Chapter 92

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Aaliyah just turned fifteen. In a month she will be starting her sophomore year of high school. She didn't really have any crushes growing up but once she started high school she started to look at her best friend a little differently. She no longer saw him as her adorable best friend. He was now a cute fifteen year old. She had a crush on her best friend.

Turns out Grace was right about James having a crush on her. They met seven years ago but it only took about two years for James to realize he had a crush on her while it took Aaliyah about five. Now here they both were having secret crushes on each other. Neither of them daring to tell a soul about it.

They hung out together pretty much any chance they could. During the week they saw each other at school but occasionally would go to each other's house to do homework together. Then on the weekends, when they weren't with their families they were with each other. Since it was now summer break, they spent even more time together. A lot of the time Athena would also be with them, which they didn't mind at all. Aaliyah loved her little sister to pieces and James saw her as a little sister. When Athena wasn't with them she was usually either doing art in her room, taking her art class, or with some of her own friends.

Currently, they were sitting with their feet in the pool in Aaliyah's backyard. It was like any other day. They spent most of the summer in the backyard, usually in the pool. James even had a few swim trunks along with other clothes in the guest room closet, since he spent so much time at their house. Sebastian was filming in the city, Athena was at her art class, and Willow was running some errands while she waited to pick up Athena. Aaliyah and James were all alone.

"Hey how about we play a game?" James suggested.

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"How about truth or dare?"

"Seriously?" James just gave her a smirk and she rolled her eyes. "Fine. But I get to go first."

"Fine with me," he laughed.

"Truth or dare?"


"Who's your favorite Avenger?"

"Scarlet Witch."

"Wow you said that way too quickly. Just wait until my dad hears that he's not your favorite anymore," she chuckled.

"No wait don't tell him!"

"We'll see how this game goes and then I'll decided," she joked.

"You're mean," he chuckled. "Okay my turn. Truth or dare?"


"Hmm I dare you to.. I dare you to jump in the pool."

"With my clothes on??" He chuckled as he nodded. She groaned before standing up and jumping in the pool. She quickly got out and sat back next to him dripping wet. "Just so you know I am so telling my dad now," they both laughed. "My turn. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to tell my dad he's not your favorite avenger once he gets home."

"That is just evil! He'll never let me back in your house!" They both laughed at the thought of Sebastian's reaction. They continued on with the game, doing a bunch of silly questions and dares. Eventually things got a little more serious.

"Truth or dare," Aaliyah asked.


"Do you like anybody?"

This caught him by surprise but he knew he couldn't lie. "Yes," he blushed. "My turn. Truth or dare?"


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