This is Why I Have Trust Issues

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Kokichi groaned in relief after entering the dorms with his five friends. They began to stick together like glue more as time grew. With Kokichi not having work to worry about, he found the lack of stress made him enjoy leisurely time with friends (Saihara) exciting.

Unfortunately, today wasn't one of relaxation. Just boring schoolwork and stupid questions that he didn't understand yet everyone else did. Yamamoto-Sensei seemed to target him all day, asking questions until Kokichi answered correctly (which hadn't happened).

"Let's all study together!" Akamatsu cried. Right, they'd received another assignment today that Kokichi hadn't briefed, he couldn't see a reason to look at something he would never attempt. Everyone began agreeing, focused on talking about whose room they'll take over for the evening. Taking his chance, Kokichi turned to sneak away into his room and do anything other than schoolwork.

A hand grabbed the back of his uniform, stopping Kokichi. "Where are you sneaking off to, you little shit?"

Rolling his eyes, he turned to frown at Iruma. "Away from you lot! Studying is boring!" With a smirk, Kokichi began inspecting his neatly trimmed nails, recently painted a bright purple by Saihara. "Besides, a supreme leader doesn't do homework. I give that stuff to my subordinates!"

No one entered the thought as Iruma dragged him along with their friends toward Amami and Akamatsu's shared room. They all sat on the pink, fluffy rug and set up their work for the evening. Watching everyone slip into study mode effortlessly, Kokichi decided maybe he should at least entertain himself and do some of his homework. A low mark is better than a zero, after all.

Pulling out the new biology homework, Kokichi decided to put off their new assignment for a little longer. Everyone else decided to start with Biology, so why shouldn't he? Glancing at his friends, he noticed them writing at the speed of light. He stared at the first question and frowned. None of it made sense, the question didn't seem to be asking anything, just stating a theory with a bunch of random extra information.

"Do you need help, Ouma?" Kokichi jumped at the voice whispering in his ear. He turned to see Saihara sitting beside him, their bodies millimetres away from contact. If only he could shift a little closer to the detective.

"Of course not!" The supreme leader grinned." "It's so easy that there's no point doing it!"

Saihara leaned a little closer, covering his lips from everyone's view. "You're lying." Kokichi's eyes widened for a moment as he caught the subconscious reaction and stopped it. He should be focusing on Saihara's words, but the detective's face was so close and his warm breath tickled Kokichi's cheek.

"Oi! If we can't join in then stop fucking!" Iruma shouted. Saihara and Kokichi cringed, shifting away from each other with bright red faces.

Ignoring the inventor's outburst, Akamatsu grinned and clapped her hands. "We're all here to help each other! If you need us Ouma, don't be afraid to ask!"

"Ugh! I don't need your stupid, insignificant help!" Kokichi whined, ignoring the mumbled "you're lying again" from Saihara.

With a grin, Kokichi turned to Saihara and tried to snatch his homework. Maybe he could see someone's answers and use them to understand the question before answering it himself. Saihara shot his arm into the air with a cheeky grin, holding his homework out of Kokichi's reach. The others began laughing but Kokichi only focused on his goal. He reached forward inch by inch. Closer and closer. Only a little more...

He yelped in surprise as he fell forward, unintentionally pinning the detective to the ground with his hands beside Saihara's head. They stared at each other for a brief moment, too flustered and embarrassed to speak. How do you get out of a situation like this without death being involved? Blushing more than a schoolgirl in a cheesy romance anime, the two men hurried to free Saihara and return to their spots on the rug. "Oh my God you two, fuck already!"

"I-I- Ahem, I'm going to get a drink..." Saihara mumbled as he stood, distracting himself by dusting off his pinstripe uniform. "Does anyone want anything?" Everyone shook their heads so the detective took his leave, leaving everyone to stare at Kokichi.

"The fuck do you all want?"

"You have such an obvious crush on Saihara and it hurts." Kokichi glared at Amami. His fist clenched and his heart pounded. How fucking dare he reveal his secret?!

"It's fuckin' obvious," Iruma added. Kokichi stopped glaring, turning to Iruma in surprise. He didn't realise that his stupid little (massive) crush was obvious to outsiders. Did that mean Saihara knew? "Well, to everyone but fuckin' Suckhara!"

"You like him," K1-B0 smiled.

"No, I don't. I hate his guts," Kokichi laughed with a roll of his violet eyes.

"Oh my God Ouma, you so wanna fuck him!"

"No, I don't!" The group argued back and forth, four against one before Kokichi threw his arms up and groaned. "Fine! So what if I have a tiny fucking crush on him!?"

"What do you like about him then?" Amami asked with a teasing smirk, leaning forward in interest.

Kokichi opened his mouth to retort but stopped as his eyes landed on Akamatsu. Even if he wanted to, there was no way he could talk about his crush on Saihara. Not before the detective's ex-girlfriend. Akamatsu sighed and shot the man a sweet, caring smile. "It's fine, Ouma. Shuichi and I broke up due to a mutual agreement and we're still best friends! I'm not bothered if you like him. Besides, I have my boyfriend to worry about," she added with a giggle as the pianists reached out to grab Amami's hand.

The supreme leader watched as Amami took Akamatsu's hand and planted a soft kiss on her knuckles. "Wait wait wait... Boyfriend?!" He shouted, gazes flicking between the two with fascination.

"Uh, yeah?" Amami frowned, glancing at Akamatsu. He seemed confused, but why would he be?

"When the fuck was I going to find out about this?!" Kokichi shouted as he crossed his arms and pouted.

"We... did..." Akamatsu tilted her head slightly, blonde eyebrows knitted together. "During lunch a few weeks ago, remember?"

"Oh..." Kokichi dropped his arms and his stare fell blank.

"Are you going to answer my question now?" Amami challenged.

Kokichi sighed and began analysing his nails again, trying not to appear embarrassed and ignoring the heat flushing across his cheeks. "Well, he's always kind and caring, but he's protective when he needs to be. He's always there for me and helped me out of a crisis. Plus he's hot." As he continued to talk, Kokichi's voice lowered to a whisper and a sweet smile spread across his cheeks.

Realising the room grew silent for a few moments, Kokichi stared at everyone to see them smirking. Iruma was the first to break the silence. "Ouma's a softie!"

"Shut the fuck up you whore!" Kokichi screamed, matching Iruma's deafening volume. The five began laughing together, only interrupted by the door opening.

Saihara took a step inside and paused, a bottle of water in his hand. "D-Did something happen?"

"No!" K1-B0 hurried to shout, a warm smile on their face. Saihara returned the smile and shrugged, returning to his seat. Kokichi pursed his lips, wondering why the detective hadn't seen through K1-B0's lie as easily as he could see through his.

As the group began talking together about stupid gossip (much to Saihara's disgust), Kokichi reached over and snatched the detective's homework. He began copying keywords from Saihara's answers onto his sheet until the detective shouted. "Ouma! I can see you!"

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

I'm so sorry for the late update. Here's an explanation for anyone who didn't see my announcement:

I grew EXTREMELY ill. At first, I said I wasn't feeling good and couldn't focus enough to write anything good, but after my announcement, I became extremely dehydrated and could barely move, so that was an eventful few days. I'm not completely better but I have medicine that's working wonders! :D

Hopefully, now I'm back to whatever update schedule I've adopted lmao

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