Chapter 3

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January 2017

"Are you ready to head out Will?" Robert shouted from downstairs. Willow had been staying in her family's home for the past two weeks and now she and Robert were getting ready to fly out to Atlanta to get started on filming Avengers: Infinity War.

"Yeah I'm coming!" Willow said as she came walking down with her luggage. "Let's go!" she said as she ran out to the car. They had a short two hour flight but it still felt so long for Willow. All she wanted to do was to see her Marvel family again. She hadn't seen them since she left for Paris and she missed them all terribly.

When they arrived, they went straight to the house that they had rented for the seven months they'd be living in Atlanta. They wouldn't be going to set until the next day so they just decided to have a night in so they ate dinner and relaxed for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Willow was up bright and early. She was ready to see everyone again and to meet all the new people who had joined the cast since she left. "C'mon dad let's go!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Robert chuckled as he walked down the stairs to find her already waiting by the door. He looked at his daughter, smiling at her excitement.


"I'm just really proud of you Will," he smiled.

"Thanks dad," she hugged hum. "Now let's go!"

It was a short car ride to set and as soon as they arrived, Willow ran to go find a familiar face. The first ones she saw were Scarlett and Mark. They didn't notice her running up behind them, "Boo!" she yelled causing both of them to jump.

"Will!" they both screamed once they saw who it was. They both took turns hugging her and telling her how much they missed her.

"Wow look at you! You look great!" Scarlett said.

"Thanks," she responded shyly. They continued talking for a few more minutes before she took off to find more people. The next two people she saw were Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. They were in deep conversation before they heard someone scream their names. As soon as they turned to see who it was, she ran over to them and since Tom spread his arms out first she jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist as he lifted her. "Oh my gosh! I missed you both so much!" she said as he put her down.

"We've missed you too darling!" Tom smiled.

"It's been so long since we've last seen you! How has everything been?" Chris asked after he took his turn giving her a hug.

"It's been good. I've been really busy the past few years but I'm super grateful since it landed me back here with all of you!"

"Well it's great to have you back! Set hasn't been as fun without you around," Tom said. They all laughed and continued on their conversation.

A few feet away from them stood Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan. They were both catching up before Sebastian turned to see the group talking. He interrupted Chris mid sentence, "Woah," he said as he pointed to the unfamiliar girl talking to the two actors. "Who's that?" Chris looked over to where he was pointing and smiled at the sight of his friend he hadn't seen in years. "She's beautiful," Sebastian whispered. Chris ignored him and ran over to the group.

"Willow!" he screamed as he got closer, leaving Sebastian behind. "It's so good to see you!" he said as he squeezed her in a hug.

"You too Chris! I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too!" he said. He looked over towards Sebastian and called him forward. He started making his way to the group shyly. "Willow there's someone I want you to meet. This is-"

"Sebastian Stan, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Willow," she said interrupting Chris. She held her hand out for him to shake, "Big fan," she smiled.

"Wow big fan huh," Sebastian chuckled. "So I'm assuming you're a Bucky fan?"

"While that is true, that's not what I was referring to. As a teenager, I was a huge Gossip Girl fan, and I always had a soft spot for Carter Baizen," she smirked. He couldn't help the blush that rose to his cheeks as the other three men laughed. Before he could say anything she spoke up again, "It was great meeting you," she smiled and walked away.

They all noticed how flustered Sebastian was by the small interaction and chuckled at their friend, "Looks like our little Sebby here has a crush," Evans teased.

"On none other than Robert's daughter," Hemsworth added.

"I do not have crush," he rolled his eyes.

"Well the blush on your cheeks says otherwise," Tom giggled.

Once she caught up with her dad again, Willow was able to meet some more of the cast including Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, and Chadwick Boseman. She also got to know some of the cast that even her dad hadn't met, mainly the Guardians. Along with meeting some of the higher ups she had only talked on the phone with. Overall it was a pretty great day seeing everyone again and meeting all the new people. She was really looking forward to the next seven months of being on this set.


Willow Downey posted a photo

willowdowney the next few months are gonna be awesome!tagged: @robertdowneyjr @markruffalo @marvel

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willowdowney the next few months are gonna be awesome!
tagged: @robertdowneyjr @markruffalo @marvel

robertdowneyjr so proud of you Will!

usernmane is she working on the new avengers movie??

twhiddleston so glad to have you back darling!

username can't wait to see all the behind the scenes pics we're gonna get!

elizabetholsen it was great meeting you!

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