A Weird Date

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"Everyone will be swapping seats, please get your belongings and stand at the front of the class." The students groaned and gathered their belongings as they followed Yamamoto-Sensei's orders. "Ouma, you'll be here." Kokichi whined as he trudged to the first seat closest to his teacher's desk. How coincidental that he happened to be beside the window, furthest from the doors. Some of his classmates shot him caring glances to which he glared daggers into their souls. Why did people act like they knew everything before hearing an entire story?

As everyone sat in their new seats, Kokichi noticed Saihara sitting beside him. At least something good could come out of this arrangement. With Saihara being this close, he could pass stupid notes to annoy the detective and drive him insane. Yahoo!

"We have an assembly to attend this morning. Please bring your belongings since this will take the entire period. Some groaned as they found assemblies tedious and others grinned in excitement to skip an entire class.

Kokichi hung behind his classmates as they walked through the halls toward the gym. He watched Saihara slow his pace, lagging until Kokichi caught up to him before the two began walking together. "Hey, are you alright after last night?" The two hadn't talked much since arriving back at the dorms, they were so tired that they collapsed into bed immediately.

"Nope, nee-heehee!" Kokichi held a finger to his lips as a fake laugh emanated from them. "I'm super duper depressed and I'm thinking about jumping off the school roof!"

Saihara's eyes widened. "D-Don't joke about that, Ouma!"

Kokichi hummed, holding his chin as he pretended to think. "Nope!"

They reached the gym and sat as a class toward the back, close to the doors. Headmaster Monokuma began greeting the students and introduced a guest who walked on stage. "It's nice to be here and thank you so much for having me." Clapping, the guest turned to the students with a smile as they began their lecture. "Statistically, at least ten people in this room have had incidents with a stalker or a creepy person seemingly obsessed with them."

Groaning quietly, Kokichi bowed his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You've got to be fucking with me," he whispered.

"Are you alright?" Saihara whispered in his ear.

Smirking, Kokichi thought of an idea to make this boring assembly fun. Keeping his gaze forward, he made sure all of the staff were paying attention to the guest speaker. "I'm gonna dip."

"You can't do that! It's against the rules!" Saihara panicked.

"Watch me." 

"Wait!" Kokichi hummed with an increasing smirk. "I'm coming with you." Okay, well that wasn't expected but it sure was welcome.

Grinning, Kokichi began wondering if he was a horrible influence on the innocent conformist. Saihara's nervous squirming told Kokichi everything he needed to know. "Run when I do and don't look back." Noticing not a single pair of eyes straying from the stage, Kokichi couldn't let this chance go. He nudged Saihara before leaping from his seat, slamming the gym doors open and bolting through the academy.

Faint shouting could be heard from the gym but Kokichi didn't pause. He heard another pair of footsteps, glancing beside him to spot Saihara. They continued to sprint before Kokichi deviated toward a side entrance, running toward a garden bed lining the fences. Security would predict them to bolt through the main gate so that was the area to avoid.

Grabbing Saihara's hand, he collapsed behind a bush and pulled the detective close. They panted heavily, watching through thick leaves as security rushed outside in search of them. Tightening his grip on Saihara's hand, Kokichi tried to duck lower. His white uniform wouldn't help with camouflage.

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