Trauma Bonding with Another

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Paper crinkled beneath Kokichi's grip as he followed his route. A beautiful floral scent filled his nose, bringing a soft smile to his lips. They were a mix of red roses and purple orchids. After days of interrogations, Kokichi wanted nothing more than to sleep and see his mum again. He'd visited her two times now. His father held the funeral alone and Kokichi hadn't known until his dad posted about it online, so he decided that he'd hold another personal funeral where he spent a few hours by the grave alone.

At least the police arrested someone for the murder. Kokichi didn't know the man, he'd never seen him before in his life. According to the investigators, the death was a result of a robbery gone wrong. The purplette had never heard a lie more bullshit than that, not even when he claimed that he was the supreme overlord of all jellyfish in the world and could command them at will. He still cringed at that one.

He knew his mum was murdered on purpose. You don't accidentally gut someone. Plus there were no signs of a break-in when he and Amami searched the house.

Kokichi noticed the graveyard gate approaching, only able to make it out thanks to the dim light of the street lamps. He'd left the dorms at 8 pm, not wanting anyone to see him. As he reached out a hand to open the gate, a voice called his name.

Spinning around to where he heard the voice, Kokichi frowned. There wasn't a single movement in the shadows, no hint of human life. The voice that called him sounded somehow familiar, making his heart race. He could never identify someone based on their voices, not without looking at them. Assuming he imagined the noise, Kokichi turned and yelped as he noticed Amami behind him.

Groaning, Kokichi pinched the bridge of his nose, lowering the bouquet. He thought he'd manage to leave the dorms alone for once, but of course, someone had to catch him. Iruma wouldn't let him out of her sight when they weren't in the dorms. Well, it wasn't like he'd left his room in a while anyway.

"I thought I'd find you here," Amami sighed.

"What do you want?"

"Would I be able to join you?" Amami asked before his eyes widened as if he'd noticed he'd made a mistake. "If you need time alone, I understand."

Kokichi frowned at the greenette. "Sure, I guess?" He didn't have a problem visiting the grave with another. "Why would you want to though, she's not your mum." The man flinched at his aggressive tone but at least Amami didn't seem fazed.

"She was a friend to everyone at the dorms. When she visited, everyone was happy. The cupcakes every week were great. Plus she often helped people with any homework if she saw us studying."

Humming, Kokichi took a moment before he realised what the man claimed. "She... did that?" Kokichi hadn't had a clue what she did after leaving his room. He'd always shut himself inside and play on his phone or draw aimlessly, enjoying the solitude.

Amami nodded. "I also understand what it's like to find family... uh... in that situation..." His fond smile vanished, turning into a depressed sigh.

Tilting his head in confusion, Kokichi decided to pry. "Isn't your whole family alive?"

The greenette shook his head. "Remember my secret I mentioned a while ago?" Kokichi nodded. "Three of my twelve sisters passed away a few years ago. They went for a drive around the forest during a storm. No one could get in contact with them and I decided to search... I found all three of them torn apart in the wreckage..."

Kokichi rocked back and forth, staring at the pavement. "I'm sorry..." Not even he could make a joke about that scenario. Well, he couldn't joke around anyway, not with his state of mind.

"It's fine. I've moved on now, although it still haunts me sometimes. You never forget these things... No one knows so please keep this a secret." 

"Lips are sealed."

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