Arguments Upon Arguments

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A month had passed since Sasaki's intrusion with nothing of importance occurring. Kokichi had time to breathe and sort out his wreck of emotions. Well, the ones he understood at least. Going to class, then work, then sleeping, that was the routine Kokichi had developed. He'd finally managed to begin to move on from Shirogane's death, but it hurt sometimes. Part of him wondered if he was moving too quickly, but it's what she would've wanted.

Things weren't going smoothly for long. Saihara had picked up on something that Kokichi tried his hardest to hide. His injuries.

"Every time your injuries heal, you go to work and come back with more!" Saihara shouted. He'd begun to grow frustrated, the glare in his silvery-gold eyes proving it without a doubt.

"How do you know I'm injured in the first place?" Kokichi countered with a grin. He wanted to scream and run away, but that would only make Saihara more suspicious. Counter a question with a question until he broke Saihara, that's the method he chose.


"Are you watching me change and sleep?~" Kokichi giggled, holding a finger to his lips. "I didn't know you're a pervert!"

"Ouma!" Saihara shouted. "Not the time!" Kokichi's eye twitched, fighting the urge to flinch. He'd rarely seen the shy, lovable detective mad. The one time he'd raised his voice had been when Iruma called him a pervert for wearing a hat- Oh. "What's going on? Do you need me to call the pol-"

"No!" Kokichi screamed, refusing to let Saihara finish his offer. "Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone!" He stepped forward, shoving an offending finger into Saihara's chest. "I'm fine and you're overthinking things! You're not the hero you're pretending to be so just back the fuck off my dick!"

Before Saihara could argue, Kokichi grabbed his school bag and stormed out of the dorm. He'd already finished his morning routine, including replacing his contact lens. Kokichi followed the path and merged with other students heading to their classes, a scowl never leaving his face.

"Ouma!" Turning to his right, where he heard the noise, Kokichi stopped and noticed no one standing there. Confused, he turned to follow his route to class only to find Iruma blocking him.

"Holy shit!" He yelped, jumping back from the Ultimate Inventor. "Weren't you over there?" Kokichi frowned, pointing his thumb to the right.

"Uh, no? I was behind ya the whole time. Are you feeling good in that tiny head?" Iruma frowned, flicking his forehead. "Well, tiny heads."

"Not the time." Ouma glared at the woman, pushing her to the side as he continued to walk. Arguing with Saihara had left him in a less than pleasant mood. A great way to start the morning.

"What's the matter, Tiny-Dick?" Iruma asked, hurrying to match the supreme leader's gait.

"I'm pissed off at Saihara. We argued," Kokichi mumbled.

"He's only trying to help," Iruma countered with a softer tone in her voice.

"I don't need help," he spat.

"If you told him about your stalker-" She began.

"Which I won't!" He groaned, shoving her shoulder to try and stop the inevitable.

"-He could get them arrested. He's a detective." Iruma continued, ignoring Kokichi's interruption.

"Don't care, he's not finding out. If you tell him, I'm shoving all of your inventions up your ass and not in a good way."

Iruma moaned, hands trembling as she held them to her face. Kokichi grimaced, but he'd grown used to her quirks. Did she have to do that in public though, where people could stare? "Oh!" She gasped. "Speaking of which, Saihara asked about one of my inventions recently."

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