White Chrysanthemum of Wishes

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Kokichi grimaced, hiding his head as a warm substance spread across his back, accompanied by a grunt from the other. Feeling a hand grip his chin, Kokichi forced a grin to his lips as the client yanked him backwards, spitting on his cheek. Watching the man stand and redress, Kokichi grinned and blew a kiss, internally screaming at his actions.

"Come play with us again!" He sang, watching the middle-aged man leave the room. His smile dropped immediately, tears welling up behind his eyes as he crawled off the bed. Kokichi despised saying the same line every time a client's appointment finished, but it was one of the only things he remembered. This was what he was good at, the only thing he could do.

Taking a shaky breath, Kokichi willed his tears to dry as he shuffled into an attached bathroom. Grabbing a towel, he used the mirror to clean the white substance from his back, scrubbing his body until it glowed red. No matter how much he scrubbed, the grime would never disappear.

Standing alone, the scent of sex burned Kokichi's nose as he stared at his reflection. He hated it. Staring at his thin, bruised and pale body, Kokichi sneered. His body was disgusting, he hated how he let people do this to him. Anything to save his mother. Kokichi had been accustomed to it now, he'd probably never stop as it was all he knew.

A door opened, making Kokichi hurry to cover his waist with the towel. He stared at the muscular, tall man who stood in the open doorway of the bathroom. They threw a pair of white clothing at him, startling Kokichi enough to catch them before they hit the ground. Staring at them closely, he recognised the colour buttons, white ribbons and checkered scarf. It was his college uniform.

He stared up at the familiar bodyguard as they left the room without uttering a word. Kokichi sighed and changed into his uniform. It wasn't like he had a choice, the client had ripped his outfit beyond repair. Although, it wouldn't be the first time that Kokichi stole another entertainer's clothes so he could walk home. The bodyguard's name was Sato, and Kokichi knew him well. Sato was a bodyguard at the brothel, as well as his father's best friend.

Smoothing out his uniform, Kokichi grabbed his bag, slipping the strap over his head so it sat comfortably. He used it for school, but he didn't have another one to use for work so it had to work for both uses. Kokichi didn't have any more appointments for the day, so he left the room.

He yelped as a hand grabbed his arm with incredible strength. Sato dragged him through the halls. "Where are we going?" Kokichi asked, keeping his voice low in the intimidating presence of the man.

"Boss wants me to escort you somewhere." Kokichi hummed. Where would his dad want him to go? Sato would do anything his dad wanted, they were as sick as each other.

"Where?" Kokichi asked.

"Stop talking." Following orders, Kokichi dared not speak another word as they reached the main entrance. No one was there aside from a single, powerful woman sitting behind a computer. It made sense, it was around midday. Sato stopped, releasing his grip from Kokichi's arm.

He stared at the red mark left behind for a moment, unsure how to feel. A spray made him reel backwards before Sato grabbed his arm again. Sato sprayed perfume all over Kokichi's body, making him cough and his eyes water. Citrus. Kokichi hated that scent, especially one so potent. It made his eyes run and his nose water from the intensity.

Not daring to question the bodyguard, Kokichi let the man pull him outside and toward a car. Sato shoved him inside the back seat, not before he hit his head on the frame. Staring out of the window, he listened to the engine rev as Sato began driving. Buildings flashed by, distracting the purplette.

He wondered where the man would be taking him. It'd been a week since he and his mum went to the park, and he'd begun to return to normal. Even though he still wasn't eating or drinking (unless his mum forced him to), Kokichi could leave his room and talk to his mum now. Staring at the azure sky, he rested his head against the window. Where was Sato taking him?

 .·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Kokichi's hands trembled faintly as Sato pulled him through the academy. Their footsteps were the only sound in the otherwise silent halls, other than the faint shouts of disgruntled teachers. He couldn't do this, he couldn't face his class yet, not in his state! The supreme, cocky façade he spent years building would be broken down within an instant.

"Why are you bringing me here?" He whispered, cringing at the fear behind his quivering tone.

"Did I tell you to speak?" Kokichi stared at the ground as they walked. They reached his classroom with ease, begging the question: how did Sato know where his class was?

The large man bashed open the door without care, tugging Kokichi inside and releasing his grip. Kokichi's eyes widened as he tripped, falling to the ground with a thud. "Ah, Ouma, welcome back. Are you alright?" Yamamoto-Sensei's voice cut through the silence as Kokichi crawled to his feet.

He grinned at his teacher, ignoring the confused glares from his peers. "Yep! A-OK!" 

Yamamoto-Sensei nodded, turning his attention to Sato. "Are you his father?"

"No." Sato's tone could rival Harukawa's. Emotionless, careless and intimidating. He pointed at the empty seat in the back of the class, turning to Kokichi. "Yours?" Kokichi nodded, wincing as Sato grabbed his arm and dragged him through the rows of seats.

Sato released Kokichi's wrist, throwing him to the seat. Kokichi didn't have time to catch himself, so he and the seat tumbled to the ground in a mess of human and metal legs. He glanced around, hearing gasps erupt in the room. No one did anything other than stare. Why, why would no one help him out of this hell? Pushing the thoughts away, Kokichi sighed. It's not like they knew the truth.

His eyes landed on a set of white petals peeking over his desk. Shuffling backwards, Kokichi caught a clearer few of a vase containing fresh, white flowers. A tear dripped down Kokichi's cheek, his body freezing at the memories. Sato's emerald eyes followed his gaze, landing on the vase.

He smirked, picking up the vase in one hand and slamming it onto Kokichi's desk. "Courtesy of your boss." Kokichi's eyes widened, lips parted as more tears streamed down his face. It wasn't an abnormal wish from his father though, so he wasn't too fazed.

"Hey!" Amami stood from his seat beside Kokichi's. "That's not okay, dude."

"You're sick!" People began shouting at Sato, but the male smirked as he left the room. Amami hurried to grab the vase and gingerly place it on Shirogane's desk, turning to help Kokichi to his feet. He sighed, letting Amami pick up his chair before sitting. 

Not bothering to take off his bag, Kokichi crossed his arms on his desk and lowered his head. He wished he could die too, he wished he could join Shirogane. Kokichi hid from his classmates, tears dropping to the wooden desk. The class resumed, although he took note of the depressing aura and quiet voices as he silently wept until his eyes fluttered closed.

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