid his parents goodbye after seeing them off and went back inside.

His daughter was still sleeping, so he decided to prepare breakfast.

He didn't want to let his parents know, but he was feeling somewhat anxious and scared, what if he can't do it all on his own, what if something happens to his daughter while they are out, what if he is not good enough to take care of her on his own.

This thoughts made his chest tighten and he didn't like it, he wanted to call his parents, but he decided against it. They trust him, so he should trust himself too, right.


Jungkook rushed to his daughter's room when he heard her call, "princess" he said picking her up, she was still sleepy as she tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes, she must have woken up from a dream. He walked around holding her in his arms until she went back to sleep.

"I can do this" he said to himself.

The day went by perfectly. When his daughter was finally awake, they had breakfast and later gave her bath. With the aim of tiring her out, Jungkook planned to take her to the kids park and later at the amusement park, he had to make sure later that afternoon, she sleeps. He also needed to sleep, given the fact that he didn't sleep last night. They got ready and headed out.

Jungkook sat at a bench and watched his daughter run around, at some point she was playing around with other kids and not for a second did he take his eyes off her.

"when she turns five...."

Jungkook had to shake his head when he caught himself trailing down a path that he knew was bad. He can't think like that, he can't entertain those thoughts, she is here now, she is healthy, she is happy, she is here.

Jungkook was so zoned out that he didn't feel the tug on his shirt, "Kookie?", "huh" he finally snapped out of it and realized his daughter was calling him, "I want to go on the swing" she said pointing at the said swing.

Jungkook picked her up and they went to the swing, they played until she was tired. Then they finally left the park.

Walking back into their house Jungkook was feeling very proud of himself, his daughter was out like a light, he knew he would fall asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

He tucked his daughter in and then went to bed, all the running around really calmed him down. Later they can go and enjoy the exhibition.
Jungkook looked at his watch, in about twenty minutes their car will be coming to pick them up. His daughter was dressed in a beautiful pink pastel dress and of course a tiara because her grandparents always tell her that a princess should always have her tiara.

Jungkook had on a black tux and a pink bracelet that his daughter insisted on since they couldn't have matching tiaras.

"You guy look amazing" Moon said, the little girl did a little spin in front of the phone to show him. "You have to take care of Kookie tonight okay" Moon said, to which she nodded with a smile.

She later left to get her purse that was in the living room while Jungkook continued to talk to Moon. "I am sure you will have people flooding in to see your work" Moon said assuringly, Jungkook gave a small smile, he was definitely still feeling a bit nervous, it was a big night for him.

Moon continued to give him some words of encouragement before ending the call. Jungkook double checked his daughter's bag to see if he had everything.

A little bit after that, there was a call, it was the driver.

The little girl had her little bag over her shoulder, Jungkook picked her up and over his other shoulder he had a slightly bigger bag for his daughter.

"Ready?" he asked

"Yes" she replied with her beautiful bright boxy smile.


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