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Four days had passed, it was time for Jungkook's appointment, he checked his back pack, everything he needed was in there.

He had been thinking about the decision he made, he found it to be his best option and he was going to stick to it. One day if he ever meets Taehyung, it will something of the past. He would have moved on with his life and so would he.

He had however tried calling Taehyung's number but it was unreachable, which was to be expected since he wouldn't be using it anymore, but Jungkook was still a bit hopeful.

The bus came to a stop and he got off, he looked around for a minute and got on another bus.

The drive was about fifteen minutes.

"What are you doing Jungkook" he asked himself as he stood outside. But he told himself he was already here, he might as well as go in.

"Come in" the reply came once he knocked on the door.


"I am sorry, I should have called" Jungkook said holding on to the straps of his back pack. "Oh, no it's totally fine, come in, have a seat" Namjoon said ushering the younger to sit.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"uhm, yes. I am really sorry for showing up unannounced" Jungkook said
"Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked again.

"I- I wanted to ask for a favor, if it's possible please" Jungkook said stuttering. "Sure, what is it?" the other replied.

"I-I wanted to ask if I can changed to distance learning" Jungkook said, "I know we have started with some stuff for school, but I was hoping you could help me to change it"

"O, that's it, that's not a problem I can actually approve that for you, is that all?"
Jungkook was hesitant to speak as he looked down at his shoes.

"I would- I would like to move to an apartment. You don't have to send me more money I will find a cheap place, I would just like to move out of the dorm"

Namjoon furrowed his eye brows, "is someone giving you a hard time at school Jungkook?" he asked,

"No- not at all" Jungkook said waving his hands in the air for emphasis, "no, I just want to move, I have been in the hostel all of high school, I just wanted a bit of a change" Jungkook explained with a nervous chuckle.

"Are you sure that's all?" Namjoon asked not quite convinced, "y-yes sir" Jungkook said trying to smile a little.

"Hmmm, okay am going to take your word for it, I just hope you aren't hiding being bullied at school" Namjoon said.

"Thank you sir" Jungkook replied.

"You are actually lucky, I am about to leave for three months in about two days" Namjoon said typing away at his computer, "ou, where are you going?"

"Japan, I have to give a course for three months"
"That sounds cool" Jungkook replied.

"Come to my office tomorrow, I have a friend that's a real estate agent, I will ask him to find a place for you"
"Sir you don't-" Jungkook tried to protest

"You wouldn't even know where to look if I left it up to you" Namjoon said, and Jungkook knew he was right. But if he left it to Mr. Kim to pick, he might get something expensive and how will he afford it.

"As for your classes, your professors will be notified and you will get your material via email and also on the school's online portal"

Jungkook was somewhat stunned by how easy it was for Mr. Kim, just like that it was done. Rich people surely had it easier he thought to himself.

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