< Pre-Story Information >

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Hello there! There are a few things I want to say so this is going to be a chapter on its own. Please read as there are quite a few warnings and disclaimers for this story. If you choose to skip, that's your own problem.

~ Warnings ~

Domestic abuse.
Child abuse.
Sexual abuse.
Sexual assault.
Forced sex work.
Forced underage sex work (Referenced).
Rape (referring to the two above points).
Eating disorder.
Suicidal ideation.
Suicide attempt.
Graphic violence.
Murder attempt.
Referenced drug use.

~ Disclaimer ~

This story has a main point of Ouma having a disorder known as Auditory Processing Disorder. It's written with the help of someone who has been diagnosed with the disorder. Whilst this disorder can differ slightly between people and cause other mental health disorders, it's written from the point of view of my friend.


Some characters will be OOC. Two (including Ouma) will be in-game on the outside yet pre-game on the inside.

This acts as a vent story. Please be respectful.

Long chapters are ahead. I don't think that's a problem for most users but thought I'd warn you anyway!

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