Reaching the Threshold of Safety

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Kokichi groaned as his alarm blared through the room. He tried to roll over but Saihara refused to release his death grip on the man. The detective moaned in frustration as he turned off the alarm, rubbing his eyes as Kokichi did the same. As they finally adjusted to the real world, Kokichi's eyes widened when a pair of lips found his for a brief moment. "Morning Ko," Saihara whispered in a hoarse voice. Rolling his eyes, Kokichi quickly kissed Saihara's cheek before pushing him away, cheeks aflame.

As Saihara stood to ready himself for class, Kokichi remained curled beneath the blankets. The kiss sparked his memory of the prior night. They'd spent a long time purely kissing each other and Kokichi claimed to be a master now, joking with Saihara before falling asleep. Saihara couldn't control his lips.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Saihara couldn't control his urges either. He grew aroused after a while and they needed to stop. Despite the reassurances that Kokichi wasn't at fault for turning Saihara down, the smaller man still felt more guilty than ever.

"I'll get changed in the bath-" As Saihara turned around with his uniform in hand, he stopped speaking and hurried toward his boyfriend. "Are you crying? What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?!"

Kokichi frowned and felt his cheeks, fingers slipped over tears that dripped to his chin. He hugged his boyfriend, tears soaking into Saihara's pyjama top. "Sorry about last night..." The purplette whispered.

"Oh, that," the man chuckled. He stroked Kokichi's hair, knowing it calmed the other pretty much instantly. "Don't apologise, it's not your fault and I took care of it anyway." Kokichi only sighed. "Hey, listen to me," Saihara demanded as he gently cradled the man's jaw. "You said you aren't ready to have sex, and I understand why you're hesitant. Whenever you're ready, I'm ready, even if it takes a millennium."

A grin slowly formed on Kokichi's lips. He leapt forward and smashed their lips together, wrapping his arms around the man's neck. "Thank you, Shumai!"

"Anything for you," he smiled. "Come on, let's get ready for class."

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

The siren blared as the final class came to an end. Students scurried to pack away and hurry home, including Kokichi until Yamamoto-Sensei stopped him. Before everyone could leave the classroom, Saihara approached his boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you tonight, sweetie," the detective whispered.

Kokichi nodded and took out his phone, handing it to Saihara as they'd discussed during their lunch break. Saihara was going to spend a few hours at the detective agency, reporting every little crime ever committed by Kokichi's father. It took most of lunch and a class period, but Kokichi wrote down everything Saihara would need to know. He also took screenshots of incriminating messages and other evidence that could help send his father away forever. This time, Saihara promised that Seiichi would rot in a prison cell until the day he died.

Approaching his teacher once the classroom emptied, Kokichi smiled in greeting. "This isn't why I asked you to talk to me but," Yamamoto-Sensei began. The teacher placed down his pen and glanced at the door with a smirk. "Forgive me for being curious. Are you and Saihara in a relationship?"

Smiling, Kokichi nodded enthusiastically. Once they decided to make their relationship public, Kokichi realised that no one cared. Not even Momota and Harukawa tried to break them up, although they had a few opinions to voice. "Yep!"

"Congratulations. I may have to pair you two up for group projects," the teacher winked. "Back to business. I'm proud of you, Ouma. Your current grade is the highest it's ever been for my class. You have an eighty-three per cent." Gasping, Kokichi punched the air and cheered. He'd never had a grade above sixty! All that studying with friends had paid off, maybe he should do it more often! "You'll do well if this continues."

"It will, Sensei!" Kokichi promised with a sparkle in his eyes.

"I'm glad," Yamamoto-Sensei nodded. "Now, have a good afternoon and I'll see you tomorrow."

Kokichi nodded and grinned, hurrying from the classroom only to hear someone call his name. He turned and noticed Amami and Iruma approaching. "What happened in there?" Amami asked. Explaining the good news, Kokichi watched them grin and high-five him, congratulating the man.

Whilst they didn't know about his disorder, Kokichi revealed that he had a lot of trouble focusing, meaning he could barely reach a passing grade. His close friends forced him to attend their weekly study sessions and they helped him whenever he needed it. At first, Kokichi was terrified of judgement, but he found that no one said anything when he asked stupid questions, they helped him understand and left it there.

They began walking toward the dorms, chatting about any gossip that crossed their minds or funny scenarios from the day.

Kokichi couldn't be happier.

He began dating the man he'd been crushing on for years. Kokichi had four close friends who wouldn't judge him for anything. He'd finally be able to have a proper job now that he escaped his father's business. Grades were no longer a worry since, with a slight amount of effort, he knew he could pass.

Even though the two major rocks in his life, Shirogane and his mother, died, he wasn't sad or angry anymore. They died, there was nothing he could do and he was tired of moping. He loved them more than anything and they returned those feelings, he never doubted that for a second. They'd want him to live a long, happy life, so that's what he was going to do and no one could stop him.

Now, Kokichi was safe. He could be anything he wanted.

He was free.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

And that's a wrap! Sorry if the ending wasn't up to par but the main focus of this story was the angst and disorder, not fluffy moments.
Hope you enjoyed it!

I also wanted to add an explanation for the Saimatsu. I didn't want to just have another 'hey look they're soulmates and they're magically single and love each other'. Relationships don't always work, so I wanted to add that here! (Even if I did start Saimatsu off as a dying relationship lmao).
Hope that makes sense.

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