The Sister I Wish I Had

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Kokichi swung his legs, shows sliding along the floor as the warm air comforted him. He sat with Shirogane atop the roof of the academy, overlooking everyone. No one went into the corner, that's where Kokichi and Shirogane claimed to be their hangout.

"Did you bring lunch Ko?" Shirogane asked, gulping down a bite of her sandwich. He crossed his arms and glared at her. Why would she ask such a question, especially of him? She sighed, placing half of her food onto a brown paper bag. "It's plain to see that you need to eat."

"I ate earlier," Kokichi spat. He didn't want lunch, he didn't want to eat.

"You're lying," Shirogane huffed. He rolled his eyes, listening to her sigh and nibble on her bread.

"This conversation is over," Kokichi groaned. No matter how much he loved Shirogane, some things couldn't be discussed. Shirogane could point out his lies like using a magnet to find a needle in a haystack. It required effort, but she succeeded each time. Only she could do such a thing, well, aside from another.

Speaking of said person, Kokichi turned his gaze to the courtyard five stories beneath his position. He glanced around a particular spot, eyes landing on Saihara Shuichi. One of his classmates. Saihara was a shy man yet somehow overly charismatic. Everyone loved him. Friends buzzed to him like a moth to a flame.

Saihara sat beneath a sakura tree, one of the many that littered their college. His arms wrapped around Akamatsu Kaede, his girlfriend and one of the most popular students. They sat there every day at lunch, cuddling in each other's arms whilst Saihara read a book and Akamatsu talked about God knows what.

Despite never making any attempt to befriend their classmates, Saihara had succeeded in becoming friends with every one of their classmates. Kokichi, on the other hand, made an effort to push everyone away. Saihara didn't seem to dislike him, no matter how hard the man tried. He didn't want people to like him. What if something happened? If he died, people would be sad. That wouldn't do.

Did Saihara have neutral feelings for Kokichi because of the purplette not trying hard enough? Maybe, just maybe, Saihara refused to see any bad traits in the Ultimate Supreme Leader of Hope's Peak Academy.

"Ugh!" Shirogane groaned suddenly. Kokichi flinched at the unexpected noise, turning to glare at his one and only friend. "I swear to God, I'm going to shrivel up and die before you two begin dating!"

"I don't like Saihara in the slightest so shove your fantasies up your ass," Kokichi sneered. What did she know about his love life? Kokichi didn't have romantic feelings, period.

"You do!" Shirogane retorted with a gasp. A small smirk tugged the corners of her lips as she gulped down her sandwich in a millisecond.

"I don't," Kokichi challenged.

"You so do!"

"I don't."





Annoyed at the argument, Kokichi grabbed Shirogane and tackled her. He made sure not to hurt her, he just wanted her to stop stating something that he wanted to avoid. They grinned at each other, releasing knowing laughs at Kokichi's romantic predicament.

"Okay, listen here weeb," Kokichi huffed as he released the teal-haired woman from his grasp. He crawled onto his bench, straddling the edge as Shirogane sat on the one beside him. "Even if I did have a tiny, little, minuscule crush on Saihara - which I don't - he's taken."

"So?" Shirogane giggled. Her eyes glinted with mischief. "Fuck in secret, behind Akamatsu's back!"

"Horny bitch," Kokichi laughed. Silence fell over them as Shirogane crumpled her paper bag and chucked it over a fence that lined the roof's edges. It wasn't a high fence, only reaching hip-level of someone with the average height.

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