Why Did it Have to be You?

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He swung his legs in the silent, freezing, bare room. His eyes never moved from a tiny pen mark on the table. "We have a few more questions. Judging from your answers so far, you'll be free to go." Kokichi nodded subtly, exhausted after hours of interrogations. When he arrived at the station, Kokichi was treated like a criminal and shot disgusted glances. Nothing unexpected.

Kokichi raised his head to stare at the speaking detective - Kanno - sitting beside Saihara. The man's raven hair wasn't a strand out of place and his smokey eyes analysed Kokichi's every movement. Glancing at Saihara, Kokichi wished that the bluenette would be interrogating him. At least it'd be more comfortable, but unfortunately, Saihara barely spoke. "When did you sign this contract you mentioned?"

His gaze returned to that same pen mark he'd been staring at for hours. Kokichi tried to answer every question honestly, he didn't want to be in more trouble than he probably was. Despite claiming to be an evil mastermind in the criminal world, the thought of prison terrified Kokichi. "Five years ago," he whispered.

"That would make you how old?"

He hesitated and continued to swing his legs, hoping it'd ease some anxiety. "Fourteen..." Saihara grumbled under his breath but still refused to speak. Maybe he wasn't allowed to... Kokichi found it odd.

"Do you know who the so-called mastermind is of this business? From what our evidence points to, you've been employed the longest."

Kokichi's blood ran cold. He anticipated the question but after years of threats, he didn't know if he could say it. His mum was dead so now his dad had no one's safety to threaten him with, but that only terrified Kokichi further. Who could die at his hands if his dad found out about this? "Yes," he mumbled.

"If you don't want to give a name, that's okay. Is there any relation to you, aside from being your boss?" Kanno leaned closer, spinning a pen between his fingers. Glancing between the two, Kokichi pressed his thighs together and fiddled with the ends of his knee-high boots. He wanted to curl into a ball and cry, the situation was way too stressful for him to handle without preparation. Hell, Saihara had just handcuffed him, led him into a police car and driven him to a fucking station for interrogation.

"Ouma," Saihara whispered. He leaned closer, resting an elbow on the barren, pale table. "Is there any relation to you, aside from being your boss?" The blue-haired detective repeated his co-worker's question in a softer, calmer tone that helped Kokichi's anxiety clear for a brief moment. Kokichi nodded, staring directly at his classmate. "Can you elaborate?"

"He'll kill me..." Kokichi whispered. It wasn't like he valued his life, but Kokichi would never die at someone else's hands. If someone were to kill him, it'd be himself. Maybe a few months ago, Kokichi wouldn't ever think his dad would go further than beating him, but if he truly did organise his mum's death...

"No one's going to hurt you." Kanno's attempt at reassurance flew over Kokichi's head, he didn't feel any hint of care behind it. That and the thought of his dad possibly killing him began to make him spiral. Past near-death experiences flashed before Kokichi's eyes as his breathing quickened. His hands trembled, eyes wide as he remembered each punch, each drop of blood that splattered the walls, every bruise and fractured bone.

Saihara tried to stand but Kanno pushed him back into the seat, shooting him a look that Kokichi couldn't decipher in his haze. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he gripped his hair. "Ouma, we're going to give you a break to calm down, alone. Come on Shuichi." The detectives stood and approached the door with Saihara glancing back at Kokichi one more time.

"He's my dad!" Kokichi shouted in a hurry, silently pleading for the two not to leave him alone with his thoughts. They turned around and took their seats.

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