Chapter Three

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I entered the cabin. It was late at night. Once the wolves started to howl, I figured that I'd better get inside before Mom and/or Dad started calling. I said goodbye to Skrael and then left. Mom was already fixing dinner. As a matter of fact, the food was already at the table. Everyone was sitting there, waiting for me. I felt awkward and buried my head in my scarf before sitting at the table. 

"Where were you?" Terri asked, once we finished saying our prayers, blessing our food and then beginning to eat.

"Taking a walk," I lied.

"Oh, but, Terry, you should be careful. There are wolves, moose, and...other animals."

"I'll be fine. I can protect myself." 

Terri rolled his eye. "Dad and I went fishing."

"That sounds nice," I said sarcastically. Mom gave me a tap, signifying that I should not be rude. "I mean...what'd you catch?"

"Nothing. The fish weren't biting today," Dad said. "But we had fun, didn't we, Terri?"

"Yes, sir!"

They high-fived, but I ignored them. 


Terri and I always shared a bed since there were only two bedrooms. That night,  I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Terri..." I said.

"What?" he asked, annoyed.

"I have a secret to tell you. But you cannot tell anyone. Not Mom. Not Dad. Not any of our family members. No one."

"Okay, what is it?"

He sat up. Mom and Dad were in the other room, fast asleep.

"Remember when Mom sent me to get the wood?"


"I looked really different."

"You look fine, Terry," He said. He fell back on the bed, "Now, go to sleep."

"No," I said, shaking him, "I looked really different. Watch." I climbed out of the bed.

'Please tell me this works.'

I closed my eyes deep in thought and concentration. Terri's eyes went wide.

"Ta-da," I said.

He stared, open mouthed.


I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes, the antlers, and the snowflake patterns around my neck glowing.

"So cool," Terri said, climbing out of the bed, "Tell Mom."

"No, that's not all. I went to get the wood, and I fell in the lake."

He gasped, "Your voice. You sound like a girl."

"Stop it, Terri. Someone saved me. A boy."

He raised an eyebrow. "Terry, if you tell me you have an imaginary friend, I'm going to tell Mom."

"No, a boy named Skrael."

He smiled, "And you have a crush on him!"

"No, I don't. Come on, Terri. Act mature."

He grinned, "Whatever. So the moral of the story is, you look different, and a boy saved you. By the way, what kind of name is Skrael?"

"He calls me little deer."

"Then he has a crush on you."

"Shhh," I said, pushing him into the bed just as I heard footsteps in the hallway. I pulled the covers over myself. "We're friends now, and I'm going to meet him tomorrow."

"Well, you better get his email address, 'cause while you were "getting wood", I overheard Mom saying we were leaving tomorrow."



Mom opened the door, and I pretended to sleep, but I could do anything but sleep.

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