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Love me.

With his eyes still closed, Taehyung patted the side of the bed, but quickly opened them when he realized Jungkook wasn't next to him.

He looked over to the bathroom, the door was slightly opened, but the lights were off, so Jungkook wasn't there.

He got up and looked at the clock on the bed side table, it was three in the morning. Where was Jungkook?

He got out of bed and before he went to look in the kitchen he noticed him sitting outside on the balcony.

He walked over and lightly knocked on the glass door, "hey" he said when Jungkook turned round to look at him.

"Hi" Jungkook said with a small smile. He was sitting on one of the large chairs covered in a blanket and holding a mug of milk that had gone cold.

"Couldn't sleep?" Taehyung asked, "yeah, being at a new place and all" Jungkook replied. "You could have woken me to keep you company" Taehyung as he came and squatted  before him. "You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you" Jungkook replied connecting their heads.

They remained as they were for a little while, exchanging a few words.

"How about we go back inside now" Taehyung suggested having noticed that Jungkook was starting to get sleepy. "Okay" Jungkook replied as he got up.

Taehyung took the mug to the sink before they returned to the bedroom.

"You can't sleep in new places?" Taehyung asked once they were in bed, "I can, it just takes a bit of time" Jungkook replied.

Taehyung pulled him close as they got ready to sleep. He could feel the younger's warm breath on his neck. Although he was deep asleep, ten minutes ago, he was wide awake now.

He suddenly felt a light tug on his shirt, he shifted to face the younger, who wasn't sleep as he has assumed.

Jungkook pulled him close till their lips connected, with his hands fisted on Taehyung's t-shirt he kissed him.

He slowly pulled away as he had to catch his breath. He was about to turn away to actually sleep when Taehyung pulled him back.

"Hold on" Taehyung saying with a chuckle as he awkwardly tried to reach the switch of the lamp, he let out a breath when he finally found it and turned the lamp on.

"I want to see you" he said brushing hair away from the younger's face, which made Jungkook smile shyly.

Taehyung was quick to lean in for another kiss, taking Jungkook by surprise. He deepened the kiss as he moved closer, a moment later he was hovering on top of the younger.

His long slim fingers trailed across the younger's tummy, who was squirming beneath him at this point.

Jungkook had his arms around Taehyung's neck, pulling him closer when the other started kissing his neck.

Taehyung soon switched their position as he didn't want to end up resting his weight on the younger.

He cupped the side of Jungkook's face who was now straddling him. Jungkook smiled back at him with his hands placed on his chest.

"I only like your face" Taehyung said smiling back at the younger as laid down.

Taehyung didn't really like the position they were in, they weren't close enough, and it seemed like the younger shared the same thought as he pulled him to sit up as they kissed.

Taehyung paused for a moment to pull his t-shirt over his head and then continued the kiss.

Jungkook's soft hands trailed gently across his chest, pausing at his pecks that felt hard and toned.

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