An Unexpected Visit

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"I fucking knew it!" Amami shouted, jumping up to grin at Kokichi. The smaller man flinched at the sudden noise, covering his ears out of reflex. "Sorry, I got too excited," Amami chuckled.

Glaring at the man, Kokichi uncovered his ears. "I lied, dumbass. You didn't give me a chance to make fun of you." Amami's brow raised, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. The supreme leader couldn't help but smile, something about the small interaction felt natural and sweet. It felt like the immature arguments he'd have with Shirogane about their love lives...

Rolling his eyes, Kokichi turned and slipped underneath the bedsheets again. A pillow slipped underneath his head before it hit the mattress, making Kokichi smile faintly. He faced the wall, resting a hand beneath his cheek. "Go the fuck to sleep."

"Goodnight Ouma," Amami muttered with a faint chuckle. Kokichi hummed, keeping a close ear out to monitor Amami's breathing.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Listening to the other's rhythmic breathing, Kokichi shifted faintly so he could glance at Amami. The greenette's eyelashes rested against his cheek, his expression peaceful as he slept. Being as quiet as a mouse, Kokichi slipped to his feet and crept to the bathroom, closing the door before he flicked the light switch.

He stared at the mirror, at his two violet eyes. With a scowl, he removed the purple contact in his left eye. Upon glancing at his yellow iris, Kokichi forced his eyes away from the mirror. Kokichi despised his multi-coloured eyes. No one in his family had yellow eyes, no one that he'd met at least.

Doctors said something about it being a mutation, but Kokichi didn't care. He didn't want to be a mutant, he wanted to be normal. The man wanted an average life, working a nine-to-five job and having nothing interesting happen. Boring, that's the life he wanted, that's the childhood he craved to have. Anything other than the one he had.

Chucking the contact into the trashcan and slipping back into bed beside Amami, Kokichi's eyes fluttered closed.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Kokichi groaned as his body gently bobbed. "One more minute..." The man mumbled, curling up into a tighter ball.

"Why are you in Amami's bed?" Scrunching his face, Kokichi cracked open his right eye, turning to see Akamatsu standing over him with a frown. He glanced beside him, noticing the lack of a certain greenette in the dorm room.

"Well," Kokichi sighed, rubbing his eyes whilst ensuring he kept his left one covered. "You and Saihara were kind of, uh, using the room that I was supposed to sleep in." He used his fingers to mimic quotations around the word 'using.'

"O-Oh! That..." Akamatsu's cheeks and ears glowed red in embarrassment as the pianist pulled away from Kokichi. "It wasn't what it looked like! I swear!"

Kokichi grinned, sitting up as he clamped a hand over his left eye. "It looked like you two were horny fuckers ready to have sex."

Akamatsu gasped, holding her hands up in defence. "I promise that we weren't doing anything sexual! We were only talking to each other!"

"With Shuichi's shirtless and you on his lap?" Kokichi raised an eyebrow, however, Akamatsu didn't seem to be lying... He liked to think he lied enough to detect them a mile away, especially in someone like Akamatsu. The woman could be read like a book.

"Well I walked in on him changing, that's why he was shirtless. I was... uh... crying about something. He was just comforting me." Akamatsu glanced to the side, her blush gradually diminishing.

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