Chapter 65

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October 2023

Tom Hiddleston. The definition of a man written by a women. He was incredibly handsome, unbelievably kind, and insanely goofy. It was hard not to love the man. When Willow Downey first met him in 2011 on the set of The Avengers, she was like many others and had been mesmerized by the man. They soon became best friends and spent most of the time on set together. Years later, she even admitted to him that she had a crush on him and he ended up admitting the same. They both laughed about it, both agreeing that they didn't see each other as anything more than brother and sister.

When she moved to Paris, she still kept in close contact with the Avengers cast. They all always kept each other updated on what was going on with their lives and of course they were all there to help her through her tough breakup with Joshua. But the only one she ever saw other than her dad was Tom. He lived in London so they were only an hour flight away from each other. Every time he was actually in London, they would try to get together. So when Willow rejoined them in Atlanta, her and Tom immediately reconnected like no time had passed. He was truly one of her best friends.

Tom was coming to New York for an audition and would be there for about a week. Tom and Willow hadn't really been able to spend much time together since Aaliyah was born.

"Tom is coming to New York next week so we're gonna try to plan dinner with him," Willow told Sebastian.

"Why don't you invite him to stay here instead of a hotel?"

"Wait are you serious?"

"Yeah of course. It'd be great to spend some time with him and I'm sure Lia would love it."

"Okay I'll let him know! Thank you baby!" Willow was beyond excited that Tom agreed. She couldn't wait to spend the week with him.

Sebastian had offered to pick up Tom from the airport while Willow stayed home with Aaliyah and Bucky to make dinner for them all. Dinner was all ready and Willow, Aaliyah, and Bucky were all in the living room playing on the floor waiting for Sebastian and Tom to get home. When the sound of the door filled the room, she shot up to her feet and ran to the door. She jumped into his arms, engulfing him in a hug. "Tom! I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too Will! It's so good to see you again."

It wasn't long until Aaliyah came running to the door to see what all the commotion was about. "Uncle Tom!" she screamed when she saw the man standing at the door. She ran to him and was immediately lifted into the air and wrapped in Tom's arms.

"Lia, I've missed you my darling," he smiled as he placed a kiss on her cheek and moved her to carry her on his hip.

She remained cuddled into his chest, so happy to see him again, "Miss you."

They made their way to the living room to eat dinner and to catch up. "Thanks again for letting me stay here with you guys."

"It's no problem at all. You're family," Sebastian smiled. "And Aaliyah is obviously super happy to have you here."

"And you know we'll jump at any chance to be able to spend time with you. I mean, this one asks for you all the time," Willow said pointing to the little girl who insisted on sitting next to Tom during dinner.

Tom couldn't help but smile at Aaliyah. He absolutely adored her, not only because she was Willow and Sebastian's daughter, but because she was just a little ray of sunshine. She was the sweetest little girl in the world.

"Hey man I never got to congratulate you on the newest season of Loki. The show has been phenomenal!" Sebastian gushed.

"Thank you," he smiled. "I can't believe I'm still playing him after all this time."

"Well the fans can't get enough of you," Willow chuckled. "It's no doubt that you two are definite fan favorites. The people love the mysterious, broken, bad boys," she teased. They both laughed and blushed knowing that it was probably true.

They continued to catch up on their upcoming work and projects. Aaliyah even telling Tom all about her week. He played along as well as he could with how much he was able to understand from her babbling. Soon enough, dinner was over and they were all relaxing in the living room while a movie played in the background for Aaliyah.

"How are Zawe and the baby doing?" Willow asked.

"They're doing great. They're both home right now so I'm missing them both."

"I haven't seen them in so long."

"You guys should come visit soon!"

"Oh my gosh I'd love to! Maybe after the holidays. I'll call Zawe and we can try to plan something!"

The rest of the week was a blast. When they weren't working they spent as much time as they could together. Going out to all their favorite places, trying new places, or just staying home to relax. Willow and Tom were so happy they got to spend time together and Sebastian was truly amazed at how beautiful their friendship truly was.


Willow Stan posted a photo

willowstan walked into the kitchen to see them like this and my heart nearly meltedtagged: @twhiddleston

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willowstan walked into the kitchen to see them like this and my heart nearly melted
tagged: @twhiddleston

elizabetholsen omg this is the cutest thing ever

username the fan girls are screaming right now

zawe so precious
willowstan I miss you!
zawe me too! we should get together soon!
willowstan was just talking to Tom about it! we should definitely plan something
username the fact that they're friends makes me so happy

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