Chapter 10*

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March 2017

A month had passed since Willow and Sebastian had their talk and they had gotten incredibly close. The only person who knew about their growing relationship was Tyler and he had been back in Paris for a few weeks now. Most of their alone time was spent in Sebastian's apartment or Willow's house when her dad wasn't there. They would occasionally sneak off to one of their trailers but they knew they had to be extra careful to make sure no one caught them.



Sebastian 😍
hey are you free right now?

Willow 🤍
yeah I was just walking back to my trailer from lunch

Sebastian 😍
I kinda have a situation going on
was wondering if you could help me out?

Willow 🤍
walking to your trailer now


As soon as Willow knocked on the door, Sebastian pulled her in and slammed the door behind her. He pulled her into a passionate kiss which she immediately melted into. When he pulled away, she was left breathless. She pushed him down to the couch, "So what's this situation that you so badly needed my help with?" She smirked at him.

"I think you know baby," he grinned.

"Well how much time do we have?"

"I have another scene coming up in about ten minutes."

"Well I better get started then," she smirked as she moved down to her knees. The sight of Sebastian sitting there with an apparent bulge in his pants turned her on so much but she knew there was no time for her to get her release so she would just have to deal with herself later. For now, she was going to use up the ten minutes she had to make Sebastian feel incredible. She made quick work at undoing his pants and sliding them down along with his boxers. She made direct eye contact with him as she leant in and wrapped her lips around his tip.

"Holy shit," he moaned. He lowered his hand to tangle his finger in her hair. She lowered her mouth down further and started to bob her head. "Fuck your mouth feels so good." His mouth hung open as she continued to massage his shaft with her lips and swirl her tongue around his tip. His hand tightened around her hair as she started to bob faster. She moved her hand to his balls and began softly massaging them. "Shit I'm almost there." She continued to work him, using her other hand to stroke what she couldn't fit in her mouth. "Fuck! I'm cumming!" he moaned as he came into her mouth. She continued to suck as she swallowed every drop of him. "That was fucking incredible," he said as she let her mouth continue to work him through his high.

They were so lost in the moment that they didn't hear the knocking on the door, or the voices telling him he was needed on set, or the door open. They didn't notice anything around them until they heard a loud gasp. Willow quickly stood up and Sebastian pulled a blanket over his still naked lap. When they looked over to the door, there stood Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson with their mouth hung open and their eyes wide.

"Oh my god!" Scarlett said breaking the silence.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Chris exclaimed.

"Nothing," Willow quickly said. "We were just talking."

"Oh yeah sure. How the hell could you be talking when you have his dick in your mouth?" Scarlett scoffed.

"What are you guys even doing here? Don't you know how to knock?" Sebastian groaned.

"You're needed on set. And we did knock and we called out for you but when we got no answer we decided to come in to see if you were in here. But seems like you were a little distracted." Chris rolled his eyes.

Chris and Scarlett had both wanted Sebastian and Willow to get together but they never imagained it like this. They thought they would've started dating and had a cute relationship together. Instead they witnessed something they wished they never would have. Deep down they were both happy to see them together but they were still trying to process how exactly it happened.

"Guys please don't make a big deal about this." Willow pleaded.

"How long has this been going on? Are you guys together? Who else knows?" Scarlett asked.

"Umm a few weeks. No we're not, we're just having fun. And only Tyler knows and now you guys. And we'd really like to keep it that way. Please." Willow sounded desperate.

"Fine we won't say anything but please just be careful," Chris said. "Now c'mon they're waiting for us on set." He walked out with Sebastian following him.

Scarlett pulled Willow back and gave her a concerned look, "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Yes. He knows I'm not ready for a relationship yet so we decided to keep this casual."

"I just don't want you to get hurt. You've already been through too much."

"I know but he's nothing like Joshua. We actually really like each other and I don't want to jump into a relationship with him before I'm ready. If we get together I want to do it right."

She gave her a sympathic look, "Just take care of yourself please. And if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you," she said giving her a hug.

"Thanks Scar."

"I just hope I never have to see you like that again because now I think I'm scarred for life," she chuckled.

"Let's just pretend that never happened," she groaned. "Now let's go, you're gonna be late!" They walked out together and made their way to set. The actors did their scene and Willow was there to take pictures. She couldn't help the smile on her face every time she captured a shot of Sebastian. She also couldn't help but notice the small smiles he gave back to her. Maybe the idea of starting a relationship with him wasn't as scary as she thought it would be.


Willow Downey posted a photo

willowdowney so much hotness in one phototagged: @scarlettjohansson @imsebastianstan @chrisevans @marvel

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willowdowney so much hotness in one photo
tagged: @scarlettjohansson @imsebastianstan @chrisevans @marvel

scarlettjohansson the one behind the camera is hotter

username hot damn

chrisevans great shot Willow!

imsebastianstan not as hot as you
username is the #web ship sailing?

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