How the Fuck Did You Get Here?

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Saihara and Kokichi walked side by side through a small park trail not far from the dorms. The detective insisted that Kokichi have time to think away from the dorms, but of course, he wouldn't be alone. A soothing night breeze helped Kokichi feel at peace as he distracted himself from his thoughts by watching the trees and bushes sway back and forth.

"Hey, Ouma?" Kokichi hummed as the two stopped walking, staring at each other. Well, as much as they could stare at each other with Saihara constantly glancing at the ground and then his eyes. "Did you mean what you said earlier today? About trusting me?"

Kokichi scoffed and rolled his eyes, swinging his arms behind his messy purple hair. "That was a lie! I can't believe you fell for something so stupid!" God, he regretted telling Saihara that he trusted the bluenette. The way he said it might as well have been a love confession, especially coming from him of all people.

"I think that was the true lie," Saihara chuckled.

"Ugh, I hate you!" Kokichi whined as he crossed his arms like a toddler. He pulled that lie off flawlessly so how the hell did Saihara pick up on it so quickly?!

"When you lie," Saihara began as he started walking again, "your ears twitch and your eyes narrow slightly. It's barely noticeable unless you know what to look for." Kokichi felt his cheeks warm faintly at the realisation that, for Saihara to notice these things, the detective would've had to be watching his every breath. How much did he know about the supreme leader that Kokichi didn't know about himself? "If you ever need someone to open up to, I'll always be here for you, Ouma."

Kokichi frowned, disgust soon replacing his rosiness. He didn't want a pity party, he just wanted friends. Saihara seemed to pick up on his sudden mood swing and hurried to apologise which Kokichi accepted, although he pretended to be reluctant. Wanting an immediate change in topic, Kokichi decided to address something he'd been a little worried to mention. "Wanna tell me why you're acting so weird, Saihara-Chan?~"

"Huh?" Saihara stopped walking again, blinking in surprise at the smaller man.

"Don't play dumb with me! I hate playing mind games!" Kokichi whined. "Your pretty little brow has been furrowed this entire date!"

"W-We're not on a date Ouma!" The detective's cheeks warmed in embarrassment and Kokichi laughed. If only they were...

"You're avoiding the question!~"

Saihara sighed and the two began walking again. "I can't tell you much... I'm just a bit nervous about something. There's a lack of officers for an investigation tonight and I have to be on the field."

Kokichi felt his heart drop in fear. Would Saihara be in danger? No, the Ultimate Detective could handle himself. If the debate assessments in their shared psychology class were anything to go by, Saihara could be assertive and bossy when necessary. "I'm sure the great Ultimate Detective will be fine! No one can murder my beloved!~" The supreme leader giggled. He loved that faint, embarrassed flush spreading across Shuichi's face.

"O-Oh, no, it's not a dangerous mission. It's just... um... well-" A buzzing from Saihara's pocket rudely interrupted him. He pulled out the mobile and gasped, turning off the alert. "We have five minutes until curfew, let's go!" Grabbing Kokichi's hand, he began running down the trail toward the dorms. Kokichi laughed at the realisation that Mister Goody-Two-Shoes set an alarm to remind him of curfew.

An idea popped into Kokichi's head as they ran and he couldn't pass up this perfect opportunity. "Stop!" He screamed, making Shuichi wince and hurry to check on him. With a mischievous grin, Kokichi enacted his plan. "Race you there!" With a quick shove to topple the detective, he took off running toward the dorms as fast as his legs would carry him. He'd never been great at sports, but one of Kokichi's many talents was his speed and agility.

"Hey!" Saihara called from behind him. "That's not fair!" Kokichi laughed in response as he continued to run, not taking a chance to look behind him.

It didn't take but a few minutes to reach the dorms. As Kokichi rounded the corner, he noticed Saihara approaching from the other side. Ugh, why did he have to take a shortcut and why didn't Kokichi think about it?! They met in the middle and fought to get inside first.

They fell as the automatic doors opened, laughing and panting as they lay by each other's sides. "You two had fun," Amami laughed as he stood above them. Kokichi couldn't reply, unable to stop laughing as he sprawled out comfortably. He was enjoying the light-hearted moment, being able to laugh with friends.

The unfamiliar chime of his phone ringing startled Kokichi. He pulled it out to see 'Dad' on the screen, bringing an abrupt end to his laughter as he hurried to answer it. "Hello?"

"Kokichi, you're needed at work immediately. You have a last-minute appointment with a client. They're paying a lot, I expect you to provide the highest service." A beep sounded before Kokichi could respond, making him sigh and close his eyes. What a fun way to end a great day.

He jumped to his feet and smoothed out his outfit. "Alright, I'm outta this dump! If someone comes around, tell them I'm taking a shit! Although, you guys can't beat me at lying!~" Kokichi opened the door only for Amami to grab him.

"Where are you going? It's like a minute until curfew, you won't be able to get back inside," he warned.

"Don't worry that guacamole brain of yours," Kokichi laughed. "I have a place to stay!" Slipping away, he watched Saihara reach for the door before turning and bolting toward the street.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Kokichi placed the mascara into his bag, satisfied with his appearance. The dress-up would be Kokichi's favourite part of work if he didn't know that the clients would rip away his clothes and smudge his make-up. Some people preferred to ruin him and Kokichi learned a small trick from an early age. Streaks of mascara and fake tears made him seem more debauched.

A knock on the door startled him into rushing from the bathroom and planting a confident grin on his lips.

The entertainer wore all black clothing which was all requested by his client for the night. Black knee-high boots added to his short height and a pleated skirt that reached his mid-thigh covered a matching pair of hotpants. A long-sleeved, fishnet shirt fell around his wrists beneath a jet-black cropped tank top. Makeup covered his self-inflicted scars but the fishnet managed to distract from his fading imperfections.

He took the liberty to add spiked bracelets, a belt choker and a silver chain of hearts wrapped around his waist. Kokichi wondered why the client requested he's covered up so much but decided not to think too much of it. Maybe it was a rare night that someone hired him to have a shoulder to cry on, which he didn't mind. Despite the confusing scenario, it was an appreciated change of pace to wear an outfit he'd like to wear in public.

Taking one last deep breath, Kokichi checked his phone to find the client's preferred name. They hadn't listed any kinks or sexual preferences, making Kokichi believe it would be a calm night where someone cried about their partner breaking up with them.

Opening the door, Kokichi stood behind it and listened to the client's footsteps as they entered. He chucked his phone onto the blankets in the corner where his bag sat, releasing a relieved breath as it didn't shatter. "Welcome, Sir!" Kokichi greeted as he stepped out of the room to flip the sign on the door, telling anyone that passed not to disturb them.

Glancing down the hallway, he noticed police officers entering the rooms of his other two colleagues who were working. He smirked, lists of stereotypical kinks running through his mind at the sight. After the appointment, he should buy everyone muscle pain-relief creams, since they'd probably spend a while being handcuffed.

"O-Ouma?!" Kokichi froze as he swung the door closed, turning to see the last person he'd expected. Why was Saihara standing there?

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