This is Betrayal of the Highest Order

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Kokichi and Iruma sat underneath a metal shelter, watching their peers running around the school oval. They didn't need to participate, and no one would bother them. Shivering from the cold air, part of Kokichi wanted to join the class. Iruma had told the teacher that a situation had occurred and the two had been excused without further discussion.

Sighing, Kokichi rested his hands atop his stomach as he lay against the cool concrete. Iruma leaned against a chainlink fence next to him. "What do you want for helping me?" The supreme leader muttered. He couldn't believe that someone would help a person like him out of the kindness of their heart. Why would anyone want to help? How could they help if he refused to open up about anything?

"Nothing," Iruma replied. "I may not love ya, but hearing what you said to yourself in the changerooms... It reminded me of someone close to me."

Turning his head to the side, he stared at Iruma. She held a solemn expression, staring at her knee as she crossed her arms. He wanted to know more, curiosity tugged at his tongue, eventually winning the fight. "Who did it remind you of?"

Sighing, the woman's gaze met Kokichi's. "Promise to keep this between us, then I'll tell you."

Kokichi hummed, pretending to ponder the idea. "Depends. What will you pay me?" His grin faltered as he noticed the lack of an amused expression on Iruma's face.


Blinking, Kokichi frowned. "Seriously?"

"No, dumbass!" Iruma laughed. Kokichi grinned, glad he hadn't soured the mood. Had he? He never knew how to read the tone in words, including his own. "Before I came to Hope's Peak, I despised myself with a passion. I'd degrade myself daily and constantly remind myself of everything that I failed at, everything that I could do better."

Kokichi blankly stared at the woman. Iruma Miu, the woman who never cared about anyone's opinion, the woman who did whatever she wanted without a second thought, had hated herself. Maybe that experience made her change into the woman she was today. "Why are you telling me this?"

"You asked."

"True." Kokichi averted his gaze to the metal roof of the shelter. "How'd you stop?" He froze, having not filtered his question. How did he know if she had stopped? What if that question upset her?

"It was hard, but I got there and become the sexy motherfucker I am now," she laughed. "Every time I had a negative thought, I'd combat it with two positive thoughts. Eventually, I learned to love myself and fuck what others think. I couldn't give a single fuck anymore!"

Nodding, the male didn't know how to respond. He hadn't expected a serious, emotional conversation with anyone, especially Iruma. "I'll keep your secret Ouma, I know how much hell it put me through."

"Thanks," he whispered. He didn't think that he could have a connection with Iruma. The odd sensation of being closer to the woman felt foreign.

"The fuck?!" Iruma gasped. Kokichi frowned, turning to her. "Thanks, from the evil leader, Ouma Kokichi!?" 

Grinning, Kokichi rolled over and gently slapped her knee. "Don't get used to it." The two smiled at each other, the solemn air dissipating. "Oh, and it's evil, supreme leader, Ouma Kokichi. You bitch." Kokichi loved the happiness bubbling away in his chest. Even though Shirogane was no longer at his side, he still had someone who wanted to help.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

The class sat in silence, writing down notes from the whiteboard. "Ouma." Flinching at the sudden noise, the supreme leader turned to Yamamoto-Sensei. "Can you tell me what meiosis is?"

"Uh..." Kokichi blinked, unprepared to answer any questions. He hadn't been paying attention at all. He'd been writing words without understanding what they meant. "The thing that sex cells do? Dividing or whatever?"

"That's meiosis, Ouma," Yamamoto-Sensei responded whilst shaking his head. Kokichi hummed quietly, questioning everything. He'd been asked about meiosis, and that's what he answered, right?

Gokuhara raised a tan hand, crimson eyes sparkling behind his glasses. Yamamoto-Sensei called on him to respond. "Myosin is part of muscle." Nodding, the teacher smiled as Gokuhara answered correctly.

Rolling his eyes, Kokichi resisted the urge to slam his head onto the desk. He wanted to rip out his brain and rewire it. Kokichi wanted to be normal, he wanted to have an average life like everyone else.

A bell chimed, encouraging everyone to pack their belongings away into their bags and left the classroom. Kokichi remained in his seat, waiting for everyone to finish hurrying out of the dorms. Gripping the paper, Kokichi sighed and approached Yamamoto-Sensei's desk.

"Is there something I can help you with, Ouma?" The teacher asked, placing his work on the desk to turn his full attention to the student. Without a word, Kokichi handed him the paper. Yamamoto-Sensei skimmed the contents of the page, subconsciously nodding. "Ah, nice to see you'll be taking us up on our offer. The dorms will be ready as of next week. See you there Ouma."

Receiving a response, Kokichi nodded and left. He didn't think about what the teacher said, he only kept walking down the hall towards the staircase. Yamamoto-Sensei's words whirred through his head, making Kokichi stop in his tracks when he processed a few of them. Taking them up on their offer? See him there? Oh no...

Kokichi had demanded that his mum tick no on the form. When he'd tried to do it himself, his mum had sent him away to do his homework first. The supreme leader's eyes widened in realisation. Of course! She'd been so adamant that he move out, so why wouldn't she pull some shit like this?!

He didn't want to leave her. Kokichi didn't want to live with people who hated him, which would mean keeping his mask up twenty-four seven. Lying all day, every day. How would he go to work, how would he hide his problems and secrets when living with fourteen other people?!

Turning back to his classroom and bolting inside, he grabbed the handle and yanked the door open.


The room was empty. Yamamoto-Sensei's items were gone, he'd packed them up and left. Kokichi's heart dropped, his mind racing. He was fucked.

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