Too Good to be True

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Kokichi curled in a ball, crushing Fifi between his torso and thighs. Saihara wrapped his arms around the smaller one from behind, cradling him in his lap. Akamatsu paced around the room, occasionally slipping on her plum, knee-high socks. "Please, tell us why you did this," she begged. She crossed her arms, face permanently stuck in a frown.

"I told you that I didn't!" The short man cried into the soft red fox. He didn't care who saw now, and besides, it would only be the three who'd saved his lives twice.

"Who did?!" The pianist shouted. Kokichi had only ever seen her this upset once before when someone - not naming any names - accidentally spilled paint into her piano.

He opened his mouth to answer but faltered. "No one..." They sat for two hours talking to Kokichi about what happened, but Amami and Akamatsu refused to believe it wasn't a suicide attempt. Saihara, on the other hand...

The detective held Kokichi's jaw and leaned his head into the bluenette's shoulder, letting Saihara see his boyfriend's red, puffy eyes. "Did your dad do this do you?" Kokichi stared blankly at him. Even though Kokichi struggled to admit his almost-killer, he'd thrown so many hints around that the others ignored or swatted away. Despite this, it seemed that Saihara had been listening.

Kokichi felt his tears return, dripping down his cheeks as he began sobbing again. He gripped Saihara's shirt and buried his face into his warm embrace.

"No way!" Akamatsu shouted. She stopped pacing to stare at the two hugging on Kokichi's bed. "How could a parent want to harm their child?!"

Saihara helped turn Kokichi around, the latter's legs wrapping around the detective's waist. He felt Saihara rub circles on his back, helping calm him down again. Their bedroom door opened and Kokichi turned to see Amami entering, dropping Saihara's key on the nightstand with snacks and a few bottles of water.

"I'll arrest him, Kokichi," Saihara whispered.

His eyes widened and the man jumped back, falling from Saihara's lap. "No! Shuichi, you can't!" The man screamed. All the progress on keeping him calm vanished as he began sobbing, gripping his hair tight. He repeated his mantra of denial, shaking his head in terror.

"He tried to kill you!" Saihara argued. "After everything that he's done-"

"No, you can't!" Kokichi repeated, screaming as loud as possible to silence his boyfriend. "Please! He'll hurt you!" He released his hair to grab Saihara's collar, shaking the man.

No one else spoke as Kokichi continued to freak out, shaking violently as he begged Saihara not to take action. He could hear Saihara speaking but the words didn't have meaning, he couldn't understand them over the dread encasing his mind. Kokichi couldn't hear a word or feel anything except the looming horror of possibly losing his boyfriend at his father's hand.

Saihara yanked Kokichi into a tight hug, leaving him no space to tremble as he held the detective securely, as if he'd abandon the smaller if he let go. "I love you, Koko," he whispered into the man's ear, quiet enough for no one else to hear. "It's okay. Breathe for me. I'm here, you're okay, you're safe."

Breathing heavily, Kokichi nodded as Saihara repeated comforting words, calming him for the millionth time within two hours. He began apologising repeatedly, returning to straddling Saihara and burying his face into his shoulder.

"Ouma, can we trust you to ever be on your own?" Amami asked, crossing his arms as he stood by his girlfriend's side.

"He's saying his dad did it," the blonde pianist sighed.

"Is that why the room's a mess?" Amami questioned as if he believed Kokichi's admission. The victim nodded without leaving his boyfriend's lap.

Saihara leaned over and Kokichi whined, gripping the man tight. He didn't say anything, but his plea didn't go unnoticed. "I'm just getting you some water, I'm not leaving." Kokichi hesitated before nodding and moving back, letting Saihara pick up a water bottle and hand it to him. Taking a small sip, Kokichi sighed and shoved it back into Saihara's hands. The cold water slipping down his throat helped ground him, waking him from the nightmare for only a brief moment. At least that brief moment helped him focus on the moment and realise that he was still alive. "You know I'll have to report this to the agency, right?"

"Please don't!" Kokichi begged, grabbing his boyfriend's occupied hands.

"I don't have a choice, and I wouldn't want to let this slide anyway!" Saihara argued with a frown. Kokichi watched the iron walls build around him, preparing for anything the smaller had up his sleeve. "Ko, he tried to fucking kill you and disguise it as a suicide! It's an open and shut case!"

"It's my word against his! Besides... he had a reason..."

"What the hell could his reason be?" Saihara raised an eyebrow. "There's never a reason for murder, especially filicide. He'd get what's coming with him in jail."

Staring down at the blanket, Kokichi sighed. "My dad... uh... thought I was dating a guy..." Saihara hummed as the man curled up again, leaning his shoulder against his boyfriend's chest and making himself as small as possible. When he heard someone sneeze, he remembered they weren't alone and glanced at Akamatsu and Amami. "You guys should go and do whatever you want instead of wasting your time here."

"We want to spend the night here, Ouma." He frowned at Amami as Akamatsu nodded in agreement. When Saihara thanked them, Kokichi knew he had no way to weasel out of the situation. They trapped him in a loop of help that he didn't deserve from people who had better things to do. Amami and Akamatsu excused themselves, leaving the room to fetch things so they could sleep over (although Kokichi heard them whisper something about granting him alone time).

As soon as the door closed, Saihara cradled Kokichi's jaw and forced them to look at each other and the latter couldn't escape. "What actually happened? Tell me everything."

"Someone sent him a photo of you kissing my cheek when we were at the park," Kokichi muttered as he wiped his burning, puffy eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" Saihara kissed his forehead and wiped a stray lock of hair from Kokichi's face only for it to flop back. He grabbed a cheese sandwich and smiled. "Open wide." Kokichi rolled his eyes but followed the request, taking a small bite of the sandwich. The detective gently held Kokichi's neck, using his thumb to caress the man's jaw. "Are you injured? Besides your neck?"

"I think I'm okay... He punched me and threw things at me," he whispered.

Saihara kissed his cheek, eyes filled with nothing but adoration. Kokichi couldn't get enough of it, but if only they could be in a happier situation. "We're keeping our relationship to this room then, okay? I'm not hurting you again." Guilt surged through Kokichi's stomach but he couldn't bring himself to say anything more. He didn't need to, not with Saihara showering him with kisses and compliments.

Amami and Akamatsu entered the room. Kokichi frowned as he watched the man drop a key onto Saihara's nightstand. Wow, he really was out of it that he didn't realise Amami took Saihara's key again. The two stood there in their night clothes, softly smiling at Kokichi. He rolled his eyes and frowned, beginning to regain his beloved liar personality. Saihara offered his bed to them and offered to share with Kokichi who had no objections. They'd been sharing his bed since they began dating and Saihara's only collected dust now.

Kokichi picked up his sandwich and yawned, leaning into Saihara as he nibbled the food. Closing his eyes, the man softly smiled as he finally felt comfortable.

.·:*¨💜༺ ༻💙¨*:·.

Gasping for breath, Kokichi shot up drenched in sweat. He struggled to breathe and focus on his surroundings, all he remembered was his neck collapsing. Someone whispered beside him but he couldn't tell if anything was real. A hand gripped him and he jumped, legs tangled in the blankets as he tried to defend himself from the possible assailant.

"Shh, shh, breathe Koko." Staring at Saihara's shadow in the dark room, Kokichi nodded as he eventually controlled his breathing. He pulled the purplette into a hug and rubbed his back. Remembering that they had company, Kokichi lay down and cuddled Saihara. "What happened?"

"I think I had a nightmare," the supreme leader hushed. He wasn't too sure but it seemed like he had. Maybe it was about the murder attempt but Kokichi might've tried to block it out from his memory.

As Saihara kissed his forehead and pulled him closer, Kokichi allowed his eyes to shut again. He felt safe in his boyfriend's arms and sweat-soaked blankets. Nothing bad would happen to him with Saihara around, and he'd love to return the favour someday. All Kokichi wanted was to give his boyfriend the best life possible, but he couldn't until all his problems went away.

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