One Step at a Time

193 14 15

Emetophobia warning.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

A soft chime interrupted everyone's study time. Each student finished their homework, including Kokichi (although his answers were stolen), and now the six devoured their snacks whilst talking about whatever gossip crossed their minds. Akamatsu jumped up and hurried to the door, swinging it open to reveal Tojo. "Dinner is ready," the maid informed them with a soft, motherly smile.

Everyone stood, hurrying out of the room for Tojo's outstanding cooking that even the best chef in the world would admire. Except for Kokichi. He gathered his belongings and followed his friends before slipping into the other hallway of bedrooms. Well, he tried. Someone grabbed his arm gently and turned the man, locking Saihara and Kokichi's eyes. "The dining room is this way." Saihara's eyes narrowed, attempting to analyse Kokichi's every breath.

"I'm putting my stuff away," the supreme leader scoffed. He turned around but Saihara didn't release his arm.

"Then I'm coming with you." Great, there goes Kokichi's plan of pretending to eat in his bed. Even though everyone agreed never to leave him alone, Kokichi could often use his daily showers as an excuse to skip dinner. After all, he loved long showers and who was anyone to judge? Unfortunately, Kokichi knew that Saihara could tell whenever he lied, so maybe he already caught on by now.

The two entered their room and Kokichi returned his stuff to his desk, piled high in an organised mess that made Saihara cringe. He didn't like putting things away though, not when he would need an object tomorrow. What's the point of putting something away when you'd need it daily?

Turning to Saihara, Kokichi smiled and walked toward his dresser. "I'm gonna shower, meet ya there!"

"Nope." Saihara's response was immediate and stern, it became clear that he didn't intend for Kokichi to be alone for any length of time. He saw through the lies.

Kokichi's eyes widened as Saihara grabbed his arm, keeping a firm grip as he walked the two toward the dining room. There was no escaping. Also, when the fuck did such a fragile-looking man have such strength?! That wasn't fair!

Maybe it was time for him to fix things though, especially if he had Saihara by his side for support. Most of his problems had found solutions, maybe he should take care of himself now... It would make Shirogane and his mum happy; the last thing he'd want is for them to be disappointed as they watched over him from Heaven. There hadn't been a single day in the dorms that Kokichi ate dinner around the others and there wasn't a single day he'd eaten a full meal.

He hadn't even realised that he'd sat down until Saihara approached with two bowls of tofu and pumpkin soup, slipping one to Kokichi. The supreme leader glanced around, noticing everyone lost in conversations as they ate their meal without a care in the world. Picking up a spoon, Kokichi began pushing the creamy cubes around his bowl. It was impossible to understand anything with so many conversations battling for dominance in his brain, creating a deafening, nonsensical garble.

A spoon tapped against his bowl and Kokichi looked up to see Amami leaning across the table. "You're not eating," the greenette challenged. His friends silenced around him, turning to watch Kokichi's movements. It made his stomach churn in terror.

"Hey!" Kokichi retorted with a childish pout. "I've eaten some! I'm not about to burn my tongue off for your entertainment!" He motioned to the wafts of soft steam spiralling into the air and evaporating.

"Sorry, sorry." Amami raised his hands in mock surrender with a smile. "I didn't mean to jump to conclusions. Everyone began eating again, picking up their conversations from where they left off as if they could stop and start their thoughts. Kokichi wished he had that skill - or any processing skills for that matter.

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