Sweet Nightmare

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The warm, inviting cafe was a perfect study spot, even though Kokichi wasn't studying. He watched the rest of the group complete anything they needed whilst eating small sugary snacks. Despite not being involved and bored, Kokichi didn't mind it. Being in the company of others wasn't too bad and Kokichi was sure he could make it fun.

"Ouma, how are you going on this project?" Akamatsu asked, showing the cover page of the assignment to Kokichi. He frowned, recognising it as the one he avoided for being too confusing and difficult.

"I haven't started," the supreme leader shrugged.

A few of his classmates turned to stare at him with eyes wide in shock. "What?!" Akamatsu shouted. Kokichi flinched, embarrassed by the assumption that other customers probably began watching the commotion. "It's due in three days and we've had two months!" He rolled his eyes. That was the main reason he never bothered attempting it, having always lied to himself by saying there wasn't enough time to complete it.

"It's boring!" Kokichi whined, crocodile tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to talk about it, the thought made him sad. Sooner or later they'd expel him, so why bother trying to be anything more than a disappointment?

Momota scoffed, an eyebrow of faint concern raised. Kokichi knew he loved to be a hero and hated it with a passion. He didn't need saving by someone who hid behind the success of Saihara and Harukawa. The supreme leader always hated how he referred to his best friend and girlfriend as his 'sidekicks' when he did nothing to lead them. Being a leader wasn't straightforward. "How are you still in the academy when you're a shit student?"

"Momota!" K1-B0 interrupted. Kokichi wasn't fazed, he'd expected some sort of outburst considering they'd been at the cafe for an hour. "I'm sure he's doing fine!"

"You know," Kokichi smirked as he rose a finger to his lips. "Being one of the top families in the criminal world makes blackmail a piece of cake." Saihara sighed from beside Kokichi but didn't call out his lie. If the detective interrogated him about the lie, Kokichi could create another lie about aliases.

"Ugh, I can't deal with you," Momota groaned. He shoved the single worksheets and pencil into his backpack and stood. "I'm not spending any more time with him. Good luck." Kokichi grinned as the astronaut left. He'd never admit how much that hurt him.

"Oh!" Akamatsu gasped, quickly diverting everyone's attention. Whether that was on purpose or unintentional, Kokichi didn't care. "Speaking of your family, Ouma, when is your mum visiting again? It's been a while since we've seen her!"

Kokichi felt his heart drop. His smirk faltered for a brief moment as the group turned to him, awaiting an answer. Amami sighed, opening his mouth to defend Kokichi, but he wasn't about to allow such susceptibility. "Her work hours were changed to the weekend and nights, she doesn't have time to visit," he lied.

No one called him out or questioned him further, accepting the lie in favour of returning to their work. Amami shot him an apologetic glance and Kokichi shrugged. He glanced around, bored again without anything to do. There wasn't anything forcing Kokichi to stay since he sat at the booth's edge with no one blocking his exit.

He'd purposefully made sure to slip into the seats last without making it obvious. Kokichi would never admit that he suffered cleithrophobia, he'd lose his supreme reputation in an instant. What supreme leader was scared of being trapped? Any good supreme leader would find a way out, not panic.

"Hey, isn't that the guy that came into the dorms talking about cats that one time?" Kokichi frowned at the ultimate robot, wondering if he heard incorrectly. When Iruma whispered his name, Kokichi hurried to peek behind him at a sight that made him almost vomit.

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