You Always Wanted Me Dead

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Attempted murder.
Attempted fake suicide.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Their hands tightly clung to each other, unable to feel the clamminess after almost half an hour of never being apart. Kokichi loved it, and he cared deeply about Saihara. The detective insisted that they go on a date so they spent a few hours at the park, enjoying the sunset and flickering stars. Each soft, cool gust of wind only reminded Kokichi of Saihara's warmth and presence. It was still hard to believe that he had a boyfriend, especially when his boyfriend was Saihara.

A sudden kiss on his cheek made Kokichi jump, face flushing a deep red as he turned away. "St-Stop," the man muttered. He wasn't used to physical intimacy yet, not when he had such a deep infatuation with someone now. His past few relationships never felt so... real.

"You love it." Kokichi shivered from the warm breath on his ear. He grumbled in response, preferring to die than admit he adored being showered with affection. Saihara figured it out though from the first time he kissed Kokichi's head and the latter whimpered. God, the detective used that against him for a fucking week.

They agreed to start a relationship after Kokichi's indirect confession, but on one condition. No one would know. Kokichi refused to be the reason that Saihara ruined his friendships and reputation (even though they shared the same friends now).

Turning to his boyfriend, Kokichi smiled at the thought. Boyfriend, lover and partner... Kokichi had someone close to him again and didn't regret any bit of it. Now he wasn't... alone... Someone's prophecy came true after all... "Oh my God, Kokichi, why are you crying?!" Saihara's gasp made the smaller jump, two hands now cradling his jaw. Just how long had he lost himself in the hell of his mind?

Smiling, Kokichi shook his head and pried Saihara's hands away from his face, squeezing them. "I'm remembering something Shirogane told me..." Taking a deep breath, he glanced up at the stars peeking through dark, unlit tree leaves. "I swear to God, I'm going to shrivel up and die before you two begin dating," he quoted. 

Nodding, Saihara bowed his head. "Well, I'm sure she'd be happy to see us right now." Kokichi smiled and quickly hugged his boyfriend, ashamed about revealing a solemn topic.

Saihara's phone pinged, making the two jump. He pulled it out and rolled his eyes. "I forgot that Kaede and Amami needed help with their movie reports!" Kokichi tilted his head with a smirk. "They lost their notes and wanted to use mine."

"Maybe they should've done it before losing their notes!" Kokichi chuckled and, with a smug grin, placed the hand not holding Shuichi's on his hip.

"You wouldn't have done it by now unless I made you."

"No need to call me out, asshole!"

Laughing and smiling, the two began walking toward the academy. Kokichi could barely remove his eyes from his boyfriend, captivated beyond belief. It was like Saihara tied him down with frayed string and handed him a knife to escape, but Kokichi only threw the knife to the ground. Nothing could bring him down from this high.

Until he saw a familiar figure loitering around the dorm entrance.

"Should I stay?" Saihara whispered into Kokichi's ear, their pace slowing.

"Um, n-no, everything will be fine! Go do your friends' homework!" Kokichi grinned. He placed his hands behind his head and skipped toward the entrance. They waved to each other as Saihara entered the dorms, leaving Kokichi outside with the visitor. When inside, the detective stopped and turned, locking eyes with Kokichi one last time before the latter waved him away.

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