Fuck What Everyone Thinks

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"Do you know about this?" Saihara asked the stranger, flashing his phone to the man. He scoffed and glared at Saihara but the detective didn't flinch. Kokichi frowned as he silently slipped into the dark room, hiding behind a shelf. When did Saihara grow so much confidence?

"I got paid to kiss some faggot," the guy snarled. "What's it to you?"

"I see," Saihara hummed. He nodded slowly and pocketed his phone, idling for a moment. Within a split second, the bluenette kicked the man's groin and punched him in the head, sending his victim to the ground.

Kokichi gasped, eyes wide in shock as his usually calm and timid boyfriend started a fight. He rushed out of hiding and grabbed Saihara's raised fist from behind, not wanting his boyfriend to catch a charge for something so stupid. It was a ridiculous kiss!

Saihara whipped around and gripped Kokichi's outstretched hand tightly, raising his other fist to prepare to attack. Kokichi flinched backward but couldn't escape the grip, tears instinctively dripping from his eyes as he squeezed them shut, preparing for his boyfriend to punch him. The detective gasped and released Kokichi before pulling him into a tight hug, cradling the latter's head to his chest. "Sorry Koko, I'm so sorry, I won't hurt you," the bluenette hurried.

Within a few seconds, Kokichi's tears dried and he smiled into his boyfriend's chest, happy to be in his arms. Saihara still used a nickname so he didn't want to break up, right?

Before Kokichi could ask the question, he suddenly slammed to the floor beside Saihara. He forgot about their audience member until they began laughing at the two trying to regain their bearings. "I get it now! You're dating the fag!"

Kokichi scrambled backward, slipping on the dusty tiles as his back hit a stack of buckets. Saihara kicked the man's legs, thudding as he slammed to the ground. The detective jumped up and kicked them in the face, a stray tooth flying into a wall.

He knew this needed to stop, that Saihara could be in a world of trouble for assault, but Kokichi enjoyed watching this. Something about Saihara's violence entranced Kokichi. It was the first time in his life that he felt safe around such a dangerous situation.

Saihara turned and helped Kokichi to his feet, wrapping an arm tight around his waist. The detective spat on the stranger's face before pulling Kokichi from the janitor's closet, the two silently walking toward the food court again. "Hey... Shuichi... Why did you fight him?" Kokichi whispered.

"I know you'd never cheat on me," Shuichi smiled. He kissed Kokichi's cheek, making them flame up in response. "No one takes advantage of my sweet angel and gets away with it. Do you know who would've paid him to kiss you?"

Kokichi nodded and handed over his phone. Saihara typed in the pin and looked at the messages, a malicious smirk spreading across his face. He placed the phone into Kokichi's pocket, returning his arm to his boyfriend's shoulders. "What do you say we stick it to your dad? If he has a problem with our relationship, he can come and talk to me directly."

"Y-You'll get hurt!" He cried in a whisper.

"Oh please." Saihara rolled his eyes. "Do you have that little faith in me?" Kokichi couldn't help but smile, although, there was one hiccup in the bluenette's plan.

"Our friends can't find out about us though," he whispered.

"Why not?"

He stared at Saihara like he had two heads. "People don't like me, Shuichi! No one will want to be your friend if they find-"

Saihara stopped walking and placed a finger on Kokichi's lips. "Do you think that my reputation matters more than you?" Kokichi wanted to agree but his boyfriend's finger stopped his words. "It doesn't. If I lose all of my friends and family, if I lose everything, I'd still be happy if I had you." 

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