What the Fuck Just Happened

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"Take cover readers!" -IntrovertMewo1 

Warning for murder-suicide.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Every student jumped from their chairs as soon as the bell rang, hurrying to make their way home. Shirogane and Kokichi walked side-by-side, cracking jokes left and right about whatever happened that day. That's when something flashed through Kokichi's mind. He nudged Shirogane, the woman turning to face him. Seeing her black eye shot a dagger through Kokichi's heart.

"Are you heading back to your mum's place?" He asked, trying to keep his voice low. It was futile though, considering the deafening chatter around him pulling his mind in fifty directions. Reading Shirogane's lips made it possible to understand what words she spoke. Unfortunately, he struggled to phase out other conversations as they walked through the halls.

"Yeah. We agreed that she's trying to get full custody while I'm under their care." Shirogane's eyes glanced in front of her as she walked, the woman purposefully turning her face toward Kokichi. He loved that about her, she helped him without making it obvious. Without her, he didn't know what he'd do. "I plan on going to court about it. I'm an adult, I have the right to choose who I live with. Besides, I only care about getting a restraining order, I'll stay with Mum anyway."

"Woah," Kokichi muttered as the two approached their lockers and sorted their belongings. He admired her strength. During her explanation, he noticed her eyes harden into a glare. She was determined, that's for sure. "You sure have a lot of confidence." They turned to face each other, leaning against the lockers as people hurried on their way home.

Shirogane averted her gaze to the ground, adjusting her glasses before they could fall. She winces as she pushed them further into the bridge of her nose, pushing into the purple skin. "It won't be easy..."

Kokichi placed a hand on her shoulder, pushing off from the flimsy, metal door. "Nothing worthwhile ever is." The two shared pained smiles before they began leaving the academy. Approaching the doorways leading outside, Kokichi gasped and stopped dead in his tracks. His shoe barely touched the line between bricks, indicating the barrier between the foyer and entrance.

His stomach churned, his heart dropping to the floor like a boulder. He tried to walk further but his body refused to move. The same feeling that he'd had that morning hit him like a truck, knocking the wind out of his lungs. "Kokichi? What's wrong?"

He turned to Shirogane whose brows furrowed in concern, a hand on his shoulder. "I don't know... It feels almost dangerous to be here... like someone's going to kill me, ya know?" Kokichi straightened his back, although his feet refused to move. People pushed past them, shooting a few glares his way as they blocked the flow of traffic.

"Do you have an appointment today?" Shirogane asked.

"No..." Frowning, Kokichi stared at the floor as he wracked his brain for an explanation. Unable to come up with anything, he shook away the confusion and forced his legs forward. Shirogane tried to wrap her arm around his shoulders but he swatted her away. "I'm fine, I'm fine." Forcing himself to take a few steps forward, it felt like walking against a current. Something willed him to run the opposite way.

Screaming erupted around the area, snapping Kokichi from his thoughts. He stared in front of him, students scattering and running towards the building. They soon scattered away to reveal the danger, one that made Kokichi's heart constrict his throat. Turning to Shirogane, he could only imagine how she felt.

Her dad walked towards them, gun in hand. Time froze around them, people scattering and leaving Shirogane, Kokichi and a few unfazed/unaware bystanders in the middle of the walkway. Neither Kokichi nor Shirogane made any attempt to move. Kokichi noticed his best friend's eyes widen in terror, hands trembling.

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