I Just Want to Sleep

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Kokichi walked through the small hall, right of the foyer. There wasn't any evidence of other human life. It wasn't too odd, everyone was most likely settling into their new dorm life. Each door he passed had two nameplates on them, showing the names of each occupant. Chabashira and Yumeno, Momota and Harukawa, Akamatsu and Amami. Yonaga had a room of her own. The purplette shuddered, remembering how the Ultimate Artist admitted to painting in the nude. Maybe that was the reason for her lack of a roommate. He decided not to think about the fact that there were an odd number of students now.

He hummed, realising everyone was paired with someone they seemed close to, such as a friend or significant other. Why weren't Akamatsu and Saihara together though, were they not allowed to due to being a male and female couple? If that were the case, then why had Harukawa and Momota been allowed to share a room? The dorms must be random.

Kokichi's eyes widened, turning to Yonaga's door. If she didn't have a roommate, and each dorm was for each class... Oh no, he had a roommate. At least it wasn't Momota or Harukawa, but that meant shit. He'd have to suffer all day, every day. Twenty-four hours, seven days a week of keeping up the same old cocky façade. Crying himself to sleep would now be out of the question, along with his comfort toy, Fifi. His mum promised to hide Fifi in his pillows, knowing he wouldn't want anyone to find her.

Reaching the end of the hall, Kokichi hummed. Only four rooms, yet fifteen students? Turning around, he approached the foyer and noticed an identical hallway opposite where he stood. The foyer held mailboxes and shoe racks at the entrance, couches and armchairs around a few different coffee tables. A few beanbags and two large couches sat facing a large television mounted on the wall.

Rolling his eyes, Kokichi released a chuckle at the thought of spending time watching movies with his classmates. That would be on a whole other level of misery. Walking through the foyer, he entered the next hallways with another four dorms. Shinguji and Gokuhara, Iruma and K1-B0, Hoshi and Tojo... His eyes landed on the last door at the end, opposite Hoshi and Tojo.

Saihara and Ouma.


Kokichi sighed, just his luck. It sounded like a shitty cliché from one of Shirogane's equally shitty fanfictions. Wrapping his hand around the handle, he slowly tried to push it down only for it to resist. Locked. Why couldn't things go smoothly for once in his life?

That's when the words of Yamamoto-Sensei rang through his head. When closed, the bedroom doors automatically locked for safety measures and the dorm entrance would automatically lock between 10 pm and 5 am. Only special keycards could bypass these locks, ones that select students and all staff had.

Each student had a key to their rooms though, but Kokichi couldn't remember where to find it. He hadn't been handed one in class, nor had one been mailed to his parent's house.

Groaning, Kokichi walked into the foyer and jumped onto a beanbag. Why did nothing go his way? He wanted to meet God, only to demand an answer as to why he'd cursed Kokichi to be an idiot. Nothing, he remembered nothing and understood nothing, yet he knew enough to understand the meaning of his life. Kokichi knew enough to know that suffering was all he would feel.

How long would it take until he could be normal? What was normal? Misunderstandings and forgetfulness were all he'd known for nineteen years, along with people getting annoyed and frustrated at his stupidity.

All he needed to know was how to find the key to go into his fucking room. He needed somewhere to cry and scream into a pillow so he could go back to pretending everything was okay. Kokichi remembered that the dorms would be soundproof to allow students - such as Akamatsu - to practice their talents without bothering anyone. Thank God, Kokichi would go insane if he had to listen to Akamatsu's piano all night, or Chabashira's screaming as the Ultimate Aikido Master. Why didn't he remember how to get into his fucking room?

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