Say Cheese

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His body wriggled against his will as Kokichi struggled to wake. A delicate hand had wrapped around his shoulder but he could barely register it. All he cared about was the soft, warm object his arms encased. Kokichi nuzzled his cheek into the fabric and groaned, wanting to return to sleep. He couldn't if it weren't for the flash that startled him awake.

Sitting up abruptly, Kokichi blinked rapidly as he noticed Akamatsu standing over him, phone in hand. "Really?" He groaned, voice hoarse after his injury. "Taking photos of people when they're asleep?"

"When my best friends are cuddling as if they're in a relationship?" Akamatsu smirked as she chucked her phone to Amami.

Kokichi frowned and glanced to his side, noticing Saihara only just waking up too. Noticing he still had a hand resting atop Saihara's chest, Kokichi blushed deeply and scrambled away from his secret boyfriend. Legs tangled in the sheets, making Kokichi's torso fall from the bed as he yelped, slamming his head on the floor.

"Come on!" Akamatsu grinned and clapped her hands. "We're going to the mall today!"

"Says who?" Saihara groaned.

"Says me!"

Kokichi rolled his eyes and groaned, kicking his legs free from the blankets. Great, time to suffer through shopping with a woman who'd probably drag them around for hours.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Saihara and Kokichi stood at each other's sides, hands brushing against each other here and there. They occasionally locked fingers for a brief moment and shared a sweet smile but nothing further occurred, not in public. He longed to cling to his boyfriend like a koala to a eucalypt tree.

Kokichi had his checkered neckerchief hiding the bruise wrapped around his throat, caused by the rope from the prior night. Aside from a black eye and multiple bruises littering his body, Kokichi was surprised to have few other injuries. Iruma and K1-B0 questioned him but everyone managed to convince them that Saihara kicked Kokichi off the bed whilst sleeping.

The group sat around a table, eating in the food court and laughing through their meal. Kokichi sighed and stood, excusing himself to go to the bathroom. Saihara grabbed Kokichi's wrist, stopping him from leaving. "Do you want me to go with you?"

Ignoring the vulgar comment from Iruma, Kokichi shook his head. "I'll be fine, my beloved!" He walked toward the bathroom, desperate for alone time. No one granted him breathing room and Kokichi had begun to feel suffocated. Saihara tried telling everyone to back off but they didn't listen. Even if Iruma and K1-B0 didn't know about the murder attempt, they could tell something awful happened. Being on the brink of death made Kokichi feel so constricted and trapped.

He stared at himself in the mirror, splashing his face with water and using his scarf as a towel. Someone walked inside but he paid them no mind, aware that he was in a public bathroom. "Are you Ouma Kokichi?" Frowning, the man turned to face the well-built brunette with piercing sapphire eyes.

"Depends who's asking." The stranger stepped forward, making Kokichi step backward in turn. They continued their dance until the short man found himself trapped in the corner, his predator towering over him. Kokichi couldn't even see past him so he had no chance of escape. "Look, if you need money, I don't have any on me." He raised in hands in surrender, trying not to show his fear.

Without answering, the dude grabbed Kokichi's scarf and pulled him into the air, smashing their lips together. Kokichi froze, eyes wide in shock. He expected a beat down or verbal argument, but not a fucking kiss! Frozen in bewildered terror, Kokichi blinked rapidly as he hit the floor. With a smirk, the stranger turned and left the bathroom but Kokichi didn't watch, he kept his eyes on the bacteria-infested ground. It sounded like the door opened twice but Kokichi let that fly over his head.

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