Shitty Replacements

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"What's Ouma doing here?" Harukawa asked, spitting the purplette's name as if it were venom.

"Hey!" Akamatsu gasped. "Let him join us if he wants to, Harukawa!"

"I invited him," Amami interrupted. "Is that okay?"

"Could've asked beforehand," Iruma muttered.

Kokichi glanced around at everyone. Akamatsu smiled at him, Amami frowned at Harukawa and Kiibo and Saihara seemed to be unfazed. Momota, Harukawa and Iruma, on the other hand, glared at him. "I want to be here as much as you want me," Kokichi spat at the inventor.

"Leave then," Harukawa scoffed.

"Be quiet!" Saihara shouted. Everyone did a double-take, turning to stare at the usually submissive detective. His golden eyes widened, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. "S-Sorry, but I think we should be nice to Ouma..."

Kokichi scoffed, rolling his eyes with his arms crossed. "I don't need your pity. The Ultimate Supreme Leader doesn't get affected by stupid insults." He grinned, comfortable in his false mask of power.

Amami took a spot on the bench beside Akamatsu as everyone continued their conversations. Kokichi glanced around, the only spot available being between Kiibo and Saihara. He'd rather die than sit there, so he awkwardly stood beside everyone. "Ouma!" Turning to Kiibo, the supreme leader watched as they patted the bench, encouraging him to sit. Rolling his eyes, Kokichi plonked himself into the seat and sighed.

"What's everyone doing about the dorm situation?" Momota asked, starting up a group conversation. Everyone added their agreements, seeming excited to move into the Hope's Peak dorms. 

The supreme leader zoned out, staring at the wall before he noticed all eyes on him. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," he smirked.

"Akamatsu asked you a question," Momota scowled.

"Really?" Kokichi hummed, having not realised anyone wanted to speak to him. Amongst everyone's conversation, he hadn't heard Akamatsu speak to him. "Guess she's too insignificant for me to pay attention to!"

Noticing a flash of pain behind Akamatsu's violet eyes, Kokichi felt a pang of guilt. "D-Don't insult her!" Saihara frowned. The sudden loud tone from beside him made Kokichi flinch and scoot toward Kiibo.

"Or what? You'll take matters into your own hands?~" Before Saihara could respond, Kokichi turned to the pianist. "Akamatsu what's your question?"

"Are you going to move into the dorms?" She asked.

Kokichi laughed, raising an eyebrow at the woman. "Living with you lot? No thanks, I think I'll jump off the roof of the school." Everyone grew quiet, the conversation taking a darker turn than they would've liked. Glancing at his phone, Kokichi noticed that they had ten minutes until class began.

He stood up, adjusting his bag as something to distract himself. "Welp, I'm heading to class!" Kokichi needed to escape the crowd of people who hated him. Luckily, everyone had a mandatory gym class for the first period, so he'd have time alone.

"We have ten minutes though Ouma," Saihara argued. His hand reached out to grab his arm, keeping him in place. Warmth flushed through Ouma's face, but he soon shook it away and averted his focus.

"Wow so observant, Mr Detective! Well regardless, now I have to wash off your peasant scum! Gotta keep my supreme body pure and clean!" Kokichi yanked his arm free and turned on his heel. He walked around the main building, hands behind his head as he whistled to himself. As soon as he rounded the corner, Kokichi sprinted towards the changerooms, ignoring shouts of disdain as he pushed past other students.

Reaching the changerooms, he slammed the door shut and walked to his spot near the back. He liked that spot, people didn't look at him there. Kokichi hated how the rooms had no privacy, he always had to wait until everyone left before he could change. Otherwise, they'd see the bruises and scars littering his body, both fresh and healed.

He stood in the corner, staring at the pale-grey walls. His hands gripped the strap of his bag, tightening as a sob forced itself from his throat. Kokichi let the tears run down his cheeks, sobbing as he squeezed his eyes shut. "You're not pure, clean or supreme, you're just a whore..." The man's whispers were the only sound in the cramped room.

"You're none of those things." Kokichi gasped, whipping around and staring at the intruder. Iruma closed the door, her ice-blue eyes overflowing with compassion. He hurried to wipe his tears, placing a false, half-assed smirk on his lips.

"Get out, this is the men's changerooms you whore," Kokichi huffed in a whisper. He couldn't bring himself to speak at a normal volume, not when his throat burned with the desire to continue crying.

Iruma hummed before placing her hands on her hips, leaning her weight onto her right leg. "No, I don't wanna." Kokichi sighed, turning to the wall and bowing his head. He couldn't believe someone caught him in a moment of weakness.

Footsteps broke through the silence, approaching him from the front. He glanced up, confused. There was a wall in front of him, not a person. A pair of arms wrapped around him from behind, making Kokichi shout and whip around, punching the possible attacker in the shoulder.

Iruma shouted, taking a step back and holding her shoulder in pain. Kokichi's eyes widened with his heart and mind racing. He didn't want to hurt someone, especially not physically. "Fuck- Uh- S-Sorry." Frowning, Kokichi mentally facepalmed upon the realisation that he stuttered and stumbled over an apology, of all things.

"It's fine," Iruma replied with a sigh. "I should've realised you're on edge." The two stared at each other, both slightly confused. Iruma had never been so compassionate and caring, whilst Kokichi had never been so vulnerable and emotional.

Kokichi needed to fix his mistake. He smirked, raising a finger to his lips. "It's all a lie! God Iruma, you're so dumb!"

"Why are you crying?" Iruma asked, her head tilting to the side with a smug look in her eyes.

"I- Huh?" Kokichi frowned, touching his wet cheek. He felt a fresh tear trickle over the tip of his finger as he pulled it away, a drop travelling down his neck which made him shiver. How had he not noticed he was still crying? No, he had to win, he couldn't let Iruma know he could be sad. That wasn't a quality of a leader, right?

"It's a lie..." The man whispered, hands dropping to his side as he bowed his head. Tears continued to flow, not planning to stop any time soon. "I can stop when I want!" Kokichi grinned, raising his head to smile at a confused Iruma. Despite the woman's silence, her actions said enough. She didn't believe him, she'd uncovered his shitty lie.

Taking a long, shaky inhale, Kokichi sniffled. "Anytime now..." He wiped away the tears that instantly replenished themselves. The tips of his sleeves were wet with the salty substance. His face fell, staring into Iruma's eyes, silently begging for help. "Why can't I stop?"

Iruma stepped forward, her arms wrapping around the man again. This time, he accepted as choked sobs erupted from his throat. He wept into Iruma's shoulder as the woman rubbed soothing circles on his back.

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