A Fatherly Figure I Didn't Know I Had

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Kokichi grunted as a soft object nudged his arm, jolting him awake. Resting his cheek on his forearms, he looked to the right as he blinked the sleep from his eyes. Amami sat beside him, a faint, pitiful smile on his lips. The two were alone with no evidence of anyone else remaining in the classroom. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Kokichi stared at it for a while before managing to decipher the jumbled numbers and lines. 4 pm, class ended an hour ago.

Groaning, Kokichi stretched his arms out in front of him and sighed. "Why didn't anyone wake me up," he asked the greenette. Better yet, how had he slept through the siren?

"We all argued that you should rest if you needed it." Amami leaned back in his chair. He'd moved it into the shoulder-width walkway between desks, directly beside Kokichi.

Kokichi frowned, his cheek squashing against the desk as he refused to sit. "Why would you argue about me sleeping?" He struggled to keep his eyes open, adjusting as he awoke.

Amami huffed, an amused smirk spread across his face. "Sorry, wrong choice of words. I meant that everyone realised you'd need sleep since you never fall asleep in class. We decided that it'd be best to give you space."

Nodding slightly, Kokichi hummed. He should've realised that's what Amami meant to say. "Oh." He wanted to crack a joke. To grin and annoy Amami into leaving the classroom, but he didn't have the energy. Despite sleeping for almost four hours in the classroom, he felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

"It's fine, you're still half-asleep." Amami shrugged, glancing around the room. No, the reason he didn't understand Amami wasn't because of his alertness, but Kokichi wouldn't admit that to the Ultimate Adventurer. "Is that why you're not showering? Did you pass out in the shower at one point?"

Kokichi frowned, glaring at the male. "I... What? Repeat?" That's when Amami motioned to his arm, sleeve lifted to reveal a healing bruise near his wrist.

"Sorry, that was a shit joke. I wanted to lighten the mood a bit," Amami sighed. A surge of hope flashed through his system before Kokichi willed it away. Amami only wanted to brighten the depressing aura for his gain, not Kokichi's.

Humming, Kokichi dug his chin into his forearms again. It hurt, but he couldn't care less, Shirogane probably hurt more as she died. The thought ran a tea down Kokichi's cheek. Amami's joke hurt a little, yet he knew it shouldn't get to him. He showered more often than it was probably healthy due to his job. Work made him feel so disgusting that he couldn't go long without a shower.

Remembering his job, Kokichi realised he'd arrived at class immediately after an appointment. Amami's shower joke must be referencing the potent, citrus cologne that Sato used to coat his skin and uniform. He'd probably never wash out the smell. Maybe he assumed the perfume was to cover up a lack of self-care due to mourning. Whatever. Kokichi would rather that he assume that than know the truth.

Amami wrapped an arm around Kokichi's shoulders, awkwardly hugging the man. Normally, Kokichi would push someone away and make a teasing, sexual remark about how great he is, but not this time. "Why are you touching me?"

"I know how you feel," Amami sighed.

"How?" Kokichi snapped. "She was my best friend." His gaze trailed to the vase on the desk before him. "I saw all the warning signs, every single one, and I... I didn't save her."

Amami released the male from his gentle hold, glancing at the closed, classroom door. "You couldn't... Ouma, I have something to tell you. It's a secret so-"

"I don't want to hear it." Guilt stabbed through Kokichi's heart, but he didn't apologise.

"I'm telling you anyway," Amami stated. "Maybe you'll open up more if you know."

"No." Kokichi didn't care. Whatever Amami had to say couldn't be important. Amami opened his mouth to continue speaking but the classroom door opened, interrupting them.

"Ah, hi Ouma, hi Amami." Yamamoto-Sensei entered the room, approaching the two men. "Thank you for keeping watch over Ouma, Amami. You can go home now." 

"Alright. Let's talk tomorrow, Ouma!" Kokichi frowned, watching Amami nod and wave to the room as he left. Did he only do this because Yamomoto-Sensei told him to, did Amami care?

The teacher took Amami's seat, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. Kokichi didn't move. "Life is hard," Yamamoto-Sensei began. "Things can feel like they've hit rock bottom, but it'll get better and you'll be able to take a step forward soon."

"I don't want a therapy session," Kokichi huffed. Despite that, his teacher's words brought a warm, faint smile to his lips.

"I'm trying to help."

Kokichi sighed. "I know," he whispered.

"If I could give you a hug, I would, I can see that you're hurting." The room became quiet, the only noise being Kokichi's heavy breathing. He turned his head to face Yamamoto-Sensei.

"You'd lose your job," Kokichi reminded him.

"I'm aware."

"I don't want you to lose your job." Yamamoto-Sensei hummed, encouraging Kokichi to explain. "You're one of the tolerable teachers," Kokichi smirks. He watched the teacher smile, puffing a laugh through his nose.

"Nice to see that spark back."

Kokichi released the first genuine smile in a month, groaning as he stretched his hands above his head. His vertebrae crackled, making the man sigh in relief as he twisted and turned. "Please come to class tomorrow," Yamamoto-Sensei requested. "Even if it's for an hour and then your parents take you home. It won't hurt to ease back into it, I know you can do it, Ouma."

Humming, Kokichi knew he wouldn't have a choice anyway. No matter what he wanted. "I'll be here. All day."

"I'm glad." Yamamoto-Sensei slapped the man's back with a grin that Kokichi returned. He stood, approaching his desk before returning to Kokichi with a slip of paper in hand. "Headmaster Monokuma announced something while you were on leave." The paper slid onto the desk, sitting in front of Kokichi.

He squinted at it, the small print jumbling together into a mess of squiggles. "What does it say?"

"Sorry, I should've realised you'd need help," Yamamoto-Sensei apologised. 

Feeling something snap inside of him at the apology, Kokichi's body tensed. "Don't treat me like an idiot." Kokichi glared, his eyebrows furrowing.

"That's not how I meant for it to come across." 

Sighing, Kokichi bowed his head in discreet shame. "I know."

Yamamoto-Sensei took the form, reading through it as he explained the contents. "A dorm agreement has been put in place to protect the students. There are no extra fees for current students, so don't worry about that if it's a problem. You'll be allowed up to one roommate, however, they need to be another student. This form is to get your consent and see if you're interested in moving into the dorms."

Kokichi frowned. He'd hate a roommate and he'd hate to be away from his mum. She'd be home alone and vulnerable. Nodding, he took back the form and folded it in half twice, pocketing it. "I'll think about it." He didn't want to outright say he'd deny the request, probably ripping the form when he arrived home.

"That's alright. Please hand me the form by the end of the week. There's no deadline but the sooner you get it to me, the better," Yamamoto-Sensei explained. Kokichi frowned, now he couldn't rip up the form.

"Thank you, Dad," Kokichi sighed. Opening his eyes wide, he froze as a mortified blush crept onto his cheeks. Did he just call his teacher Dad?

Yamamoto-Sensei laughed, standing and returning Amami's seat to his desk. "It's okay, Ouma. I'm only doing my job, but I'm glad to help. Now, your parents must be worried sick. Your mum is waiting outside, let me go and get her for you."

Kokichi nodded, watching as his teacher approached the classroom door. He smiled, feeling a glint of hope in his heart that'd begun to drown in despair. Normally, Kokichi despised authoritative figures with every fibre of his being, but Yamamoto-Sensei was different. The older man cared, even when he could ignore him like the rest of his classmates. It reminded Kokichi of Shirogane.

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