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Late night calls

About two weeks had passed since Taehyung's departure, he would always try to call at least twice a day to see how his boyfriend was doing.

Jungkook was sitting at his study desk, going over his semester overview, "You start in about two weeks right? Taehyung asked, "yeah" Jungkook replied, "are you looking forward to it?", "Well yeah, there are a lot of great artists here, I can't wait to meet them", "you are a great artist yourself, I bet they can't wait to meet you" Taehyung said.

The days felt like they were going by slow, but at least in about a week, Taehyung would be returning and the rest of their friends too.

Taehyung had an easy time adapting to his new environment, he was at the same university as Jennie, but different majors. Chan and Bogum went to different universities but they were in the same proximity so they met up often.


Jungkook had been making sure to hide what had been happening for the past couple of days, but today we wasn't to lucky as he dashed to the bathroom leaving Taehyung on the video call.

Worry and fear took over Taehyung as he kept calling Jungkook who was out of his sight but no one was answering.

Finally after a couple of minutes, Jungkook showed up on the screen.

"Hey, what happened? that really scared me" Taehyung said
"Oh, sorry, it was nothing" Jungkook replied wiping his mouth
"Tell me what's going on, are you sick?" Taehyung asked.

"No, it's not that, I think I had some bad sushi yesterday, and I got an upset stomach"
"Have you been to the hospital?"
"No, but am okay, really"

"Please go, I feel uneasy just knowing that you not okay"
"But nothing, you just ran to the bathroom to clearly throw up, you should get it checked out okay?"

After the call ended, Jungkook found himself in the bathroom again, he had to throw up. After that, he went to the bin to see the package of the sushi he had.

It wasn't expired, did it go bad when he got it in town, he wasn't sure. But one thing he knew was that, he had been feeling kind of nauseous before he had the sushi.

He was planning on waiting for Taehyung so they could go to the hospital together, but he should probably go now since he might just end up getting worse.
"Do you have a doctor?" the nurse asked, "Uhm, yes doctor Kim, Kim Soekjin" Jungkook replied. The nurse typed away at her computer.

"But am here because my stomach hurts and not for the gynecologists" Jungkook explained, "o, that's okay dear, in your case you always need to be sent to your doctor first and then he can refer you to a different department if needed"

"Aha, okay" Jungkook said nodding. It's probably nothing, he told himself as he made his way to Dr. Kim's office.

"O Jungkook, am surprised to see you, isn't your next visit in two months or so" the doctor asked as he led Jungkook into his office.

"Uhm, well yes, but I have an upset stomach so I came here, but they said I need to see you first" Jungkook replied
"O, yes that's correct. To avoid you being misdiagnosed or getting medication that is dangerous for you, you always need to see me first, even if you just have a cold or a cough" the doctor explained.

Jungkook sat nodding as he listened.

"Okay, so how long have you been feeling like this" the doctor asked as he took notes.

"Hmm, okay" Dr. Kim said after he asked the last question. "Could you come over here and lie down here for me please"

Jungkook did as he was told, the doctor told him to remove his blouse and pull down his pants a little lower since he was going to to as CT. scan.

Jungkook shuddered a bit when the cold gel was applied on his tummy, but it wasn't painful.

With everything that the doctor had asked him about earlier, he was able to figure out what was going on, but he still had to make sure. It was no surprise that his young patient was clueless, but at least that made him answer all the questions truthfully.

A nurse came in to help him clean up the gel after the doctor was done. He explained to Jungkook that he was going to draw blood for a blood test and he will have to wait outside for a bit.

The doctor looked at his screen again, the boy was still seventeen years old, in a couple of months, he will be 18, but by then, he will be far along.

Under guardian, there was an unfamiliar name, probably someone from the orphanage, so most likely the orphanage will take both of them.

Jin sighed, there should be another option right? Because without a doubt, they will be separated. Will he want that, will he be okay with that? but most importantly, will he even keep it, seeing that he came alone.

The whole situation felt so stressful for Jin as he ran his hands across his face and leaned back in his chair.

About forty-five minutes passed and the blood test results were out, the nurse called Jungkook in and then left the two alone.

"Where is your boyfriend right now?"
"O, he is in the states, he is going to be studying there"
"aha, okay"

"Is something wrong with me?" Jungkook asked getting worried
"no, not exactly, the results don't show anything wrong with you"
"O, that's great then" Jungkook said with a smile


"You are pregnant, for about three weeks now"
"W-what?" Jungkook asked confused.

"That's why I was asking about your boyfriend, because we would need to run some tests on him too" the doctor explained.

"O, okay, he is flying in, in about two weeks, is that okay" Jungkook asked
"yes, that's still fine" the doctor replied.

Jungkook had a small smile on his face, at first he was a bit scared, but then he remembered that Taehyung will definitely be supportive and there was no need to be scared.

The doctor of observed him, very pleased with the fact he didn't seem scared about the news, clearly his boyfriend was not the type to run away from his responsibilities.

"You seem quite happy" the doctor said.
"I- I am , even though it's not the best time I think, it's still a beautiful thing" Jungkook replied.

For the rest of their time, the doctor explained a couple of things to the younger, gave him some books he needs to read and to call if anything happens.

Later that day when Taehyung called, Jungkook told him about his visit and that he wasn't sick. But he left out the part about being pregnant, he felt that it wasn't right to tell him over the phone.

The upcoming days felt even slower for Jungkook since he couldn't wait to tell Taehyung, he was barely managing to keep it to himself.

He wasn't showing yet, but he would find himself rubbing his tummy . He was quite happy that he had the room all to himself and not be sharing it with a roommate.

Baby names? Baby journal? Baby's nickname?"

Jungkook would find himself tossing in bed thinking about these things.

Plus one.

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