Chapter 7

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February 2017

"Hey dad! How was your day?" Willow asked her dad as they met up at their car to take them home.

"Hey Will. It was good, just really tiring. How about yours? How's it going so far?"

"It's going good. I've been having so much fun but I'm really missing Tyler." Robert had met his daughter's best friends the few times the family went to Paris to visit her. He actually really liked him and thought he was a great friend for her to have around.

"That's good to hear. Everyone is really loving you on set," he paused. "Why don't you have Tyler fly out to visit?"

"I'm too busy on set. I wouldn't even have time to hang out with him since we always get home so late."

"I can get him a pass to come on set. He obviously wouldn't be able to watch the actual filming but he could hang out with you while you have downtime."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah why not. I'm sure everyone would love to meet someone from your life back in Paris."

"Okay I'll call him when we get home. Thanks dad!" As soon as they got home, Willow ran to her room to call her best friend. They lived together back in Paris so she was really missing having him around. Tyler was a model and currently had some time off so when Willow asked him to fly to Atlanta, he immediately agreed and bought his ticket. He was also a big Marvel fan so he was so excited to be able to meet the cast. He had freaked out when he found out that Robert was his best friend's father and went even crazier when he actually got the chance to meet him. Willow was already looking forward to seeing how he would act around the huge cast that was in this movie.

A week later, Tyler was flying in. Since he was arriving in the afternoon he had to take a cab to the set since Willow wouldn't be able to pick him up. Once he got there he immediately went to go find Willow. When he spotted the back of her head talking to Scarlett and Elizabeth, it took everything in him not to freak out about the two ladies before greeting his friend. Tyler and Willow had a love for being dramatic so instead of going to tap her on the shoulder like a normal person he decided to scream her name from a few feet away.

Things went exactly like he thought they would. Willow turned around and ran towards her friend. He opened his arms up, allowing her to jump into them. He spun her around while they hugged each other. The two were genuinely so happy to see each other. It had been almost two months since they last saw each other and it had been the longest the friends had been separated since they met. "Oh my god Ty I missed yo so much!" Willow said as he set her down, his arms still around her.

"I missed you too!"

Scarlett and Elizabeth watched the whole thing, recognizing Tyler from her Instagram. While the friends were still hugging, a jealous Sebastian joined the girls. "Who's that?" he asked sounding annoyed.

"Tyler," Elizabeth said plainly. She knew why Sebastian was really asking but she figured she'd tease him. Sebastian rolled his eyes, not satisfied with the answer. "Oh calm down you big baby. That's her best friend from Paris. And before you get your panties in a twist, no they're not together or will ever be together. He's gay." Sebastian let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

A few seconds later, Willow was walking towards the group with Tyler walking next to her. He was trying to keep himself from freaking out, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of the actors. "Hey guys this is my best friend Tyler. Tyler this is Elizabeth, Scarlett, and Sebastian."

"Oh my god it's an honor to meet all of you! I'm such a big fan! Scarlett and Elizabeth, the two of you are fabulous! Sebastian your character is my absolute favorite!"

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