Chapter 39

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February 2021

Willow and Sebastian were so happy to be having a baby even though it was completely unplanned. But the real downside to her pregnancy being unplanned was that Sebastian had filming lined up all the way to July. He only had about three weeks off between March and April and then he'd be done filming right before the baby was due and hopefully he'd make it in time for the birth.

Sebastian had just flown out to Canada to film his new movie, Fresh, and Willow was now four months pregnant. Willow knew that while Sebastian was gone that she'd have to do most of the preparations without him, including the nursery. She wished that she could be doing it with Sebastian but her family jumped in to help once they found out Sebastian wouldn't be there.

They knew going nursery shopping with Exton and Avri would be too much so Indio offered to just stay with them at Willow's house. He would just help once they got back from shopping.

Willow, Robert, and Susan had just arrived at a baby store that Willow had seen online. She was determined to get as much as she could from this store and then just go to Target for whatever else they needed.

"Okay so did you guys decided on a theme for the nursery?" Susan asked.

"Yeah we did," Willow pulled out her phone to show her parents the Pinterest board her and Sebastian had put together. "We just want something really neutral. We're not planning on finding out the gender so we want it to work either way."

"Well why don't we start with the crib and work our way from there," Robert suggests. Willow's eyes immediately drew to a birch wood crib and she knew it was perfect. She then decided on simple off white bedding with a burnt orange swaddle blanket and a few throw pillows. She also picked out a few stuffed animal toys that matched their color scheme.

"Sweetheart look at this rocking chair!" Susan pointed to an oak rattan rocking chair. "Oh and this side table!"

"That's perfect! And it would go so well with this pillow I picked out!"

"Will look at this rug I found!" Robert held up an adorable lion rug.

"I love it!"

"What do you guys think about this lamp shade?" Willow asked as she showed them a bamboo pendant lamp.

"Oh I love that," Susan said. They kept grabbing small things they saw in the store, pretty much finding everything they needed.

"Do you guys think we should paint or just do like wallpaper?"

"I'm thinking wallpaper. It makes it so much easier to do some cute pattern," Robert said.

"Well how about this one?" Willow pointed to a black and white herringbone wallpaper. "With these sun and moon frames?"

"I think it'll look beautiful," Susan smiled. After going through the store once more to make sure they hadn't forgotten anything, they finally paid and were on their way home.

They spent the rest of the day working hard to fix up the nursery. Robert and Indio weren't letting Willow do much so she spent most of her time playing with Exton, Avri, and Bucky. Once everything was done, they called her in to take a look and her eyes filled with tears. "Oh my gosh. It looks so beautiful!" She pulled her mom, dad, and brother in for a hug. "Thank you guys so much!"

"It was a pleasure to be able to do this for my first grandchild," Robert beamed.

"Now all that's left is to fill it with clothes and diapers," Susan giggled.

"I'll probably just order all that online so Seb could help pick stuff out."

"Well you'll probably get all that at your baby shower," Susan reminded.

"Well I wasn't planning on having one."

Robert let out an over dramatic gasp, "What do you mean? Of course we're throwing one for you." He looked almost offended at the idea of not being able to throw his first born child a baby shower.

"It just feels wrong for people to be buying us a bunch of gifts when we have the money to afford it."

"People are gonna buy the baby gifts anyways so might as well party while we're at it," Robert said.

"Okay fine but we have to have it while Seb is home between March and April. I'm not having one without him here."

"Wouldn't dream of it. I'll get planning now. And if it'll make you feel better, I'll tell people to limit to one gift," Robert smiled.

"That's all I ask," Willow smiled. "Now I gotta get some pictures of the room so I can send to Seb."



Willow 🤍
the nursery is all ready!

Sebs 🖤
already?! I didn't expect you guys to finish in one day

Willow 🤍
well mom, dad, and Indio were very excited. they didn't even let me help!

Sebs 🖤
good! I don't want you to be doing any heavy lifting

Willow 🤍
I am more than capable

Sebs 🖤
I know you are but you have people there that love to help you

Willow 🤍
I know I know
now do you wanna see it?!

Sebs 🖤

Willow 🤍

what do you think?

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what do you think?

Sebs 🖤
Will I love it!
tell your family I said thank you and that I love them

Willow 🤍
what about me?

Sebs 🖤
I love you more than life it self draga mea

Willow 🤍
that's more like it
I love you too
also, my dad is planning a baby shower for us while you're home
I tried to talk him out of it but he was very insistent

Sebs 🖤
I figured he would
he is very excited to be a grandpa so I expect this to be the beginning of the spoiling

Willow 🤍
he's gonna go crazy when the baby is actually here

Sebs 🖤
I expect nothing less from him
I gotta get back to filming so I'll call you when I get to my hotel
I love you and Bucky and our baby

Willow 🤍
we love you too!

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