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Little Prince

Jungkook could never get used to the stares he would get whenever he went out with his daughter, he understood people's amazement with her, but he still didn't like it.

At this event, the people were trying to be modest, he could see how some of them were so close to walking up to him and bombarding him with questions, but they didn't, they were most likely trying to protect their reputation.

The fact that no press was allowed inside the building was the main reason why Jungkook was okay with bringing his daughter.

It had been an hour since they arrived, the event occupied the first and second floor of the building. All the artists present were incredibly talented, and it was quite crowded.

He had given his little girl a tour of his section, even though she would forget a lot of the words he was saying by the end of the night, he explained things to her non the less.

"Appa, this one is like me" she said pointing at one the paintings. It was a picture of two faces joined in the middle, the one she pointed at was the one with a blue eye.

Jungkook smiled, "yes honey, this one is like you" he replied.

More people reached his side of the exhibition and he had to leave his daughter. "I will be right back okay, just wait for me here okay" Jungkook instructed and she nodded. He left her with some toys and went to attend to the people.

She was just close enough for him to see her, and he knew she wouldn't simply go around without asking him first.

Jungkook's spot quickly became over crowded, more people were coming and they had questions. It was only for a few minutes that Jungkook took to explain something that he didn't look over at the corner where his daughter was.

She had gotten up looking for him because she couldn't see him anymore, people had formed a circle around him. She couldn't see him.

She looked around, looking for anyone that looked familiar, maybe her grandparents were hiding in the crowd she thought.

She picked up her little purse and walked into the opposite direction.

When Jungkook looked over at his daughter's seat, he felt his chest tighten, she was gone.
The little girl's eyes lit up when her eyes landed on a certain man, it was him, it was definitely him. She hurried over to the group of people.

The said man suddenly felt a tug on his leg and when he looked down he was met with the bluest eyes he had ever seen.

Everyone seemed to gasp at the same time when they saw the little girl. "I need to go the bathroom" she said holding on to his trouser. The man was confused to say the least, not knowing what to do, but he had to think fast.

Someone that appeared to have been security tried to take the girl away but the man told him it was okay.

He knelt down to her height, "Hi sweetheart" he said in a gentle voice, "I need to go to the bathroom" she repeated, this time her eyes where getting teary.

"Okay, okay, we will find a bathroom" he said looking around for a moment. She must have come with her parents, they are probably looking for her, but right now he needs to find a bathroom.

The first and second floor would probably be occupied and he couldn't go to the ladies room. So he took the elevator and went to the third floor.

"Have you see a little girl in a pink dress?" Jungkook has been asking the same question for the past five minutes and he still didn't find her. People have definitely seen her, she was hard to miss, but it seemed liked she had suddenly disappeared into thin air.

Jungkook felt like his head was spinning and he couldn't breath properly anymore. He tried to calm himself so that he could think clearly, where could she go in a place like this.

"You have to help me" the little girl said looking at the man when he brought her to the bathroom. He let out a sigh, still confused as to how he ended up in that situation.

Moments later he was holding the girl over the sink so she could wash her hands. "Thank you" she said with a smile.

They walked back into the office, now he had to find out who she was. "Sweetheart, what's your name?" he asked. "My name is Haneul" she replied.

"Okay, Haneul, where are your parents?"
" Appa is down stairs"

"You are the little prince" she suddenly said, "hm?" the man was confused, "Appa said you are the little prince" she continued. Before the man could say anything else, she took off her tiara and put it on his head.

"But-but you are a big prince now" she said sounding a bit confused, the man let out a chuckle of disbelief.

"Okay we need to go back and find your parents okay, they must be worried". He watched her take out a card from her purse and on it there were names and contact details.

Kim Jungkook, Doc. Kim Soekjin, Kim Namjoon.

He called the first name on the list.

"Is this Mr. Kim Jungkook?"
"Yes-yes this is he" Jungkook's voice was stuttering.
"I am with your daughter, could you please come to the third floor, first room to your left"
"O-okay, I will be there in a minute" Jungkook replied as he hurried to the elevator. He didn't care if it might be lie, he needed to find his little girl, that's all that mattered.

The little chat between Haneul and the little prince was disturbed by the sudden knock on the door, followed by the door opening.

Jungkook's focus was on the ground, desperately hoping to see his daughter.

"Appa" he heard her call as she ran towards him, without realizing it, tears started to fall from Jungkook's eyes.

He knelt to the ground to hug her, "o, my God" he kept repeating in disbelief, "please don't ever do that again okay" he said. "Appa?" Haneul could feel how tense his body was and that he was upset, which in turn made her upset.

"Appa am sorry" she said as she also started crying.

"O no honey, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, Appa was just worried okay, it's okay I am not mad at you" Jungkook said calming her down, while also trying to get a hold of himself.

Completely immersed with calming down his daughter, Jungkook still had not taken notice of the man that was in the room with them.


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