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All students disappeared into their classrooms along with the sounds of confused chattering. As soon as they saw their teacher, the classroom erupted with questions until Yamamoto-Sensei silenced them. "Everything is under control, you just need to have lunch inside today."

"Why?" Yumeno pleaded, trying to ignore Chabashira who constantly spouted babble about protecting the Ultimate Mage.

"There's no more information I can give," the teacher sighed. "It's most likely a drill since I know as much as you all."

Everyone ceased begging their teacher for information as they gathered in groups, claiming corners of the classroom. Kokichi slipped beside Saihara, the group collecting close to one of the doors. With a tired yawn, he leaned against the wall and forced his eyes open.

Saihara shuffled closer to him, gently pulling the man onto his shoulder with slight hesitance. Kokichi accepted it wholeheartedly, too tired to argue as he curled into the detective. "You two seem close," Momota mumbled with a hint of contempt. The purplette almost pulled away in embarrassment, but Saihara's firm grip prevented any movement.

"Saihara's just horny," Kokichi mumbled to distract everyone from his humiliation.

"W-What?!" Saihara shouted, his shoulder tensing beneath Kokichi's head as the latter chuckled. "I'm not!"

The group laughed at Saihara's embarrassment. Their laughter only increased after a comment from Yamamoto-Sensei, one that Kokichi needed to hear. Why did he miss all the fun things?! "What did he say?!" Kokichi whined as Amami and Iruma continued laughing every time they glanced at each other.

"Young love," K1-B0 repeated with a smile on their face. Kokichi rolled his eyes and chose to ignore the statement in favour of staring out the window. It was nice outside with barely any clouds in the sky, so why were they inside today? Nothing about the situation made sense, drills were usually announced. Did he forget?

A tap to his right shoulder made Kokichi glance around, seeing nothing there. "Over here, Ouma," a voice chuckled. He looked to his left and saw the amused smirk on Saihara's face, everyone stifling laughter. It made the supreme leader smile too, despite being embarrassed. "Sorry for being blunt, but, are you hard of hearing?" Saihara asked, making Kokichi's smile vanish within a split second. 

Oh shit.

"Um..." He didn't know how to respond, Kokichi thought he'd covered his tracks well. Saihara might not be correct, but he was dangerously close. "No, I'm not," he huffed. "Stupidhead."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just noticed that you seem to mishear things a lot and-"

"I know what I'm like!" Kokichi snapped, not enjoying Saihara putting ideas in anyone's heads. "You don't need to remind me." He grabbed Saihara's hand and shoved him away, shuffling over to place a distance between them. 

The man needed some boundaries back, he needed to put a wall between him and Saihara. This proved to be a mistake. He let his guard down and Saihara almost saw inside his mind, inside the part that Kokichi refused to acknowledge. No one else would find out the truth. Never.

"Ouma, are you alright?" Amami broke the silence.

"I'm tired!" Kokichi whined, hoping his childish behaviour would be another distraction. "This is why assignments aren't worth it!"

Without warning, Yamamoto-Sensei jumped up and turned off the lights, closing each curtain to the inside windows. At least they still had light from the outside windows. People immediately bombarded him with questions, prompting the man to silence them again. "I'm not sure why, I only received orders. Again, it might be a drill for us teachers." Kokichi glared at the teacher, noticing the stress hidden behind his smile. No one could get a lie past him, not when it was so obvious.

Saihara muttered under his breath, making his friends freeze. "Really? Are you sure?" Akamatsu asked. Kokichi glanced at them, noticing the worry evident in their expressions. If only he'd heard Saihara.

"You're overthinking." Amami shook his head.

"They wouldn't hide that from us, and besides, security would be on his ass in a heartbeat," Iruma argued.

"Who the hell are you on about?" Momota cried. He seemed just as confused as Kokichi.

"What the fuck are you all talking about?!" Kokichi repeated with more desperation than the astronaut. Everyone turned to Kokichi with a confused frown or raised eyebrow.

"Saihara spoke pretty clearly," Akamatsu muttered. Oh boy, here we go again. Everyone thought he was deaf now, all thanks to stupid Saihara and his stupid detective skills.

"Well, I wasn't paying attention!" Kokichi sneered. "You're all boring!"

"That's why you're still here," Iruma teased. Kokichi watched Saihara open his mouth to explain but the door slamming open interrupted them. He glanced at the intruder and jumped to his feet, adrenaline drowning his body.

Sasaki stood there with a sparkle in his stormy grey eyes.

"Hi there, are you a new employee at the academy?" Yamamoto-Sensei asked, voice dripping in apprehension.

"Yes, I'm the new janitor. I found something here with the name Ouma Kokichi and heard that he's in this class." Kokichi clenched his jaw, glaring at the man who grinned as if he belonged there.

The group from the café stood in front of Kokichi, creating a barrier. They shouted at him to stay away, calling him out as a liar. Yamamoto-Sensei walked to his desk, his threatening tone out of character for the usually calm and friendly teacher. "You need to leave."

Sasaki took a step forward, ignoring everyone's threats. "Stay back!" Saihara screamed, taking a step toward the creep. The class fell silent, watching the scene unfold. As Sasaki took another step closer, Kokichi glanced around the room in search of an escape. He knew one way, but one wrong move would be lethal. Fuck it, he wasn't about to let Sasaki win.

Kokichi raced to the window, throwing it open and stepping onto the ledge. "Ouma, get down from there!" Akamatsu cried. Guilt surged through him as the memory of her, Amami and Saihara watching him a millisecond from falling to his death a while ago. This must be sparking memories for them too.

Ignoring the pianist, he turned his glare back to Sasaki. "If you get any fucking closer, I'm jumping out of the building."

"Ouma, do not be rash," Tojo challenged.

"I don't think this is a rash decision," K1-B0 countered.

Sasaki laughed at Kokichi's threat, the grin never leaving his face. "You don't have the balls." Everyone watched them, unsure what to do. Kokichi didn't blame them, no one was prepared for something like this, not even him. Glancing at his friends, Kokichi shot Saihara a quick wink and noticed his panic ease.

Analysing the fall behind him, Kokichi winced at the sight. He was on the third floor and if he was a millimetre off-mark, he'd die. Taking a deep breath, Kokichi returned his gaze to Sasaki and noticed him a few steps closer. Saihara discreetly held Amami and Akamatsu's wrists, the three seeming to debate between letting Kokichi follow through with his plan or disrupting him.

Yamamoto-Sensei watched closely and shot a glance at the camera. Kokichi watched the teacher in his peripherals, knowing he couldn't do anything to help, nor could the students. As Sasaki took another step forward, Kokichi shuffled closer to the edge and gripped tight to the window frame. "One more step and I'll jump!" He screamed.

"Come on kitty, that's no way to greet me." 

"Fuck you." Kokichi wanted to scream at the sight of his classmates gasping, pieces of the puzzle clicking. He could laugh at how easy people were to read when faced with trauma.

"You're making me mad. Come and kiss me, maybe then I won't punish you." Sasaki laughed, shoving his friends to the floor as he focused on the young adult. "Let's run away together."

"You're sixty-seven and twice divorced, why would I fucking want you." Kokichi spat, hoping to gain some control. He couldn't resist poking fun at the man and it helped ease his terror.

As soon as Sasaki took another step, Kokichi smirked. He flicked two fingers from his forehead and stepped backward, disappearing as he fell from the windowsill.

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