Everyone Has a Friend Except For Me

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Kokichi's breath hitched as his mum barrelled into him, squeezing his body tight in her arms. "Oh, sweetie! I was so worried when you didn't come home from work!" He hummed, realising that he hadn't thought to text his mum about the situation.

"Sorry to pry," Yamamoto-Sensei interrupted. "Has Ouma been going to work these past three weeks?"

Standing and turning to the teacher, Kokichi's mum nodded. "Yes, it's a small family business. I asked him to keep working to keep himself busy, rather than shutting himself in his room twenty-four seven."

"I understand," Yamamoto-Sensei nodded as he returned to his desk. Kokichi took his mum's hand, mumbling a goodbye to the teacher as they left the classroom. They walked through the empty halls in silence, not a student in sight. Even most of the staff had left.

When the two reached the entrance, Kokichi closed his eyes and hid his face in his mother's arm, only opening them again when they passed the gate. "Kokichi, why did you come to class without telling me? You know I wouldn't be mad if you wanted to go." His mother broke the silence, her soft, sweet voice blending with the cool breeze.

"Sato brought me here after work," Kokichi mumbled. He stared at the ground as he walked, watching each minuscule pebble as he passed. "Dad told him to."

She sighed, squeezing Kokichi's hand gently. "I'm sorry." Noticing a car approaching, Kokichi's mum stopped the two and covered his ears as the vehicle sped along the street. He smiled at her, continuing on their walk home. Kokichi loved how she didn't judge him for anything, instead, she accepted him. His dad, on the other hand, called him a defect. That's why he vowed never to let another soul know of his condition, not unless he could trust them with his life.

"You don't have to go to class tomorrow, okay?" She offered.

Kokichi shook his head. "I want to."

"Oh? Why the sudden change?"

"It..." Kokichi sighed, rubbing the tears back into his eyes. "It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be to see her desk. Not good, but I'll manage, I think." He also wanted to get out of the house, Kokichi wanted everything to go back to being as normal as possible. Though, he'd never tell anyone that he enjoyed the distraction.

Speaking of school jolted Kokichi's memory, making him gasp. He fished through his pocket, grabbing the folded paper and handing it to the woman. Their hands separated as she unfolded the pale-blue paper and read through it, the two slowly walking. She hummed, folding the form and slipping it into her pocket. "Maybe this is the best for you."

"No," Kokichi snapped. "I don't want to leave you."


"No!" Kokichi shouted, stomping his foot and throwing his clenched fists down to his sides. Anyone who glanced at the scenario would assume Kokichi was a spoiled brat not getting his way. He didn't care, he would gladly embarrass himself if it meant protecting his mum. There was no way he could leave her alone in a home with her shitbag of a husband.

"This could be a way out of the, uh, entertainment business," Kokichi's mum pointed out to him. He scowled, crossing his arms and looking away. The purplette wouldn't mind that, but it could endanger his mother.

"Speaking of which, I need a shower," Kokichi mumbled. He continued walking, not bothering to wait for his mum to follow.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Kokichi plastered a grin on his face, walking toward the academy gate with his mum by his side. Reaching the gate, he turned to his mum and shared a goodbye. He glanced toward the walkway leading to the main building, his heart threatening to stop beating.

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