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Kind gestures

Jungkook stared blankly at the board.

Two days ago his parents return from their trip, more than anything he was glad that Haneul didn't tell them about meeting the little prince, she must have missed her grand parents so much that she had forgotten all about it.

He also didn't tell his parents about meeting Taehyung, what would he say? He was still trying to convince himself that Taehyung was not here to stay and would be leaving soon, there was no reason to tell his parents.

"Jungkook, Jungkook-"

He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone lightly shake him.

"Oh, Sunbae-" he said, "I am sorry I didn't hear you"
"It seems like you were deep in thought" Baekhyun said with a smile. "O- did I?" Jungkook replied with an awkward smile.

Baekhyun proceeded to take a seat next to Jungkook, "do you have a class after this? he asked, "uhm, no, this is my last one for the day"

"perfect, would you like to go for lunch" Baekhyun offered. Jungkook paused to think for a second, "yeah sure" he said with a smile. He figured why not, he had helped him before and this way he could also express his gratitude.

Jungkook soon after packed his bag and they left. Baekhyun had a car, so he drove.

Baekhyun's place of choice was a very fancy restaurant, Jungkook was a bit surprised, since he was expecting that would go to a small restaurant or something.

Baekhyun appeared to be familiar with the place, given how he knew where everything was, Jungkook simply followed him.

A waitress came to meet them and showed them to their table.

Once seated, Jungkook admitted that he was not expecting to come to a place like this. "Well, I wanted to find something that is to your liking" Baekhyun replied, Jungkook let out a small chuckle, "you peg me to be someone with a expensive taste" he said mockingly.

The two made jokes while they waited for their food. Jungkook was happy to know that Baekhyun was an easy going guy.

They chatted a bit more about their school work.

"It's quite impressive--" Baekhyun said pausing to take a drink from his glass, "being a double major"
"Ah, it's not that impressive" Jungkook said picking at his food.
"Don't be modest, of course it is. Most architecture students have a hard time but then there is you who is also doing another course while at it, I am impressed"
Jungkook laughed a little, "well thank you" he replied.

But was it impressive though? Baekhyun was not the first person to tell him that, he has heard it before. Was it impressive that he couldn't handle stress well enough that his only alternative was to be busy.

The sound of the hospital machines almost drove him mad, when he woke up from having been in a coma only to find out that he couldn't take his daughter home and he couldn't leave either.

When he couldn't sleep for days on end that he would need to be medicated, it felt inaccurate to say that his choices where impressive.

He needed something to do. And one day while looking at his daughter in her incubator, he begun to draw. He begun to design her room, a place that would be like haven for her. Not here, it the hospital, behind a glass.

Namjoon was surprised but pleased when he found him one day on his bed, deeply focused. It was the first time in a long time that Jungkook was interested in something. There was a glimmer in his eyes and his smile seemed to reach his eyes this time.

"Dad look" he said showing Namjoon his design.

So was it impressive, perhaps to an observer, it would seem impressive. But for him it kept him sane during some of the worst moments in his life, but he would also feel guilty because he saw it as an escape from what was happening in his life.

Sometimes he could barely look at Haneul properly because of the fear that was still growing, the fear of what is ahead. He still hated himself and blamed himself for everything.

"Well, you are our top student, I call that impressive" Jungkook said leaning back in his chair, "look at who's talking" Baekhyun replied.

Jungkook was about to say something when his phone suddenly ran, he excused himself to take the call.

A few minutes later he returned.

"I am sorry, I have to leave" he apologized, "o, I can take you" Baekhyun offered as he stood up from his chair, "no it's okay, I have to stop somewhere first so you don't need to"

Baekhyun tried again but in the end Jungkook still politely declined. "Let me pay for our meal" Jungkook offered, "you don't have to do that, I am the one that invited you-", "but-" Jungkook tried to interrupt, "but nothing, you can pay next time" Baekhyun said with a smile.

Jungkook later left after saying goodbye. He need to stop by at his work place, but before that he had to pick up somethings from a store that he had ordered.

Some time passed and he was at his first destination, up until that point he had not thought about how he would have to carry the packages, it might be difficult to take a bus.

He borrowed the store's trolley and went outside to call for a ride.

"Do you need any help?"

Jungkook turned around to see who was talking and it was the person he least expected.

Again, silence.

"I- I, no that's okay, I am getting a ride" Jungkook replied showing his phone.
"You don't have to, I can take you"
"No, really you don't have to" said Jungkook.

Taehyung was about to insist, when he decided against it, "I am sorry I didn't mean to-" he tried to apologize, "no-no, it's okay, it's just that I already have a car on the way, so-" Jungkook replied not sure where to look.

He caught himself fidgeting with his hands, to stop himself from doing that, he held on to the trolley.

He could see him more clearly now, the last time they met at the gallery, Jungkook was too tired and concerned about his daughter to notice everything.

But now Taehyung was standing in front of him, dressed in a suit with a neatly tied tie. He looked good, over the years he had wondered what he would say when he saw him again, but here he was now, meeting him for the second time already and the most he has said is no, to his offer for help.

What does Taehyung think about him, he wondered. He was probably only being nice to him because of how they randomly seem to bump into each other.

It's been so long, but he could feel his heart race, from so many emotions, but mostly fear. Even though he was hoping that Taehyung was only in Korea for a short while, now standing in front of him, he wasn't sure if he wanted that to be true after all.

"I am sorry" Jungkook suddenly blurted out.

Awkward silence

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