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Sand castles and promises

"Not even the guys?" Taehyung asked, to which Jungkook shook his head. "Hmm, are you sure you are not going to change your mind when it's time to tell them?" Taehyung asked again, Jungkook shook his head again.

"It's our final year, and I don't think I can handle the whole school talking about it, I mean everyone knows you, and a guy like you should be dating someone better than me, if they find out-" Jungkook said with a pressed smile.

He has seen other students confess to Taehyung over time. And given their social status, he couldn't help but feel like anyone of them would be better suited for him.

"hey, look at me, one; I am okay with waiting, two; no one is better than you, okay" Taehyung said hugging the other. "Are you sure you not just scared of my parents" he teased. "Oh come on, when I meet them, I want to be a university student, you know, to show that I have something going on for myself" Jungkook defended himself as he smiled a little.

"I think the fact that you already got admitted to Seoul's art school at sixteen is enough to show that you do have something going on for you" Taehyung said lifting his face, "but- I haven't started yet" Jungkook replied with a laugh as Taehyung settled in the crook of his neck.

And with that it was decided, they will date secretly for the rest of the year and then tell everyone later. Jungkook did in fact want to tell their friends, to meet Taehyung's parents, but more than that he wanted to be someone deserving of him.

His circle of friends, his family everyone connected to him was someone important. The Kims were not rich, they were wealthy, old money kind. Whatever they did showed up in the papers, one would assume their kids were K-pop idols.

He has over heard his driver refer to him as young master, and the fact the he had a driver said a lot.

So he felt that, at least once he starts university, he will start getting his monthly allowance from the scholarship . He will be able to take Taehyung out to some nice places, perhaps buy him something nice while at it. And when he meets his parents, he can show up with a good enough gift, it might not be that expensive, but at least by then, he will be able to afford something really nice.

He looked at Taehyung, one hand was feeling the necklace he got him on his birthday, "we only have to wait until I start university" he thought to himself.


The school had regular movie night for the students, it was mostly for the ones that stayed in the hostel, but it was open to all students. Knowing that the final year could be stressful it was to serve as a time for the students to have a break.

Taehyung stood in front of Jungkook as he zipped his jacket, "there, all done" he said, "thank you" Jungkook replied with a smile.

"Oh please stop, are you trying to make feel worse about being single?" Bogum said as he walked out of the shower.

"We are not-" Jungkook tried to protest.

"Yeah-yeah, you are not dating, I know" Bogum said pretending to be annoyed, "but Taehyung, you have known me all these years and not once have you been this nice to me, what's this? hmm?"

"He's cuter than you" Taehyung replied with a smirk. "you know what- get out, both of you" Bogum said pushing the two out the door. Jungkook and Taehyung just laughed and went along with it.

Once they were out, Bogum noticed that Jungkook's closet was left open. He went over to close it when he noticed among the pictures pasted on the inside, one where Jungkook was with Taehyung. Taehyung had him on his back and they had on the biggest smiles.

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