Chapter Twenty Four

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"I find you sexually attractive?" Lucifer said, "Come on, Wilbur!"

"What? They're all cool-looking."

"Celeste and I have better chances at getting married than you and that flame demigod getting together! I can't even imagine something as horrid as that!"

"Who were those?" Bones said, "I mean, they said that they were the First. What does that even mean?"

"The Arcane Order killed some people on their way in," Terry said, "I saw them. I tried to warn you, but I got lost among the corridors. I'm going to bed early. It's been a long day for me. Training Wilbur...and please don't embarrass us like that ever again."

"What?" He said, "What did I do?"

"Oh, you did everything, kid," Lucifer said as Terry went upstairs.

"We can't find out anything about the Order without having a lead," Ferdinand said.

"Or maybe we do," Ava said, holding up a strand of hair, "I shrunk into an insect and collected a sample from each one of them. Now, all I have to do is insert this into a mixture and download the information."

"They are a foursome of primordial demigods who wish to maintain the balance between magic and mortals alike. In actuality, however, their actions caused nothing but agony to both humanity and magical beings. The Arcane Order were the ones who originally created the universe and the Earth, using the Titans as their handmaidens in the process of creation. Since the beginning of time and space, they have been dedicated to protecting the balance between magic and mortals at all costs. However, all of their actions have only caused nothing but pain and death to both worlds," Celeste read.

"The Titans...what are the Titans?" Glamour asked, holding the pot.

"I don't know. I'll try and look it up further," Ava said, "Maybe I can find something else tomorrow."

"What if they work for the Evil Angel?" Bones said.

"They have two entirely different goals. The Order, apparently, strives to restore balance, but at the same time achieves only chaos. The Evil Angel wants nothing but anarchy and machinery. If the two met, I bet that they'd destroy each other," Lucifer said.

The team said their goodbyes and left.



 The house was quiet. No one was around. The lights were off and even the crickets at night were silent. A frost fell across the kitchen island. Skrael teleported into the kitchen and floated around for a while.

"You know the plan?"

I appeared. I had been hanging upside down on the ceiling, and my legs were getting really tired. "Yes."

Skrael coughed.

"I don't think you should be here," I said, "It's getting worse."

"This is worse," Skrael said.

Ava had left her computer on the table fortunately for the both of us.

"Go ahead," Skrael said.

"I cannot. Ava is an excellent tracker. She will immediately realize my fingerprints."

Skrael sat at the table and opened the computer. "Do you know her password?"

"She always changes it every week, but I think I have a clue. ChIcKeN&WaFfLlEs_16677/potato & rice/TEDDY/(ACNH)!. I'm always watching everyone."

"Strange girl," Skrael said. He typed in the password anyway and gasped. "They know everything about us."

I rested my pale white arms on the head of the chair. "She took it from our DNA."

"We will have to delete it. They cannot know anything."

"But before you do, download it onto a drive."

"For what purpose?"

"At least keep it. You never know if it will come into use."

Skrael rolled his eyes and did it anyway. Finally he deleted the information about the Arcane Order and stood up. "You live here?" he said, with disgust.

"Not really. I just come over along with everyone else."

"You should live with us. It's much more comfortable."

"But aren't I a spy?"

"If you want to."

They walked around. Suddenly they knocked into each other.

"Uh.." Phoenix said. "Sorry."

They both blushed, staring at each other.

As if that weren't awkward enough, they both had the same eyes.

"We should go," Skrael said.

"Yeah," Phoenix said. "We should."


"Did you delete it?" Bellroc asked.

"Yep," Phoenix said, "It's gone."

"Skrael, what are you doing out of bed?" she said.

"I can't wander around at night?"

"Not when you're ill."

"I just happened to find it amusing how that young mortal found you appealing."

Bellroc rolled her pauldron eyes. I laughed under my breath.

"Wilbur is a very strange kid. He's always doing something mortifying to us and himself. I'll make sure he isn't a problem."

Skrael coughed harshly. Both Bellroc, Nari, and I turned suddenly.

"Calm down, people! I'm fine!" Skrael shouted before coughing again.

Everyone raised an eyebrow.

"I swear, I'm not sick!" He said.

"You'll give yourself a headache," Bellroc said.

"Too late," Skrael said, drawing a hand to his head.

"Again?" Nari said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"I hate you, Nari," Skrael said, sitting on the couch.

"Skrael, you don't hate Nari," Bellroc said.

"Hate is a strong word," I said, sitting next to him.

"I have strong opinions," Skrael said.

"You're annoying," Nari said.

"Not as much as you, imp," Skrael said.

Nari balled her hand into a fist.

"Quit fighting, you two," Bell said.

Skrael was seized by a violent fit of coughing, and I put my arm around him.

"Do your friends know about this?" Nari asked.

"Skrael's sickness?" I said.

"I'm not sick," Skrael said. He then coughed again.

"No, being a member of the Order. They didn't seem to recognize you at the party."


"You should tell them. They might understand."

"And if they don't? I could be kicked off the team? A-and what about my parents? What will they say?"

"You don't have to tell your parents," Skrael said.

"It's Phoenix's decision whether she wants to tell people or not," Bellroc said, sitting next to me.

Skrael coughed again, and it began raining.

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