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The pink shade on your cheeks, makes my heart race fast.

Taehyung peeked up to the sky, it didn't seem like it was going to stop raining anytime soon. He looked over at Jungkook who had his hands out, catching rain drops.

"Hey, don't do that- you will catch a cold" he said pulling back the younger's hands, Jungkook giggled at Taehyung's action.

"okay" he said with a laugh, "I should take the bus back to school"

Taehyung seemed to think for a moment, "how about you don't go back tonight?" he asked. Jungkook looked at him curiously, he no longer had curfew, but where were they going to sleep?.

Taehyung seem to have figured out what Jungkook was going to ask, "I know where we can spend the night" he said.

"Okay" Jungkook replied.

If he was being honest, he was glad he didn't have to leave, they had the perfect day so far and he was wasn't too pleased about going back to the hostel, especially now that Chan and Bogum had left.

"Wait here for a bit, I will be right back" Taehyung said, he planted a kiss on Jungkook's forehead before sprinting off in the direction of some shops.

Jungkook sat on the bench and watched as cars drove by, the city was very beautiful at night.

Taehyung was going to leave soon, he has been trying not to think about it, but it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be.

 The rest of their friends were travelling with their families, so they didn't have to be secretive about their relationship anymore, besides they will be telling them soon.

Life felt bitter sweet in that moment, and Jungkook was beginning to feel sad.

About ten minutes passed soon Jungkook saw Taehyung running back towards him, "I hope you will come back to me like this-" Jungkook thought to himself.

Taehyung finally came to a halt, panting as he tried to catch his breath, "you are all wet" Jungkook said trying to dry him, but the other didn't seem to mind at all as he just smiled.

"What did you buy?" Jungkook asked, eyeing the bag Taehyung was carrying, "oh, I got you this" Taehyung said pulling out a pair of gloves and a scarf, "you are an artist remember, your hands need to be taken care of" he said putting the gloves on the younger. It was a bit cold and Taehyung was also worried about him getting sick.

Jungkook suddenly felt his lower lip begin to quiver, and he could not stop it no matter how much he bit on it.

"Hey? wh-what's wrong?" Taehyung asked suddenly getting worried since Jungkook started crying.

Jungkook didn't say anything for a while until Taehyung calmed him down, he wasn't even sure why he was crying.

Taehyung gently dried the younger's tears, who finally agreed to look at him, " you okay?" he asked to which Jungkook nodded, I- just, I don't know why I did that, am sorry" Jungkook mumbled.

"It's okay" Taehyung said with a chuckle as he hugged him. These kind of moments had become very frequent, and Taehyung knew it was because he was going to leave soon and Jungkook was having a bit of a hard time accepting it.

A few minutes passed and Taehyung stopped a taxi for them. He gave the driver the address as they settled in the back seat.

Jungkook felt somewhat disoriented, but he was glad that he was with Taehyung as he laid his head on his shoulder.

The drive took about twenty minutes and soon they were in front of a very expensive looking building.

"Lets go" Taehyung said taking Jungkook's hand in his, who was still very confused as to why they were there.

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