Chapter 1

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December 2016

Willow Downey is the eldest of Robert Downey Jr's children. Her parents got married right before she was born then her brother, Indio, was born about a year and a half later. It was known that Robert dealt with addiction for a long time. In 2003, he became sober but it did nothing to mend the relationship with his wife. Right before Willow's twelfth birthday, her parents got divorced and her mother walked out of their life. After that she was no longer a present figure in her life. About a year later, he married his current wife, Susan, and she was incredible. Willow and Indio adored her and she treated them as her own children even after her and Robert had two of their own, Exton and Avri.

Since Willow was born, her and Robert always had a special bond and were the best of friends. Willow looked up to her dad so much so when Robert got cast as Iron Man, she was so proud of him. She was almost fifteen when he started filming so after a lot of convincing, her parents let her be homeschooled so that she could join Robert on set. She loved being on set with her dad and even joined him for Iron Man 2 and The Avengers.

The filming of The Avengers was Willow's absolute favorite. She was eighteen when filming started and done with high school so she had a lot more free time to be on set everyday. She grew extremely close to the cast and they all took her in as family, she was like a sister to all of them.

A few months after the premiere of the movie, she decided to move to Paris. She was twenty years old and dreamed of being a photographer. Lucky for her, because of her last name, finding work wasn't hard. She worked for a few fashion magazines and she quickly became a very well known photographer in the fashion world. While she did fashion professionally, she also did a lot of side projects for fun. Either just capturing people on the street, her friends, or people who attended events and parties she went to, or even a few behind the scenes photography for films and shows.

It was Christmas Eve 2016 and Willow was twenty-four years old and hadn't been back in America since she left in 2012. The only time she ever really saw her family was when they would come visit her in the summer. She definitely hadn't spent a Christmas with her family since before she left but she planned to surprise them this year.


Phone Call
Calling Dad 👑

"Hey dad!"

"Hey Will! Hows it going?"

"Good! What are you guys up to?"

"Just watching a movie. How about you? Any plans for Christmas?"

"Ehh not really. But I did have a surprise for you. I got you something for Christmas and it just arrived. It should be waiting for you outside."

"Ooh a present for me!"

Willow could hear Robert getting up and walking to the door. As soon as the door opened, Robert's eyes widened as he was met with his smiling daughter.

"Merry Christmas dad!"


She hung up the phone and jumped to wrap her arms around her dad. He wrap her in a tight hug as tears began to form in his eyes. "Oh my god Willow, what are you doing here?" he said before breaking the hug to get a good look at her.

"I wanted to surprise you for Christmas," she smiled through her tears. "I really missed you dad."

"I missed you too Will. It's so good to see you," he wiped the tears from his eyes. "C'mon I'm sure everyone is gonna be just as surprised and excited to see you." She walked in and Robert led her to the living room where the rest of the family was. They were all watching a movie and didn't hear the pair walk in. "Hey everyone Willow sent a surprise for all of us."

Everyone turned to see what it was and once they saw her they all jumped up to hug her. "Oh my gosh I can't believe you're here!" Susan said as she hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too mom!" she said with tears in her eyes.

Her siblings all wrapped her a big group hug, "It's so good to see you guys. I've missed you all so much!"

They were all so happy to finally be back together again. They continued to catch up on everything they missed. Conversation eventually led to Robert asking what everyone else was wondering, "So Will as much as we're all happy to see you, what are you doing here?"

"Well actually that's part of your surprise." Robert perked up at the thought of another surprise. "So I received a phone call a few months ago. I guess some of my behind the scenes and on set work got around to some people and I got hired for a new job." Robert nodded at her to continue. "So turns out I'm gonna be the Still Photographer for the upcoming Avengers movie!"

Robert jumped up and pulled her into a hug. "Oh my god! Will! That's incredible!"

"Yup! So if it's okay, I'll be staying with you guys here in New York and then I'll be flying out with you to Atlanta to start working."

"Yes! That sounds amazing! Everyone is going be so excited to see you again! They're always asking for you."

"I can't wait to see them all again!"


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robertdowneyjr best christmas surprise evertagged: @willowdowney

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robertdowneyjr best christmas surprise ever
tagged: @willowdowney

susandowney we missed you so much sweetheart

username omg is she moving back to america??

indiodowney good to have you back sis

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