Hide and Seek

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A blank, black screen stared at Kokichi, his reflection revealing the tears ready to fall. All day and not a single message from his mum. Not a phone call and not even a message with a single emoji. Had she forgotten to reply? There were no read receipts so he'd have no way of knowing if she'd seen it or not.

She'd never taken more than a few hours to reply. He'd even expected maybe he'd receive a reply when school ended since she didn't want to distract him, but it'd been three hours after class.

Kokichi couldn't stay still, he couldn't spend another minute in bed staring at a blank phone screen. Leaving his room, the man paced around the empty living area. Everyone was eating dinner in the dining room, so he knew no one would spot his anxiety-fuelled exercise. Thoughts rushed through his head so fast that he didn't know what to think. Maybe a walk would clear his mind, it wouldn't hurt.

"What's up, Ouma? You seem agitated." The supreme leader jumped and spun around to see Amami approaching.

"I'm wonderful, Mr Avocado!" Kokichi laughed, placing a grin on his face.

"That's a lie."

"What are you, a detective?" Kokichi sneered, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.

"No," Amami sighed. "You're just crying." Kokichi froze, slowly reaching up to touch his cheeks. A cold, wet substance stuck to his fingers, fresh tears rolling over his fingertips. "Tell me, what's going on. You and Iruma seem to be constantly hiding and on edge. She won't tell us anything and we're all worried."

Amami's green eyes held sincerity. Kokichi didn't know how to respond, he didn't realise that anyone would care about him, not even if they saw him dismembered on the side of the road. With how he often bullied people, he expected everyone to loathe his existence. Now, he had someone standing before him, worrying dancing within his emerald eyes. Someone that knew of his crush, but did that mean Kokichi trusted him? It wasn't like everyone knew.

"I'm waiting for a message from someone, but they're not responding," Kokichi mumbled as he bowed his head. He couldn't bare to look at the other as he opened up about his worries. Kokichi hoped that he wouldn't regret it. "There's no reason they shouldn't have responded by now."

"Do you know where they are?" Kokichi raised his head, nodding as he hurried to soak the tears into his sleeve. He could always pretend his crying was a lie. "I'll drive you to them. I ride a bike though, so is that okay?"

No, he couldn't do that, not to Amami. Why should this man that everyone loved do anything for the class reject? On the other hand, he needed to check on his mum. He needed to ensure her safety. Maybe her phone died and she didn't realise. Either way, he couldn't wait until Saturday for her trip. What if she didn't even turn up, then what would he do? "Okay."

The two stared at each other for a few minutes before the purplette smiled. "Hurry up, Amami! You can't keep the Ultimate Supreme Leader of Evil waiting! I don't want to spend too much time with such a lowly peasant!" He waved off the man, faking a grimace.

Amami laughed and reached out to ruffle the man's hair. Kokichi smiled at the action. He was just like an older brother... If only Kokichi had an older brother... Maybe then he wouldn't be so lonely all the time. Sure, he had his mum, but sometimes he needed someone his age, someone that didn't have authority over him. "I'll grab my keys, give me a moment."

Kokichi nodded, letting Amami disappear to his room. He hurried to the main entrance and slipped on his shoes. Hurrying outside, Kokichi paced back and forth as he waited for Amami. It'd been less than a minute and Kokichi had already begun to grow impatient. His mum's life could be on the line, for fuck's sake! Why wouldn't Amami hurry up already? Did he not care? Maybe it was a dare? Perhaps Amami wanted to see Kokichi suffer-

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