Chapter 5

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January 2017

Today was the first official day of filming. Lucky for Willow, since she was not only shooting still shots of the movie but also behind the scenes content, she had access to pretty much the whole set. This really gave her the chance to get to know the whole cast and crew. She was a very outgoing, extroverted person so she had absolutely no issues in making friends with everyone she encountered. She always liked to talk with everyone involved in a project and something as big as this was no exception. She wanted this to be the most fun she would have on any set.

Her favorite times were of course getting to work with the original Avengers cast. She was already so close to them and being with them on set just reminded her of old times. Some her fondest memories were of her time on the set of The Avengers. Even though she hadn't seen them all in years, they still were some of her best friends.

The times she got to spend with Tom Hiddleston on set were always the best in her opinion. For some reason, the two of them always got along super well and quickly had become the best of friends, despite their eleven year age difference.

She was sitting near the directors watching Tom film his scene. She was always amazed at how well he played Loki since Tom was the complete opposite of his character. She could see why his character was such a fan favorite. "Wow Tom that was great!" she said as he walked over to her once he finished his scene.

"Thanks Will," he smiled at her. "Did you get any good shots?"

"Oh yeah! I got some great ones of you!" They continued talking for a while longer, until he got called back to film. "Well I'm gonna go grab some lunch. I'll see you later Tom!"

Once she grabbed her food, she noticed Sebastian sitting alone, eating a snack. "Is it okay if I join you?" she asked as she approached him.

He looked up slowly and couldn't help but smile, "Of course."

She sat down in front of him and started eating, "So how's filming going for you?" she asked.

"Well I haven't done much today but it's going well so far. How about for you? I'm sure wandering around set is a lot of fun."

"Oh it is! I just came from shooting some of Tom's scenes and it was great!"

"You two are close aren't you?" he asked with some worry in his voice. He couldn't deny the crush he had on her and he was really looking to maybe getting to know her better. But before showing any interest he wanted to make sure he wasn't getting in the way of anything.

"Yeah we are. Since we met back on the set of The Avengers, we clicked. Once I moved to Paris, he came to visit a few times when he had some free time," Sebastian got a little discouraged at hearing this. "He's one of my best friends." He seemed to quickly gain back some of his confidence.

"Well that's great. He's a great guy," Sebastian said.

"Aw thanks Sebastian. I am a great guy," Chris Evans said as he set down next to Willow.

"But not a humble one," Sebastian joked causing Chris to pout playfully.

"If you must know, we were talking about Hiddleston. I just came from shooting some stuff with him."

"Oh yes. Quite the man he is, handsome too," Chris smirked. He knew about how close Tom and Willow were but he knew they were nothing more than friends. He was trying to get her to indirectly reassure Sebastian that nothing was going on between them.

"Yeah. I mean there's no denying that he is pretty hot but I can't help but to see him as a best friend, a big brother even," she said before taking another bite to eat.

Chris kicked Sebastian under the table discreetly. This just confirmed that nothing was going on or would probably ever happen between them. Chris loved Willow like a little sister and he couldn't help but be excited about the possibility of her and Sebastian dating. He knew they would be a good match for each other so he was determined to get them together. He just needed to find a way to figure out if she liked him.

The three continued talking for a little longer before Sebastian was called to set and Willow went to shoot some more content. Chris ran into Elizabeth and Scarlett and knew they'd be the perfect people to help him out. "Hey ladies I need your help with something," they both nodded asking him to continue. "So I need you guys to find out if Willow is in a relationship or likes anyone."

"Why?" Elizabeth asked.

"I happen to have the perfect match for her."

"Ooh please tell me its Sebastian. I saw the way he looked at her during the dinner party," Scarlett said excitedly.

"As a matter of fact yes. He's major crushing on her and I think they'd be great together."

"Well it just so happens all the girls are staying at my place tonight so I'm sure we can get something out of her," Scarlett said.

"Perfect!" Chris said. They continued to talk, coming up with a plan to make this happen.


Willow Downey posted a photo

willowdowney days on set with you are always a blast!tagged: @twhiddleston @marvel

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willowdowney days on set with you are always a blast!
tagged: @twhiddleston @marvel

twhiddleston its great to have you back!

username the god of mischief himself!

chrishemsworth looking good brother!

username I'm so stoked for this movie!!

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