Cupcakes Have Multiple Uses

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Kokichi approached the dorm entrance before a nagging feeling in the back of his mind stopped him. He felt like he'd forgotten something but couldn't shake it no matter how hard he tried. Glancing around, his eyes landed on the mailbox and he gasped. Saihara told him that he had mail! How could he forget?!

Unlocking the metal box, Kokichi noticed a single folded letter. A small red heart was doodled in the corner with a badly-drawn rose beneath it. Opening it up, Kokichi read the note. 'Roses are red. Violets are blue. You're beautiful and I'm in love with you.' Ugh, cheesy. It was kind of sweet... Kokichi sighed and tried to fight his grin. Despite how much he'd deny it to anyone, the man was a sucker for cheesy romance.

Who could've sent him this? Saihara said he saw the person, so Kokichi knew it wasn't an old client or a creep. In that case, it'd have to be a classmate. On top of that, who would write such disgustingly adorable crap as a secret admirer?

"How are you, Ouma?" Kokichi yelped and spun around to see Tojo loitering behind him. He slammed the locker shut and shoved the crumpled paper into his pocket. "Oh, apologies for scaring you."

"Well, you did it for nothing, Mum! I don't need you to do anything right now!"

"Please do not refer to me as your mother," Tojo sighed. Kokichi grinned and tilted his head, bashing his eyelids like an innocent toddler. The Ultimate Maid was such a sweet, kind soul and Kokichi always saw his mum in her. Now that his mum was dead, it hurt a lot to see the dirty blonde. "I have made cupcakes, just as your mother did when she visited."

Kokichi stared at the outstretched tray. How had he not noticed it? A few cupcakes stood on the metal, reminding Kokichi of many horrible sights of his mother's corpse. "Thanks..." He mumbled, reaching out to grab a chocolate cupcake with white icing and silver, sugary balls. Tojo left and so did Kokichi.

He approached the main building, staring at his cupcake as he cradled it. Kokichi found himself holding it like you'd hold a tiny, frail kitten off the street. Finally reaching the room where weekend detentions were being held, Kokichi lowered the cupcake. "You are?" Fukuda-Sensei asked, glancing at the list of students required to attend detention.

"Ouma Kokichi." Glancing at the room, he noticed Saihara pulling out homework, presumably arriving less than a minute ago.

"Ah! Here you are. Please take a seat and I don't want to see a phone or hear any talking. Food isn't allowed, so eat your snack now please." Kokichi rolled his eyes and approached the furthest desk from the detention supervisor. He didn't pay any mind to the two random students that he didn't know or care to know.

Placing the cupcake on the table, Kokichi did nothing but stare. The tip of the icing drooped and created a loop, captivating the supreme leader since he didn't bring any homework to occupy himself. Man, he regretted not doing that since now he'd be bored to death. Whilst gazing at the cupcake and remembering his mum's kitchen. Kokichi remembered being a small child, his mum baking him cupcakes with a smile and bruises on both of their pale skin.

There was no point crying anymore. His mum was dead, nothing would change that and Kokichi had slowly come to terms with the fact that he'd only ever see her in hallucinations and dreams now. The police arrested their suspect, closed the case and dusted off their hands.

He glanced up upon movement in front of him. Saihara - who sat in the seat directly before Kokichi - turned around and smiled. Kokichi's eyes widened slightly before he caught the embarrassing reaction and narrowed them, hurrying to stare out of the window. It's not like they could talk anyway.

Kokichi wanted to smile back but he didn't think he had the right. He felt penitent that the two received weekend detention for Kokichi's actions, even though Saihara said he didn't mind and that he enjoyed the thrill and chatting. Momota and Harukawa now forced Saihara to do one hundred push-ups and one hundred situps every night as punishment for falling victim to Kokichi's schemes. Akamatsu also spent an hour scolding the two, but neither Kokichi nor Saihara could stop smiling at each other during it.

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