I Was Ready. Why Did You Stop Me?

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Nothing on his phone was interesting, but Kokichi had to wait for a little while longer. He tried to find a way to pass the time but ended up staring blankly at his mobile for long periods. Kokichi pretended to shower, but he hadn't dried his hair after being caught in the rain. Saihara originally spent an hour in the room doing work but soon left when Akamatsu called him. The detective was the furthest from pleased as he left.

Skimming through the phone, Kokichi landed on his work schedule and sighed. He had another appointment tomorrow night. Great. Another day wearing skimpy clothes while a lonely old man fucks him without a care in the world. At least his outfits all hid the self-inflicted wounds on his body. Kokichi refused to remove all of his clothes if it meant revealing his wounds. Besides, it wasn't hard to work around since the clients only wanted to have sex. No one cared about him.

The door opened, revealing a tired Saihara. "Hey, Ouma, do you mind coming to the living area?"

"Why?" Kokichi whispered, refusing to return Saihara's gaze.

"There's something Akamatsu and I want everyone to hear." Kokichi nodded and placed his phone on the nightstand. He didn't have enough energy to fight or tease the detective. The purplette followed Saihara into the living room without another word.

When he reached the area, Kokichi noticed that he was the second last to arrive. Everyone took a seat on a beanbag or couch, talking amongst themselves. Well, they were until Chabashira decided to speak. "Woah, you look like death, degenerate."

"Chabashira!" Amami shouted. "Don't say that, please?" The woman rolled her olive eyes, mumbling a half-assed apology. Kokichi stared blankly at her, unable to muster up any reaction.

"Ouma, are you okay?" K1-B0 asked, their teal eyes narrowed in concern. Kokichi turned to them and hummed.

"Yeah..." He whispered. "I'm fine..." People shot him weird, pity-filled looks as he fell into the only free beanbag. The sound made Kokichi smile as he squirmed in the comfortable chair.

Panting and rapid footsteps made Kokichi's head snap around the room. His eyes landed on Akamatsu who rubbed the back of her neck with a timid smile. "Sorry! I got distracted by my piano!"

Saihara sighed, placing his hands in his pockets whilst staring at the ground. "Kaede... Do we have to make this such a big deal?"

Kokichi ignored someone's comment about the pianist possibly being pregnant as she shook her head. Her smile morphed from bashful to the usual, cheerful grin that everyone knew. "Nope, but I want to let people know so it's not awkward!" She rubbed Saihara's shoulder, turning to face the group. "Saihara and I broke up a few days ago."

"How dare you hurt a female, you degenerate!" Chabashira shouted as she glared at Saihara.

"Wait, no that's not what this is, Chabashira!" Akamatsu defended. "It's a mutual decision, we've been talking about it for months now. We tried to fix things but they just weren't working. To put it simply, we've fallen out of love with each other and realised we like other people." Everyone nodded in understanding as the two hugged. "We're still going to be friends though, right Shuichi?"

"Oh, uh, y-yeah! Of course!" Saihara smiled, returning this side hug. They seemed comfortable with each other... like they'd worked out the harmful parts of their break-up already. Kokichi knew he should be happy that he had a chance with the man he crushed on, but that was worthless now.

"Hah!" Iruma laughed. "You're telling me that you two have crushes?!"

"N-No!" Saihara shouted, his eyes wide as he blushed from embarrassment.

"Yep!" Akamatsu giggled, gently elbowing Saihara.

"Nyeh, thanks for telling us," Yumeno yawned.

Kokichi could only scoff. Had Saihara pulled him from the warmth of his bed for this bullshit? He'd been content with suffering with his thoughts until curfew to enact his plan. "Why do you two think we give a fuck?" He spat, glaring at the ground.

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