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A pink dress and Tux

"Appa! Appa!"

Jungkook finally snapped out of his trance like state, "huh?" he looked down to his daughter who was tugging on his trouser.

"Oh, uhm-, it's okay baby" he said switching glances between his daughter and the "little prince". He had managed to wipe away all his tears.

"Thank you for looking after her" Jungkook finally said, "it's okay" the reply came.

There was an awkward silence for a moment and Jungkook suddenly spoke, "could- could I use the bathroom?" he asked.
"O, sure, right through that door". Jungkook picked up his daughter and left.

After washing his face, he stared at his face in the mirror, still in shock. But he couldn't stay in a daze for too long because of his daughter.

"Appa?", she called in a small voice, still feeling  sad, thinking that her dad was mad at her. Jungkook got a handkerchief  from his pocket and handed it to her, "do you want to help me dry my face?" he asked with a smile, to which she nodded as the accepted it.

"So why did you go with that man? Jungkook asked.
"I wanted to go potty, and Appa, he is not a stranger, he is the little prince-" she confidently explained. Jungkook let out a chuckle of disbelief. Haneul is a smart little girl, but of all the things he had showed her, that was the last thing he expected her to remember.

"But Appa, the little prince is big now" Haneul added in a confused voice, this made Jungkook laugh, "yes honey, he is big now"

After making her promise that she wouldn't disappear again, the went back.

Jungkook was holding her while she rested her head on his chest, she was clearly getting tired, and having cried earlier, it was best that she goes to sleep.

"Thank you again, I really don't know what I would have done if she went with someone else" Jungkook said.
"Don't worry about it, I am glad I could help"

Once again, silence.

Suddenly Jungkook's phone rang. "O, excuse me" he said fishing his phone out of his pocket.

"Could you give me five minutes, I will be there-" Jungkook said over the phone.

Once he was done, came back, appearing to be in a dilemma of sorts. 
"Is everything alright?"
"Uhm yeah-" Jungkook replied sounding uncertain.
"I could help you if you need anything-" the man said, also not sure if his help was needed.

"I- I have to go back, and I still have about thirty to forty minutes  of work before I can leave. But- I can't go with her, she needs to sleep now" Jungkook said. Haneul was starting to doze off at this point.

He did put into account that she would most likely get tired soon, but the crying was not something he thought of. And holding her in his arms while he answers people's questions would probably be uncomfortable for her.

"I can stay with her-"
"You can go and finish up and I will stay with her"

Jungkook was a bit unsure, but he didn't really have a lot of options, and it's not like the man before him was a stranger, right?.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"
"I don't mind at all"
"Uhm- okay, I will be quick and-"
"It's okay, take your time."

"I will be right back okay" Jungkook said to his daughter, "you like the little prince right?" Haneul with her sleepy eyes nodded. "I promise I wont be long"

He gave her one too many kisses before handing her over. "I will be quick" he said before walking out of the office.

While in the elevator, Jungkook still felt uneasy, but he calmed himself down and told himself that everything was going to be fine.

Within the three minutes that Jungkook had spent at his station talking to people, his anxiety grew.

"What the hell am I thinking?" he thought to himself.

"I am so sorry, but could you please excuse me for a few minutes. I am really sorry but I have to go somewhere for a moment. My assistant can answer your question and I will right back" Jungkook said before walking away.

This was bad, this was unprofessional, those people might complain about him to the company and that is not a good thing, but in that moment he didn't care.

"Have I gone crazy or what, how could I just leave her there like a bag of rice, at-at a vegetable market" Jungkook scolded himself as he hurried to the elevator.

"Oh, I am a terrible parent, what made me think I could go out with her on my own at a place like this"

"I mean five years is long time, what the hell was I thinking?"

Jungkook was mumbling beneath his breath when the elevator doors open.

Jungkook could feel the anxiety leave him when his eyes landed on his daughter, she was awake now but appeared to have been crying.

"What happened?" he asked as he took her in his arms. "Appa" she said resting he head in the crook of his neck. She was calming down, he little hands were fisted on his jacket.

"She started asking for you a few minutes after you left-"
"I am so sorry for the trouble"
"Don't worry about it"

Jungkook looked over at his assistant, the poor thing appeared to be drowning in questions.

"How about I stand just close enough for her to see you" the little prince offered
"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked
"Of course"

Jungkook figured it was his best option, he waited a few minutes until his daughter was better, then he explained to her that he was only going to stand a little distance away because he is supposed to help some people.

He assured her that the little prince will be with her, pointing at the tiara that was still on his head convinced her.

Jungkook felt better now, because he didn't have to search the crowd to spot them. They stood out, a tall man holding the little girl in a pink puffy dress, in room filled with adults, no one could miss that.

Jungkook was ever more pleased with fact that no one was allowed to take any pictures and no phones or cameras were allowed.

The thirty minutes went by faster than he had anticipated, when he looked over to where his daughter was, she was asleep.

His assistant was going to finish up a few things, so he could leave.

It had a been a very eventful night for him.


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