Revealing One Thing After the Other

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Kokichi and Saihara stumbled through the classroom door, embarrassed by the countless eyes on them. "Ah. Ouma, Saihara, thank you for finally joining us," Yamamoto-Sensei greeted with a raised eyebrow. "Care to explain why you're both so late?"

"We slept in, sorry," Saihara mumbled as he stared at the ground. They both ignored the sexual comment made by Iruma, who was quietened by K1-B0 who sat beside her.

"It's the first time this has happened, so I'll let you two off for now." Kokichi sighed in relief, glad they wouldn't be spending another weekend in detention. "Please take your seats and follow along." They hurried to take their seats and pull out their belongings - well, the belongings that they hadn't forgotten in their rush. Quickly glancing to his right, Kokichi locked eyes with Saihara and smiled, quietly laughing to himself as the detective followed suit.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Kokichi groaned as he stared at the assignment summary sheet, silently begging God to smite him dead. A fucking movie report, why did it have to be a fucking movie report?! Oh well, just another assignment to fail so there wasn't any point in trying. The man wasn't excited to fall back into old habits, but maybe, just this once, he could revert...

"What's wrong?" Saihara asked from where he walked beside Kokichi.

"I hate reports!" Kokichi whined as he threw his hands to his sides, the paper threatening to rip due to the sheer speed of his movements. "They're so boring!"

"I can help you if you'd like?"

Kokichi hummed, pursing his lips in an attempt to hide his smile. "I don't know, are you good enough for such an honour?" The two laughed, but Kokichi couldn't help but wonder... What reasons did Saihara have for trying to grow closer to him? Yes, he said he wanted to help, but it was beginning to seem more than just a friendly shoulder to cry on... unless that was Kokichi's wishful thinking?

Saihara opened his mouth to respond but a stupid, dumb green-haired Ultimate Adventurer interrupted with a wide grin. "Hey, Saihara, can I steal you for a sec?" The detective agreed and they walked away, leaving Kokichi with the rest of their friends.

"Hey, Ouma?" K1-B0 broke the silence with their oddly human-sounded voice. "May I ask you a question?"

"You just did," Kokichi grinned. He swung his hands behind his head, chuckling as everyone around him groaned.

"Another question then?"

"You just did again!~"

"A fourth question?"

"You just-" Kokichi stopped as the gears whirred in his brain. "Awe! You're no fun! This is why I don't like robots!" The supreme leader whined as false tears welled behind his eyes.

"That's robophobic!" K1-B0 cried. Kokichi only rolled his eyes. Why couldn't they see that he was only joking? Well, maybe some people didn't like certain jokes... Hmm, maybe he should dial the robophobic remarks back a bit for K1-B0's sake. After all, he'd come to respect the robot more than ever. "Anyway, I'd like to ask why your left eye is yellow."

Kokichi stopped dead in the middle of the hallway. Frowning, he turned to the robot and snarled. "It's purple, dumbass. Are you fucking malfunctioning?"

"They're not, your eye is yellow," Akamatsu disclosed.

"Yea, what they said," Iruma shrugged. She continued to stare at Kokichi's eye before gasping, her icy-blue eyes widened as if she had an epiphany. Pulling out his phone, Kokichi hurried to open the camera and stare at his mirror image.


During his panic in the morning, he forgot to wear his contact lens. Now that he thought about it, he also forgot his neckerchief and to brush his teeth...

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