Fuck You, I'm Not Sick

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Entering the classroom, Kokichi winced with each sting shooting through his hips. Hopefully, no one would notice, although he'd received a few side-eyes from other students in the hallways.

"Oi, Dickwad, you look like you've gone five rounds with The Hulk!" Kokichi rolled his eyes, turning to glare at Iruma Miu. Her strawberry blonde hair fluttered around her hips, untamed strands sticking out everywhere. The woman's sapphire blue eyes glinted with the chance to poke fun at the purplette. It wasn't like Kokichi minded, their insult wars could be entertaining.

"Their dick certainly felt like it," Kokichi smirked. None of the fifteen other students batted an eyelid at the taboo subject. It wasn't odd for Kokichi and Iruma to be vulgar and annoying.

"Please, don't have those kinds of conversations in the classroom," the teacher sighed. Kokichi laughed as he limped past his peers, sliding his black shoulder bag from his shoulder and dumping it on the ground. Propping the fabric against the leg of his desk, he plonked down with a wince. The class resumed as if the interruption never happened.

Kokichi despised his academy with a passion. He never understood anything that happened, no matter how much he tried or wanted to focus. Furthermore, everyone around him hated his guts. Everyone glared at him as he passed with a fake, confident smirk. It wasn't their fault though, Kokichi purposefully created an outward persona that people would despise. The man didn't want nor need friends. At least, that's what he'd convinced himself.

His facade had succeeded so far. Well, with all but one other student. The woman in question sat directly in front of Kokichi. He watched as she turned around, her long, teal-blue hair swishing around her back. She mouthed something to him, causing Kokichi's brain to whir and distinguish the words. "You're late."

"Really?" Kokichi whispered. He glanced around, noticing no one turning to glare at him. That meant he wasn't being louder than he thought. "I never would've guessed!" Continuing with the tone he'd begun with, the man grinned and focused on Shirogane Tsumugi, his one and only friend.

Shirogane scoffed, her teal eyes rolling behind white-framed elliptical glasses. Before their argument could commence, a knock at the classroom door stopped all conversations that had begun erupting amongst the students. Headmaster Monokuma stepped through the door, waving to the students with a smile. "Yamamoto, may I speak to you for a moment?"

Nodding, the teacher stepped out of the room, the door closing behind the older men. At the moment of freedom, the entire classroom erupted in chatter as they ignored the work on the blackboard.

Taking the chance, Shirogane slid her chair backwards until it hit Kokichi's desk, turning around to rest her elbows on the wood. "Alright, what happened? It's plain to see that you're fucked up," she stated.

"Am I?" Kokichi asked, pretending to ponder the statement. "Where? I don't see anything." Rolling his eyes, Kokichi leaned back in his seat and placed his hands behind his head.

"You better tell me what's wrong before I kill you," Shirogane huffed. Kokichi puffed out a frustrated breath as he stared at Shirogane's lips. With the entire classroom erupting in conversations, Kokichi had trouble focusing on what his friend was saying. The words mixed in with snippets of other conversations. His only way around it was to read lips. Luckily, with everyone being loud, that meant their conversation could fly under the radar.

"I had a client last night," Kokichi explained. "Got home to find out the fucker pretended to pay half to the boss beforehand."

Shirogane sighed, her eyes dropping as she held out a hand, making a beckoning motion. Kokichi placed his hands on the desk, letting Shirogane hold them. "Sorry for not being there," she muttered before bowing her head in shame.

Kokichi didn't worry about revealing too much to Shirogane, after all, she knew all of his secrets. She was the second entertainer 'hired' by his father, meaning she was the only other employee who knew the big boss was Kokichi's dad. That was how they met in the first place. Entering the same college had been sheer coincidence.

"Don't blame yourself, it's fine," Kokichi huffed with a smirk.

Shirogane's head raised before she spoke. The woman was aware of Kokichi's problem with understanding, meaning she only spoke when he could see her lips. "What's the lie today?"

"Huh?" Kokichi frowned, wondering if he heard the wrong words.

"You know... When someone asks what happened?" She explained, eyes thinning with concern. Kokichi felt like facepalming at the misunderstanding on his end.

"Oh, no one will," he sighed. "Why would they?" Kokichi lowered his head to stare at their hands. He despised appearing weak in front of others, but every other student was preoccupied.

"Oh Ko..." Shirogane sighed, releasing the man's hands as she stood. Her knee-length, black skirt flowed behind her as she walked around the desk. Bending down, she wrapped Kokichi in her arms for a brief moment before he shoved her away.

"Not in front of the class," Kokichi huffed with a pout. "I have a reputation to upkeep."

Laughing, Shirogane ruffled his hair and jumped into her seat. She turned her body to face Kokichi, the two staring at each other. He couldn't think about how to continue the conversation.

Thankfully, he didn't need to as Yamamoto-Sensei entered the room. "Quiet down," he ordered. Everyone did as asked, the room growing silent as the man attempted to resume his lesson. "Shirogane, please turn around. Ouma, please stop distracting him."

"Hey!" Kokichi shouted, glaring at the teacher. "I'll stop distracting her when you get her pronouns right!"

"Ah, I'm sorry Shirogane," Yamamoto-Sensei apologised with a faint, apologetic bow.

"It's fine, Sensei. No one's perfect," Shirogane smiled, waving her hand dismissively in the air. Unless someone purposefully misgendered her, Shirogane seemed so nonchalant and unbothered. Kokichi admired that about her.

Shirogane came out as transgender a year prior. Her parents accepted her with open arms, along with their entire class. Kokichi became protective over her when a few other students tried to bully her. He didn't want to see her hurt, not after what they'd been through together.

Winking at Kokichi, the woman spun around in her seat. He smirked and allowed her to return to the lesson whilst he stared out the window.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Kokichi glared at the worksheet. Words blurred together, stopping him from reading. Even words on a piece of paper hated him. As he tried to decipher the phenomenal jumble of ink, a siren pierced his ears. Rolling his eyes, the man shoved his belongings into his shoulder bag, watching everyone scramble to their lunch break.

Shirogane swayed in place, staring around as she waited for Kokichi. He knew she was waiting, she always did. "Ah, Ouma, before you go." At the intrusion, Kokichi mentally rolled his eyes. "Could we talk in private?" Locking eyes with Yamamoto-Sensei, Kokichi nodded hesitantly. This couldn't be good news.

Sharing a knowing glance with her best friend, Shirogane turned and left the room. Kokichi approached his teacher's desk, the lone student remaining. "What do you want?" Admittedly, he didn't want to sound as rude as it seemed.

"I'd appreciate it if you lost the attitude," Yamamoto-Sensei stated. Kokichi despised the authority in his voice, it reminded him of his father. "Ouma, your grades haven't improved over these past few weeks."

Rolling his eyes, Kokichi scoffed. Another conversation about his fucking grades. "Can I leave now?"

"If there's anything I can do to help you in class, I'd like to know," Yamamoto-Sensei continued. His expression seemed to soften as the man leaned forward in his chair. Kokichi knew it was an attempt to be more approachable and friendly. That wasn't his job. "I'm aware of your disorder mentioned in your student file."

Before the older man could continue, Kokichi shot him a glare that would make the Grim Reaper cower. "I'm not sick. I don't need help." He adjusted the strap of his bag, turning his body to face the classroom door. "Stop treating me like I'm stupid, I'm not sick." Reiterating his health, Kokichi stormed out of the classroom in rage, ignoring the pain sparking in his hips.

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