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Taehyung was anxious, he told himself he wouldn't, and that he shouldn't, because, why should he be.

Why should he be anxious about the fact that Jungkook would be arriving at the hotel within the next hour, why should he be anxious about the fact that they will be seeing each other for the next couple of days, why?

"It's been five years, he moved on, and so did I-" he said to himself.
The flight was long, but it finally came to an end, Jungkook felt so sick he could barely talk, everyone else seemed to be doing just fine.

"Wait here okay-" Jackson said to Jungkook before hurrying away with their suitcases, Jungkook found a bench to sit on while he waited.

A couple of minutes later, Jackson was back.

"Let's go" he said
"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked as he followed.
"You will see"

Jackson stopped a taxi and they got in, then told the driver their destination, Jungkook was barely listening as he looked out the window.

Jungkook was stunned to say the least, when they got to their destination. "What's this place J?" he asked in awe.
"Heaven" Jackson replied, feeling very proud of himself.

"Okay, since you need to get some sleep, it's already late, let's just get what you like and go to the hotel" Jackson said.

"O, okay" Jungkook replied, suddenly feeling less sick.

KOREA TOWN, that was the name of the place they went to, for a moment Jungkook thought he was back home given how similar everything was.

Namjoon had explained to Jackson that, Jungkook always has a hard time adjusting to new environments and he suggested they visit this place, it might help him. And seeing Jungkook's reaction, he was glad he did.

About an hour later, they headed back to the hotel, Jungkook was getting more tired.
"You neck might just snap off" Jimin commented, "what are you talking about?" Taehyung asked as he fixed his posture. "I told you already, he left with that guy Jackson" Jimin said walking back into the hotel, "I am sure he will come".

Taehyung huffed, as if he wasn't listening to his cousin. He knew Jackson, or rather he knew off him. He was one of the marketing managers and was overlooking this whole project.

Ever since the group arrived and Taehyung noticed that Jungkook wasn't among them, he has been waiting outside the hotel, wondering where they could have gone, and who was Jackson to Jungkook for them to disappear together.

He suddenly heard a laugh in a distance and he couldn't mistake it for anyone else's.

He turned to see Jungkook, happy and smiling next to Jackson, it was too late to run and hide now, so he quickly pulled out his phone and pretended to be doing something important.

"Oh, Mr. Kim, good evening sir" Jackson greeted as they approached him, Jungkook was surprised to see him that he couldn't even utter a word.

"Mr. Wang, good evening" Taehyung replied as they shook hands, "Mr. Kim?" he said as he stretched his hand out to Jungkook, who was clearly in a daze.

"O, uhm, good evening sir" Jungkook said with a stutter. "You two must be tired, I won't keep you, you can head inside" Taehyung said stepping aside.

"Thank you sir, Jungkook is definitely tired, he almost dozed of in the cab" Jackson said with a chuckle. Jungkook didn't say much as he remained glued to Jackson's side.

"Have a good evening sir" Jackson and they both gave a slight bow before heading inside.

"You must be really tired-" Jackson commented as they made their way into the hotel, "yeah" Jungkook mumbled back a reply.

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