Chapter 14

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May 2017

It was late and most of the party guests had left. The only ones still there were Robert and Willow of course and Tyler since he was staying with them, along with Sebastian, Evans, Hemsworth, Hiddleston, Scarlett, and Mark. Willow's one request was that the original Avengers slept over after the party, and now since everyone knew about her relationship with Sebastian she invited him to stay as well. They spent most of the night just talking and reminiscing about old times.

While they were on the couch, Willow was fighting sleep. "Okay Willow it's time for you to get to bed," Robert said.

"I'll sleep here. Too tired to walk," she slurred.

"C'mon sweetheart, I'll take you," Sebastian said. He gave her no time to protest and picked her up bridal style.

"Come back down after you've put her to bed," Robert said softly enough so she wouldn't hear. Sebastian nodded before walking towards her room.

Once they got to her room, Sebastian gently set her down in her bed. She was still wearing her swimsuit under the dress she used to cover up in. Sebastian went to her closet and pulled out a pair of pajamas along with clean underwear. He worked at gently taking off her dress and swimsuit and began to help her get dressed. When he was going to put her pajamas on she stopped him, "Wanna wear one of your shirts," she whispered.

"We'll since I only just got invited to stay over, I didn't bring any extra clothes with me," he sighed.

"Stole one from your apartment. It's in the closet." He chuckled before walking back to her closet and looking for the shirt she mentioned. He found it neatly hung up with her other t-shirts. He walked back out and slipped on the shirt that fit her more like a dress. He placed a kiss on her forehead and began to walk towards the door. "Don't leave me."

Sebastian turned towards her, "Just go back to sleep and I'll be back soon okay," he walked back to her and placed a loving kiss on her lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," she mumbled before turning around and quickly falling asleep.

He smiled at her before walking back towards the living room. He walked straight to the couch and took the seat he had occupied earlier. He knew a talk was coming, so he just sat and waited patiently for someone to speak.

"So you wanna tell me how this happened?" Robert finally asked.

Sebastian hesitated, he wasn't sure how he felt about sharing with his girlfriend's father how their relationship started. "I don't know if she'd want me sharing that with you."

Robert rolled his eyes. "Oh please. My daughter has always been open with me. I know how she is. Just tell us."

Sebastian groaned as he ran his hands over his face. "Fine," he paused. "Well she was on set during my scene in Wakanda. When we were done, she rushed out so I decided to follow her to make sure she was okay. When I walked out she was on the floor and her knee was bleeding, she had tripped somehow. So I took her back to my trailer to help her clean it up and then one thing led to another. Then we told each other we liked each other but she wasn't ready for a relationship yet. So we were just hanging around casually for about a month. Then Evans and Scarlett walked in on us one day," Chris and Scarlett couldn't hold back their chuckles at the thought of what they walked into. "Shut it you two," he blushed. "So later that day she asked me out on a date. Then that night she told me about Joshua. We talked about it a little then she asked me to be her boyfriend. And yeah that was like two months ago and now here we are."

"Wow she asked you? Good for her," Mark smiled.

"So she told you about Joshua?" Robert asked.

Sebastian nodded sadly, remembering what she shared with him. "Yeah. She wanted me to know before we decided to move our relationship forward."

"Just so you know, that girl is like a sister to us," Tom said.

"We love her very much and will do anything to protect her," Hemsworth said.

"So don't think that we won't come after you if you break her heart," Evans said.

"Look," Tyler finally spoke up, "I was there when everything with Joshua went down. It killed me to see how he treated her, the way he spoke to her. You're different, I can see you care about her."

"Sebastian just take care of my little girl okay?" Robert said softly.

"Guys," Sebastian sighed. "I know it's all happened quickly but I love her, okay. I haven't felt this way about someone, like ever. I'm serious about her and I will do everything in my power to see her happy. Just please trust me."

"You're a good man Sebastian. I could see why she loves you," Scarlett said to him.

Sebastian couldn't help the blush and smile that appeared on his face. "Okay guys I think we've sufficiently given him the talk, now let him go back up to his lady," Evans chuckled.

They all smiled at him. "Thanks guys. I'll see you all tomorrow. Goodnight." With that, he went up to Willow's room and got dressed for bed. He lifted the blanket and wrapped his arms around her, making her stir a little. "Shh sweetheart it's just me. Go back to sleep." She relaxed in his arms and let her head rest on his chest. He pressed his lips on her forehead, "Goodnight draga mea. I love you."

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